import * as core from '@actions/core'; import fs from 'fs'; import semver from 'semver'; import * as auth from '../src/authutil'; import * as setup from '../src/setup-dotnet'; import {DotnetCoreInstaller} from '../src/installer'; import * as cacheUtils from '../src/cache-utils'; import * as cacheRestore from '../src/cache-restore'; describe('setup-dotnet tests', () => { const inputs = {} as any; const getInputSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'getInput'); const getMultilineInputSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'getMultilineInput'); const getBooleanInputSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'getBooleanInput'); const setFailedSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'setFailed'); const warningSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'warning'); const debugSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'debug'); const infoSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'info'); const setOutputSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'setOutput'); const existsSyncSpy = jest.spyOn(fs, 'existsSync'); const maxSatisfyingSpy = jest.spyOn(semver, 'maxSatisfying'); const installDotnetSpy = jest.spyOn( DotnetCoreInstaller.prototype, 'installDotnet' ); const addToPathSpy = jest.spyOn(DotnetCoreInstaller, 'addToPath'); const isCacheFeatureAvailableSpy = jest.spyOn( cacheUtils, 'isCacheFeatureAvailable' ); const restoreCacheSpy = jest.spyOn(cacheRestore, 'restoreCache'); const configAuthenticationSpy = jest.spyOn(auth, 'configAuthentication'); describe('run() tests', () => { beforeEach(() => { getMultilineInputSpy.mockImplementation(input => inputs[input as string]); getInputSpy.mockImplementation(input => inputs[input as string]); getBooleanInputSpy.mockImplementation(input => inputs[input as string]); }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.resetAllMocks(); }); it('should fail the action if global-json-file input is present, but the file does not exist in the file system', async () => { inputs['global-json-file'] = 'fictitious.json'; inputs['dotnet-version'] = []; const expectedErrorMessage = `The specified global.json file '${inputs['global-json-file']}' does not exist`; await; expect(setFailedSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedErrorMessage); }); test(`if 'dotnet-version' and 'global-json-file' inputs aren't present, should log into debug output, try to find global.json in the repo root, fail and log message into info output`, async () => { inputs['global-json-file'] = ''; inputs['dotnet-version'] = []; maxSatisfyingSpy.mockImplementation(() => null); setOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); const expectedDebugMessage = 'No version found, trying to find version from global.json'; const expectedInfoMessage = `The global.json wasn't found in the root directory. No .NET version will be installed.`; await; expect(debugSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedDebugMessage); expect(existsSyncSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(infoSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedInfoMessage); }); it('should fail the action if quality is supplied but its value is not supported', async () => { inputs['global-json-file'] = ''; inputs['dotnet-version'] = ['6.0']; inputs['dotnet-quality'] = 'fictitiousQuality'; const expectedErrorMessage = `Value '${inputs['dotnet-quality']}' is not supported for the 'dotnet-quality' option. Supported values are: daily, signed, validated, preview, ga.`; await; expect(setFailedSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedErrorMessage); }); it('should call installDotnet() multiple times if dotnet-version multiline input is provided', async () => { inputs['global-json-file'] = ''; inputs['dotnet-version'] = ['6.0', '7.0']; inputs['dotnet-quality'] = ''; installDotnetSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('')); await; expect(installDotnetSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); it('should call addToPath() after installation complete', async () => { inputs['global-json-file'] = ''; inputs['dotnet-version'] = ['6.0', '7.0']; inputs['dotnet-quality'] = ''; installDotnetSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('')); addToPathSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); await; expect(addToPathSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should call auth.configAuthentication() if source-url input is provided', async () => { inputs['global-json-file'] = ''; inputs['dotnet-version'] = []; inputs['dotnet-quality'] = ''; inputs['source-url'] = 'fictitious.source.url'; configAuthenticationSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); await; expect(configAuthenticationSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( inputs['source-url'], undefined ); }); it('should call auth.configAuthentication() with proper parameters if source-url and config-file inputs are provided', async () => { inputs['global-json-file'] = ''; inputs['dotnet-version'] = []; inputs['dotnet-quality'] = ''; inputs['source-url'] = 'fictitious.source.url'; inputs['config-file'] = 'fictitious.path'; configAuthenticationSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); setOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); await; expect(configAuthenticationSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( inputs['source-url'], inputs['config-file'] ); }); it('should call setOutput() after installation complete successfully', async () => { inputs['dotnet-version'] = ['6.0.300']; installDotnetSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(`${inputs['dotnet-version']}`) ); addToPathSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); await; expect(setOutputSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it(`shouldn't call setOutput() if parsing dotnet-installer logs failed`, async () => { inputs['dotnet-version'] = ['6.0.300']; const warningMessage = `Failed to output the installed version of .NET. The 'dotnet-version' output will not be set.`; installDotnetSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(null)); addToPathSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); await; expect(warningSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(warningMessage); expect(setOutputSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it(`shouldn't call setOutput() if actions didn't install .NET`, async () => { inputs['dotnet-version'] = []; const warningMessage = `The 'dotnet-version' output will not be set.`; addToPathSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); await; expect(infoSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(warningMessage); expect(setOutputSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it(`should get 'cache-dependency-path' and call restoreCache() if input cache is set to true and cache feature is available`, async () => { inputs['dotnet-version'] = ['6.0.300']; inputs['dotnet-quality'] = ''; inputs['cache'] = true; inputs['cache-dependency-path'] = 'fictitious.package.lock.json'; installDotnetSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('')); addToPathSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); isCacheFeatureAvailableSpy.mockImplementation(() => true); restoreCacheSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()); await; expect(isCacheFeatureAvailableSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(restoreCacheSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( inputs['cache-dependency-path'] ); }); it(`shouldn't call restoreCache() if input cache isn't set to true`, async () => { inputs['dotnet-version'] = ['6.0.300']; inputs['dotnet-quality'] = ''; inputs['cache'] = false; installDotnetSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('')); addToPathSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); isCacheFeatureAvailableSpy.mockImplementation(() => true); restoreCacheSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()); await; expect(restoreCacheSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it(`shouldn't call restoreCache() if cache feature isn't available`, async () => { inputs['dotnet-version'] = ['6.0.300']; inputs['dotnet-quality'] = ''; inputs['cache'] = true; installDotnetSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('')); addToPathSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); isCacheFeatureAvailableSpy.mockImplementation(() => false); restoreCacheSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()); await; expect(restoreCacheSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });