import each from 'jest-each'; import semver from 'semver'; import * as exec from '@actions/exec'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as io from '@actions/io'; import * as installer from '../src/installer'; import {IS_WINDOWS} from '../src/utils'; import {QualityOptions} from '../src/setup-dotnet'; describe('installer tests', () => { const env = process.env; beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules(); process.env = {...env}; }); describe('DotnetCoreInstaller tests', () => { const getExecOutputSpy = jest.spyOn(exec, 'getExecOutput'); const warningSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'warning'); const whichSpy = jest.spyOn(io, 'which'); const maxSatisfyingSpy = jest.spyOn(semver, 'maxSatisfying'); describe('installDotnet() tests', () => { whichSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('PathToShell')); it('should throw the error in case of non-zero exit code of the installation script. The error message should contain logs.', async () => { const inputVersion = '3.1.100'; const inputQuality = '' as QualityOptions; const errorMessage = 'fictitious error message!'; getExecOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return Promise.resolve({ exitCode: 1, stdout: '', stderr: errorMessage }); }); const dotnetInstaller = new installer.DotnetCoreInstaller( inputVersion, inputQuality ); await expect(dotnetInstaller.installDotnet()).rejects.toThrow( `Failed to install dotnet, exit code: 1. ${errorMessage}` ); }); it('should return version of .NET SDK after installation complete', async () => { const inputVersion = '3.1.100'; const inputQuality = '' as QualityOptions; const stdout = `Fictitious dotnet version ${inputVersion} is installed`; getExecOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return Promise.resolve({ exitCode: 0, stdout: `${stdout}`, stderr: '' }); }); maxSatisfyingSpy.mockImplementation(() => inputVersion); const dotnetInstaller = new installer.DotnetCoreInstaller( inputVersion, inputQuality ); const installedVersion = await dotnetInstaller.installDotnet(); expect(installedVersion).toBe(inputVersion); }); it(`should supply 'version' argument to the installation script if supplied version is in A.B.C syntax`, async () => { const inputVersion = '6.0.300'; const inputQuality = '' as QualityOptions; const stdout = `Fictitious dotnet version ${inputVersion} is installed`; getExecOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return Promise.resolve({ exitCode: 0, stdout: `${stdout}`, stderr: '' }); }); maxSatisfyingSpy.mockImplementation(() => inputVersion); const dotnetInstaller = new installer.DotnetCoreInstaller( inputVersion, inputQuality ); await dotnetInstaller.installDotnet(); const scriptArguments = ( getExecOutputSpy.mock.calls[0][1] as string[] ).join(' '); const expectedArgument = IS_WINDOWS ? `-Version ${inputVersion}` : `--version ${inputVersion}`; expect(scriptArguments).toContain(expectedArgument); }); it(`should warn if the 'quality' input is set and the supplied version is in A.B.C syntax`, async () => { const inputVersion = '6.0.300'; const inputQuality = 'ga' as QualityOptions; const stdout = `Fictitious dotnet version ${inputVersion} is installed`; getExecOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return Promise.resolve({ exitCode: 0, stdout: `${stdout}`, stderr: '' }); }); maxSatisfyingSpy.mockImplementation(() => inputVersion); const dotnetInstaller = new installer.DotnetCoreInstaller( inputVersion, inputQuality ); await dotnetInstaller.installDotnet(); expect(warningSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `'dotnet-quality' input can be used only with .NET SDK version in A.B, A.B.x, A and A.x formats where the major tag is higher than 5. You specified: ${inputVersion}. 'dotnet-quality' input is ignored.