| `repo-token` | PAT(Personal Access Token) for authorizing repository.<br>_Defaults to **${{ github.token }}**_. |
| `days-before-stale` | Idle number of days before marking an issue/PR as stale.<br>_Defaults to **60**_. |
| `days-before-issue-stale` | Idle number of days before marking an issue as stale.<br>_Override `days-before-stale`_. |
| `days-before-pr-stale` | Idle number of days before marking an PR as stale.<br>_Override `days-before-stale`_. |
| `days-before-close` | Idle number of days before closing an stale issue/PR.<br>_Defaults to **7**_. |
| `days-before-issue-close` | Idle number of days before closing an stale issue.<br>_Override `days-before-close`_. |
| `days-before-pr-close` | Idle number of days before closing an stale PR.<br>_Override `days-before-close`_. |
| `stale-issue-message` | Message to post on the stale issue. |
| `stale-pr-message` | Message to post on the stale PR. |
| `close-issue-message` | Message to post on the stale issue while closing it. |
| `close-pr-message` | Message to post on the stale PR while closing it. |
| `stale-issue-label` | Label to apply on the stale issue.<br>_Defaults to **Stale**_. |
| `close-issue-label` | Label to apply on closing issue (automatically removed if no longer closed nor locked). |
| `stale-pr-label` | Label to apply on the stale PR.<br>_Defaults to **Stale**_. |
| `close-pr-label` | Label to apply on the closing PR (automatically removed if no longer closed nor locked). |
| `exempt-issue-labels` | Labels on an issue exempted from being marked as stale. |
| `exempt-pr-labels` | Labels on the PR exempted from being marked as stale. |
| `only-labels` | Only issues and PRs with ALL these labels are checked. Separate multiple labels with commas (eg. "question,answered"). |
| `only-issue-labels` | Only issues with ALL these labels are checked. Separate multiple labels with commas (eg. "question,answered").<br>_Override `only-labels`_. |
| `only-pr-labels` | Only PRs with ALL these labels are checked. Separate multiple labels with commas (eg. "question,answered").<br>_Override `only-labels`_. |
| `any-of-labels` | Only issues and PRs with ANY of these labels are checked. Separate multiple labels with commas (eg. "incomplete,waiting-feedback"). |
| `operations-per-run` | Maximum number of operations per run (GitHub API CRUD related).<br>_Defaults to **30**_. |
| `remove-stale-when-updated` | Remove stale label from issue/PR on updates or comments.<br>_Defaults to **true**_. |
| `debug-only` | Dry-run on action.<br>_Defaults to **false**_. |
| `ascending` | Order to get issues/PR (true is ascending, false is descending).<br>_Defaults to **false**_. |
| `skip-stale-issue-message` | Skip adding stale message on stale issue.<br>_Defaults to **false**_. |
| `skip-stale-pr-message` | Skip adding stale message on stale PR.<br>_Defaults to **false**_. |
| `start-date` | The date used to skip the stale action on issue/PR created before it (ISO 8601 or RFC 2822). |
| `delete-branch` | Delete the git branch after closing a stale pull request.<br>_Defaults to **false**_. |
| `exempt-milestones` | Milestones on an issue or a PR exempted from being marked as stale. |
| `exempt-issue-milestones` | Milestones on an issue exempted from being marked as stale.<br>_Override `exempt-milestones`_. |
| `exempt-pr-milestones` | Milestones on the PR exempted from being marked as stale.<br>_Override `exempt-milestones`_. |
| `exempt-all-milestones` | Exempt all issues and PRs with milestones from being marked as stale.<br>_Priority over `exempt-milestones` rules_. |
| `exempt-all-issue-milestones` | Exempt all issues with milestones from being marked as stale.<br>_Override `exempt-all-milestones`_. |
| `exempt-all-pr-milestones` | Exempt all PRs with milestones from being marked as stale.<br>_Override `exempt-all-milestones`_. |
| `exempt-assignees` | Assignees on an issue or a PR exempted from being marked as stale. |
| `exempt-issue-assignees` | Assignees on an issue exempted from being marked as stale.<br>_Override `exempt-assignees`_. |
| `exempt-pr-assignees` | Assignees on the PR exempted from being marked as stale.<br>_Override `exempt-assignees`_. |
| `exempt-all-assignees` | Exempt all issues and PRs with assignees from being marked as stale.<br>_Priority over `exempt-assignees` rules_. |
| `exempt-all-issue-assignees` | Exempt all issues with assignees from being marked as stale.<br>_Override `exempt-all-assignees`_. |
| `exempt-all-pr-assignees` | Exempt all PRs with assignees from being marked as stale.<br>_Override `exempt-all-assignees`_. |
| `enable-statistics` | Display some statistics at the end of the logs regarding the stale workflow (only when the logs are enabled).<br>_Defaults to **true**_. |
stale-issue-message: 'This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.'
stale-issue-message: 'This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.'
stale-pr-message: 'This PR is stale because it has been open 45 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 10 days.'
close-issue-message: 'This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 5 days with no activity.'
days-before-stale: 30
days-before-close: 5
days-before-pr-close: -1
Configure different stale timeouts:
name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
- cron: '30 1 * * *'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/stale@v3
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
stale-issue-message: 'This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.'
stale-pr-message: 'This PR is stale because it has been open 45 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 10 days.'
If the logs are enabled, you can also enable the statistics log which will be visible at the end of the logs once all issues were processed.
This is very helpful to have a quick understanding of the whole stale workflow.
Set `enable-statistics` to `true` in your workflow configuration file.
You can run this action in debug only mode (no actions will be taken on your issues and pull requests) by passing `debug-only` to `true` as an argument to the action.
**More operations:**
You can increase the maximum number of operations per run by passing `operations-per-run` to `1000` for example which will help you to handle more operations in a single stale workflow run.
If the `debug-only` option is enabled, this is very helpful because the workflow will (almost) never reach the GitHub API rate, and you will be able to deep-dive into the logs.
**Job frequency:**
You could change the cron job frequency in the stale workflow to run the stale workflow more often.