import * as github from '@actions/github'; import { Issue, IssueProcessor, IssueProcessorOptions } from '../src/IssueProcessor'; function generateIssue( id: number, title: string, updatedAt: string, isPullRequest: boolean = false, labels: string[] = [], isClosed: boolean = false, isLocked: boolean = false ): Issue { return { number: id, labels: => { return {name: l}; }), title: title, updated_at: updatedAt, pull_request: isPullRequest ? {} : null, state: isClosed ? 'closed' : 'open', locked: isLocked }; } const DefaultProcessorOptions: IssueProcessorOptions = Object.freeze({ repoToken: 'none', staleIssueMessage: 'This issue is stale', stalePrMessage: 'This PR is stale', closeIssueMessage: 'This issue is being closed', closePrMessage: 'This PR is being closed', daysBeforeStale: 1, daysBeforeIssueStale: NaN, daysBeforePrStale: NaN, daysBeforeClose: 30, daysBeforeIssueClose: NaN, daysBeforePrClose: NaN, staleIssueLabel: 'Stale', closeIssueLabel: '', exemptIssueLabels: '', stalePrLabel: 'Stale', closePrLabel: '', exemptPrLabels: '', onlyLabels: '', operationsPerRun: 100, debugOnly: true, removeStaleWhenUpdated: false, ascending: false, skipStaleIssueMessage: false, skipStalePrMessage: false, deleteBranch: false }); test('empty issue list results in 1 operation', async () => { const processor = new IssueProcessor( DefaultProcessorOptions, async () => 'abot', async () => [], async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list const operationsLeft = await processor.processIssues(1); // processing an empty issue list should result in 1 operation expect(operationsLeft).toEqual(99); }); test('processing an issue with no label will make it stale and close it, if it is old enough only if days-before-close is set to 0', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z') ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeClose: 0 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('processing an issue with no label will make it stale and close it, if it is old enough only if days-before-close is set to > 0 and days-before-issue-close is set to 0', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z') ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeClose: 1, daysBeforeIssueClose: 0 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.deletedBranchIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('processing an issue with no label will make it stale and not close it, if it is old enough only if days-before-close is set to > 0 and days-before-issue-close is set to > 0', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z') ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeClose: 1, daysBeforeIssueClose: 1 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('processing an issue with no label will make it stale and not close it if days-before-close is set to > 0', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z') ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeClose: 15 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('processing an issue with no label will make it stale and not close it if days-before-close is set to -1 and days-before-issue-close is set to > 0', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z') ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeClose: -1, daysBeforeIssueClose: 15 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('processing an issue with no label will not make it stale if days-before-stale is set to -1', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z') ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, staleIssueMessage: '', daysBeforeStale: -1 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('processing an issue with no label will not make it stale if days-before-stale and days-before-issue-stale are set to -1', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z') ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, staleIssueMessage: '', daysBeforeStale: -1, daysBeforeIssueStale: -1 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('processing an issue with no label will make it stale but not close it', async () => { // issue should be from 2 days ago so it will be // stale but not close-able, based on default settings let issueDate = new Date(); issueDate.setDate(issueDate.getDate() - 2); const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', issueDate.toDateString()) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( DefaultProcessorOptions, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('processing a stale issue will close it', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A stale issue that should be closed', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['Stale'] ) ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeClose: 30 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('processing a stale issue containing a space in the label will close it', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A stale issue that should be closed', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['state: stale'] ) ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, staleIssueLabel: 'state: stale' }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('processing a stale issue containing a slash in the label will close it', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A stale issue that should be closed', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['lifecycle/stale'] ) ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, staleIssueLabel: 'lifecycle/stale' }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('processing a stale issue will close it when days-before-issue-stale override days-before-stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A stale issue that should be closed', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['Stale'] ) ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeClose: 30, daysBeforeIssueStale: 30 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('processing a stale PR will close it', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A stale PR that should be closed', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', true, ['Stale'] ) ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeClose: 30 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('processing a stale PR will close it when days-before-pr-stale override days-before-stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A stale PR that should be closed', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', true, ['Stale'] ) ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeClose: 30, daysBeforePrClose: 30 }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('processing a stale issue will close it even if configured not to mark as stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, [ 'Stale' ]) ]; const opts = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeStale: -1, staleIssueMessage: '' }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('processing a stale