` ); }); it(`should warn if the 'quality' input is set and version isn't in A.B.C syntax but major tag is lower then 6`, async () => { const inputVersion = '3.1'; const inputQuality = 'ga' as QualityOptions; const stdout = `Fictitious dotnet version 3.1.100 is installed`; getExecOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return Promise.resolve({ exitCode: 0, stdout: `${stdout}`, stderr: '' }); }); maxSatisfyingSpy.mockImplementation(() => inputVersion); const dotnetInstaller = new installer.DotnetCoreInstaller( inputVersion, inputQuality ); await dotnetInstaller.installDotnet(); expect(warningSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `'dotnet-quality' input can be used only with .NET SDK version in A.B, A.B.x, A and A.x formats where the major tag is higher than 5. You specified: ${inputVersion}. 'dotnet-quality' input is ignored.` ); }); each(['6', '6.0', '6.0.x', '6.0.*', '6.0.X']).test( `should supply 'quality' argument to the installation script if quality input is set and version (%s) is not in A.B.C syntax`, async inputVersion => { const inputQuality = 'ga' as QualityOptions; const exitCode = 0; const stdout = `Fictitious dotnet version 6.0.0 is installed`; getExecOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return Promise.resolve({ exitCode: exitCode, stdout: `${stdout}`, stderr: '' }); }); maxSatisfyingSpy.mockImplementation(() => inputVersion); const dotnetInstaller = new installer.DotnetCoreInstaller( inputVersion, inputQuality ); await dotnetInstaller.installDotnet(); const scriptArguments = ( getExecOutputSpy.mock.calls[0][1] as string[] ).join(' '); const expectedArgument = IS_WINDOWS ? `-Quality ${inputQuality}` : `--quality ${inputQuality}`; expect(scriptArguments).toContain(expectedArgument); } ); each(['6', '6.0', '6.0.x', '6.0.*', '6.0.X']).test( `should supply 'channel' argument to the installation script if version (%s) isn't in A.B.C syntax`, async inputVersion => { const inputQuality = '' as QualityOptions; const exitCode = 0; const stdout = `Fictitious dotnet version 6.0.0 is installed`; getExecOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return Promise.resolve({ exitCode: exitCode, stdout: `${stdout}`, stderr: '' }); }); maxSatisfyingSpy.mockImplementation(() => inputVersion); const dotnetInstaller = new installer.DotnetCoreInstaller( inputVersion, inputQuality ); await dotnetInstaller.installDotnet(); const scriptArguments = ( getExecOutputSpy.mock.calls[0][1] as string[] ).join(' '); const expectedArgument = IS_WINDOWS ? `-Channel 6.0` : `--channel 6.0`; expect(scriptArguments).toContain(expectedArgument); } ); if (IS_WINDOWS) { it(`should supply '-ProxyAddress' argument to the installation script if env.variable 'https_proxy' is set`, async () => { process.env['https_proxy'] = ''; const inputVersion = '6.0.100'; const inputQuality = '' as QualityOptions; const stdout = `Fictitious dotnet version ${inputVersion} is installed`; getExecOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return Promise.resolve({ exitCode: 0, stdout: `${stdout}`, stderr: '' }); }); maxSatisfyingSpy.mockImplementation(() => inputVersion); const dotnetInstaller = new installer.DotnetCoreInstaller( inputVersion, inputQuality ); await dotnetInstaller.installDotnet(); const scriptArguments = ( getExecOutputSpy.mock.calls[0][1] as string[] ).join(' '); expect(scriptArguments).toContain( `-ProxyAddress ${process.env['https_proxy']}` ); }); it(`should supply '-ProxyBypassList' argument to the installation script if env.variable 'no_proxy' is set`, async () => { process.env['no_proxy'] = 'first.url,second.url'; const inputVersion = '6.0.100'; const inputQuality = '' as QualityOptions; const stdout = `Fictitious dotnet version 6.0.0 is installed`; getExecOutputSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return Promise.resolve({ exitCode: 0, stdout: `${stdout}`, stderr: '' }); }); maxSatisfyingSpy.mockImplementation(() => inputVersion); const dotnetInstaller = new installer.DotnetCoreInstaller( inputVersion, inputQuality ); await dotnetInstaller.installDotnet(); const scriptArguments = ( getExecOutputSpy.mock.calls[0][1] as string[] ).join(' '); expect(scriptArguments).toContain( `-ProxyBypassList ${process.env['no_proxy']}` ); }); } }); describe('addToPath() tests', () => { it(`should export DOTNET_ROOT env.var with value from DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR env.var`, async () => { process.env['DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR'] = 'fictitious/dotnet/install/dir'; installer.DotnetCoreInstaller.addToPath(); const