2019-10-03 16:35:25 -07:00

210 lines
7.3 KiB

// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.4.1
(function() {
var NodeType, WriterState, XMLStreamWriter, XMLWriterBase,
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
NodeType = require('./NodeType');
XMLWriterBase = require('./XMLWriterBase');
WriterState = require('./WriterState');
// Prints XML nodes to a stream
module.exports = XMLStreamWriter = class XMLStreamWriter extends XMLWriterBase {
// Initializes a new instance of `XMLStreamWriter`
// `stream` output stream
// `options.pretty` pretty prints the result
// `options.indent` indentation string
// `options.newline` newline sequence
// `options.offset` a fixed number of indentations to add to every line
// `options.allowEmpty` do not self close empty element tags
// 'options.dontPrettyTextNodes' if any text is present in node, don't indent or LF
// `options.spaceBeforeSlash` add a space before the closing slash of empty elements
constructor(stream, options) {
this.stream = stream;
endline(node, options, level) {
if (node.isLastRootNode && options.state === WriterState.CloseTag) {
return '';
} else {
return super.endline(node, options, level);
document(doc, options) {
var child, i, j, k, len1, len2, ref, ref1, results;
ref = doc.children;
// set a flag so that we don't insert a newline after the last root level node
for (i = j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; i = ++j) {
child = ref[i];
child.isLastRootNode = i === doc.children.length - 1;
options = this.filterOptions(options);
ref1 = doc.children;
results = [];
for (k = 0, len2 = ref1.length; k < len2; k++) {
child = ref1[k];
results.push(this.writeChildNode(child, options, 0));
return results;
cdata(node, options, level) {
return this.stream.write(super.cdata(node, options, level));
comment(node, options, level) {
return this.stream.write(super.comment(node, options, level));
declaration(node, options, level) {
return this.stream.write(super.declaration(node, options, level));
docType(node, options, level) {
var child, j, len1, ref;
level || (level = 0);
this.openNode(node, options, level);
options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;
this.stream.write(this.indent(node, options, level));
this.stream.write('<!DOCTYPE ' + node.root().name);
// external identifier
if (node.pubID && node.sysID) {
this.stream.write(' PUBLIC "' + node.pubID + '" "' + node.sysID + '"');
} else if (node.sysID) {
this.stream.write(' SYSTEM "' + node.sysID + '"');
// internal subset
if (node.children.length > 0) {
this.stream.write(' [');
this.stream.write(this.endline(node, options, level));
options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;
ref = node.children;
for (j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; j++) {
child = ref[j];
this.writeChildNode(child, options, level + 1);
options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;
// close tag
options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;
this.stream.write(options.spaceBeforeSlash + '>');
this.stream.write(this.endline(node, options, level));
options.state = WriterState.None;
return this.closeNode(node, options, level);
element(node, options, level) {
var att, attLen, child, childNodeCount, firstChildNode, j, len, len1, name, prettySuppressed, r, ratt, ref, ref1, ref2, rline;
level || (level = 0);
// open tag
this.openNode(node, options, level);
options.state = WriterState.OpenTag;
r = this.indent(node, options, level) + '<' + node.name;
// attributes
if (options.pretty && options.width > 0) {
len = r.length;
ref = node.attribs;
for (name in ref) {
if (!hasProp.call(ref, name)) continue;
att = ref[name];
ratt = this.attribute(att, options, level);
attLen = ratt.length;
if (len + attLen > options.width) {
rline = this.indent(node, options, level + 1) + ratt;
r += this.endline(node, options, level) + rline;
len = rline.length;
} else {
rline = ' ' + ratt;
r += rline;
len += rline.length;
} else {
ref1 = node.attribs;
for (name in ref1) {
if (!hasProp.call(ref1, name)) continue;
att = ref1[name];
r += this.attribute(att, options, level);
childNodeCount = node.children.length;
firstChildNode = childNodeCount === 0 ? null : node.children[0];
if (childNodeCount === 0 || node.children.every(function(e) {
return (e.type === NodeType.Text || e.type === NodeType.Raw) && e.value === '';
})) {
// empty element
if (options.allowEmpty) {
options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;
this.stream.write('</' + node.name + '>');
} else {
options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;
this.stream.write(options.spaceBeforeSlash + '/>');
} else if (options.pretty && childNodeCount === 1 && (firstChildNode.type === NodeType.Text || firstChildNode.type === NodeType.Raw) && (firstChildNode.value != null)) {
// do not indent text-only nodes
options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;
prettySuppressed = true;
this.writeChildNode(firstChildNode, options, level + 1);
prettySuppressed = false;
options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;
this.stream.write('</' + node.name + '>');
} else {
this.stream.write('>' + this.endline(node, options, level));
options.state = WriterState.InsideTag;
ref2 = node.children;
// inner tags
for (j = 0, len1 = ref2.length; j < len1; j++) {
child = ref2[j];
this.writeChildNode(child, options, level + 1);
// close tag
options.state = WriterState.CloseTag;
this.stream.write(this.indent(node, options, level) + '</' + node.name + '>');
this.stream.write(this.endline(node, options, level));
options.state = WriterState.None;
return this.closeNode(node, options, level);
processingInstruction(node, options, level) {
return this.stream.write(super.processingInstruction(node, options, level));
raw(node, options, level) {
return this.stream.write(super.raw(node, options, level));
text(node, options, level) {
return this.stream.write(super.text(node, options, level));
dtdAttList(node, options, level) {
return this.stream.write(super.dtdAttList(node, options, level));
dtdElement(node, options, level) {
return this.stream.write(super.dtdElement(node, options, level));
dtdEntity(node, options, level) {
return this.stream.write(super.dtdEntity(node, options, level));
dtdNotation(node, options, level) {
return this.stream.write(super.dtdNotation(node, options, level));