issue will close it even if configured not to mark as stale when days-before-issue-stale override days-before-stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, [ 'Stale' ]) ]; const opts = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeStale: 0, daysBeforeIssueStale: -1, staleIssueMessage: '' }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('processing a stale PR will close it even if configured not to mark as stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', true, [ 'Stale' ]) ]; const opts = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeStale: -1, stalePrMessage: '' }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('processing a stale PR will close it even if configured not to mark as stale when days-before-pr-stale override days-before-stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'An issue with no label', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', true, [ 'Stale' ]) ]; const opts = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, daysBeforeStale: 0, daysBeforePrStale: -1, stalePrMessage: '' }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('closed issues will not be marked stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A closed issue that will not be marked', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, [], true ) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( DefaultProcessorOptions, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [] ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('stale closed issues will not be closed', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A stale closed issue', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['Stale'], true ) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( DefaultProcessorOptions, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('closed prs will not be marked stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A closed PR that will not be marked', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', true, [], true ) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( DefaultProcessorOptions, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('stale closed prs will not be closed', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A stale closed PR that will not be closed again', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', true, ['Stale'], true ) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( DefaultProcessorOptions, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('locked issues will not be marked stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A locked issue that will not be stale', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, [], false, true ) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( DefaultProcessorOptions, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []) ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('stale locked issues will not be closed', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A stale locked issue that will not be closed', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['Stale'], false, true ) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( DefaultProcessorOptions, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('locked prs will not be marked stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A locked PR that will not be marked stale', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', true, [], false, true ) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( DefaultProcessorOptions, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []) ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('stale locked prs will not be closed', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'A stale locked PR that will not be closed', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', true, ['Stale'], false, true ) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( DefaultProcessorOptions, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('exempt issue labels will not be marked stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'My first issue', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, [ 'Exempt' ]) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.exemptIssueLabels = 'Exempt'; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('exempt issue labels will not be marked stale (multi issue label with spaces)', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'My first issue', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['Cool']) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.exemptIssueLabels = 'Exempt, Cool, None'; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('exempt issue labels will not be marked stale (multi issue label)', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'My first issue', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['Cool']) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.exemptIssueLabels = 'Exempt,Cool,None'; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('exempt pr labels will not be marked stale', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'My first issue', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['Cool']), generateIssue(2, 'My first PR', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', true, ['Cool']), generateIssue(3, 'Another issue', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.exemptIssueLabels = 'Cool'; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(2); // PR should get processed even though it has an exempt **issue** label }); test('stale issues should not be closed if days is set to -1', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue(1, 'My first issue', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, [ 'Stale' ]), generateIssue(2, 'My first PR', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', true, ['Stale']), generateIssue(3, 'Another issue', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['Stale']) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.daysBeforeClose = -1; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('stale label should be removed if a comment was added to a stale issue', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should un-stale', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['Stale'] ) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.removeStaleWhenUpdated = true; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [ { user: { login: 'notme', type: 'User' } } ], // return a fake comment to indicate there was an update async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('stale label should not be removed if a comment was added by the bot (and the issue should be closed)', async () => { = 'abot'; const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should stay stale', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['Stale'] ) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.removeStaleWhenUpdated = true; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [ { user: { login: 'abot', type: 'User' } } ], // return a fake comment to indicate there was an update by the bot async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('stale label containing a space should be removed if a comment was added to a stale issue', async () => { const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should un-stale', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', false, ['stat: stale'] ) ]; const opts: IssueProcessorOptions = { ...DefaultProcessorOptions, removeStaleWhenUpdated: true, staleIssueLabel: 'stat: stale' }; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [{user: {login: 'notme', type: 'User'}}], // return a fake comment to indicate there was an update async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('stale issues should not be closed until after the closed number of days', async () => { let lastUpdate = new Date(); lastUpdate.setDate(lastUpdate.getDate() - 5); const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should be marked stale but not closed', lastUpdate.toString(), false ) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.daysBeforeStale = 5; // stale after 5 days opts.daysBeforeClose = 1; // closes after 6 days const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('stale issues should be closed if the closed nubmer of days (additive) is also passed', async () => { let lastUpdate = new Date(); lastUpdate.setDate(lastUpdate.getDate() - 7); const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should be stale and closed', lastUpdate.toString(), false, ['Stale'] ) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.daysBeforeStale = 5; // stale after 5 days opts.daysBeforeClose = 1; // closes after 6 days const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('stale issues should not be closed until after the closed number of days (long)', async () => { let lastUpdate = new Date(); lastUpdate.setDate(lastUpdate.getDate() - 10); const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should be marked stale but not closed', lastUpdate.toString(), false ) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.daysBeforeStale = 5; // stale after 5 days opts.daysBeforeClose = 20; // closes after 25 days const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num, dt) => [], async (issue, label) => new Date().toDateString() ); // process our fake issue list await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('skips stale message on issues when skip-stale-issue-message is set', async () => { let lastUpdate = new Date(); lastUpdate.setDate(lastUpdate.getDate() - 10); const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should be marked stale but not closed', lastUpdate.toString(), false ) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.daysBeforeStale = 5; // stale after 5 days opts.daysBeforeClose = 20; // closes after 25 days opts.skipStaleIssueMessage = true; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // for sake of testing, mocking private function const markSpy = jest.spyOn(processor as any, 'markStale'); await processor.processIssues(1); // issue should be staled expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(1); // comment should not be created expect(markSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( TestIssueList[0], opts.staleIssueMessage, opts.staleIssueLabel, // this option is skipMessage true ); }); test('skips stale message on prs when skip-stale-pr-message is set', async () => { let lastUpdate = new Date(); lastUpdate.setDate(lastUpdate.getDate() - 10); const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should be marked stale but not closed', lastUpdate.toString(), true ) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.daysBeforeStale = 5; // stale after 5 days opts.daysBeforeClose = 20; // closes after 25 days opts.skipStalePrMessage = true; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); // for sake of testing, mocking private function const markSpy = jest.spyOn(processor as any, 'markStale'); await processor.processIssues(1); // issue should be staled expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(1); // comment should not be created expect(markSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( TestIssueList[0], opts.stalePrMessage, opts.stalePrLabel, // this option is skipMessage true ); }); test('not providing state takes precedence over skipStaleIssueMessage', async () => { let lastUpdate = new Date(); lastUpdate.setDate(lastUpdate.getDate() - 10); const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should be marked stale but not closed', lastUpdate.toString(), false ) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.daysBeforeStale = 5; // stale after 5 days opts.daysBeforeClose = 20; // closes after 25 days opts.skipStalePrMessage = true; opts.staleIssueMessage = ''; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); await processor.processIssues(1); // issue should be staled expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('not providing stalePrMessage takes precedence over skipStalePrMessage', async () => { let lastUpdate = new Date(); lastUpdate.setDate(lastUpdate.getDate() - 10); const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should be marked stale but not closed', lastUpdate.toString(), true ) ]; const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions}; opts.daysBeforeStale = 5; // stale after 5 days opts.daysBeforeClose = 20; // closes after 25 days opts.skipStalePrMessage = true; opts.stalePrMessage = ''; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); await processor.processIssues(1); // issue should be staled expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); }); test('git branch is deleted when option is enabled', async () => { const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions, deleteBranch: true}; const isPullRequest = true; const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should have its branch deleted', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', isPullRequest, ['Stale'] ) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.deletedBranchIssues.length).toEqual(1); }); test('git branch is not deleted when issue is not pull request', async () => { const opts = {...DefaultProcessorOptions, deleteBranch: true}; const isPullRequest = false; const TestIssueList: Issue[] = [ generateIssue( 1, 'An issue that should not have its branch deleted', '2020-01-01T17:00:00Z', isPullRequest, ['Stale'] ) ]; const processor = new IssueProcessor( opts, async () => 'abot', async p => (p == 1 ? TestIssueList : []), async (num: number, dt: string) => [], async (issue: Issue, label: string) => new Date().toDateString() ); await processor.processIssues(1); expect(processor.closedIssues.length).toEqual(1); expect(processor.removedLabelIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.staleIssues.length).toEqual(0); expect(processor.deletedBranchIssues.length).toEqual(0); });