dotnet_root = process.env['DOTNET_ROOT']; expect(dotnet_root).toBe(process.env['DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR']); }); it(`should export value from DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR env.var to the PATH`, async () => { process.env['DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR'] = 'fictitious/dotnet/install/dir'; installer.DotnetCoreInstaller.addToPath(); const path = process.env['PATH']; expect(path).toContain(process.env['DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR']); }); }); }); describe('DotnetVersionResolver tests', () => { describe('createDotNetVersion() tests', () => { each([ '3.1', '3.x', '3.1.x', '3.1.*', '3.1.X', '3.1.2', '3.1.0-preview1', '6.0.2xx' ]).test( 'if valid version is supplied (%s), it should return version object with some value', async version => { const dotnetVersionResolver = new installer.DotnetVersionResolver( version ); const versionObject = await dotnetVersionResolver.createDotNetVersion(); expect(!!versionObject.value).toBe(true); } ); each([ '.', '..', ' . ', '. ', ' .', ' . . ', ' .. ', ' . ', '-1.-1', '-1', '-1.-1.-1', '..3', '1..3', '1..', '.2.3', '.2.x', '*.', '1.2.', '1.2.-abc', 'a.b', 'a.b.c', 'a.b.c-preview', ' 0 . 1 . 2 ', 'invalid' ]).test( 'if invalid version is supplied (%s), it should throw', async version => { const dotnetVersionResolver = new installer.DotnetVersionResolver( version ); await expect( async () => await dotnetVersionResolver.createDotNetVersion() ).rejects.toThrow(); } ); each([ '3', '3.1', '3.1.x', '3.1.*', '3.1.X', '6.0.2xx', '6.0.2XX', '6.0.2**' ]).test( "if version that can be resolved to 'channel' option is supplied (%s), it should set type to 'channel' in version object", async version => { const dotnetVersionResolver = new installer.DotnetVersionResolver( version ); const versionObject = await dotnetVersionResolver.createDotNetVersion(); expect(versionObject.type.toLowerCase().includes('channel')).toBe( true ); } ); each([ '6.0', '6.0.x', '6.0.*', '6.0.X', '6.0.2xx', '6.0.2XX', '6.0.2**' ]).test( "if version that can be resolved to 'channel' option is supplied and its major tag is >= 6 (%s), it should set type to 'channel' and qualityFlag to 'true' in version object", async version => { const dotnetVersionResolver = new installer.DotnetVersionResolver( version ); const versionObject = await dotnetVersionResolver.createDotNetVersion(); expect(versionObject.type.toLowerCase().includes('channel')).toBe( true ); expect(versionObject.qualityFlag).toBe(true); } ); each(['3.1.2', '3.1.0-preview1']).test( "if version that can be resolved to 'version' option is supplied (%s), it should set quality flag to 'false' and type to 'version' in version object", async version => { const dotnetVersionResolver = new installer.DotnetVersionResolver( version ); const versionObject = await dotnetVersionResolver.createDotNetVersion(); expect(versionObject.type.toLowerCase().includes('version')).toBe( true ); expect(versionObject.qualityFlag).toBe(false); } ); each(['3.1.2', '3.1']).test( 'it should create proper line arguments for powershell/bash installation scripts', async version => { const dotnetVersionResolver = new installer.DotnetVersionResolver( version ); const versionObject = await dotnetVersionResolver.createDotNetVersion(); const windowsRegEx = new RegExp(/^-(Version|Channel)/); const nonWindowsRegEx = new RegExp(/^--(version|channel)/); if (IS_WINDOWS) { expect(windowsRegEx.test(versionObject.type)).toBe(true); expect(nonWindowsRegEx.test(versionObject.type)).toBe(false); } else { expect(nonWindowsRegEx.test(versionObject.type)).toBe(true); expect(windowsRegEx.test(versionObject.type)).toBe(false); } } ); it(`should throw if dotnet-version is supplied in A.B.Cxx syntax with major tag lower that 5`, async () => { const version = '3.0.1xx'; const dotnetVersionResolver = new installer.DotnetVersionResolver( version ); await expect( async () => await dotnetVersionResolver.createDotNetVersion() ).rejects.toThrow( `'dotnet-version' was supplied in invalid format: ${version}! The A.B.Cxx syntax is available since the .NET 5.0 release.` ); }); }); }); });