import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as github from '@actions/github'; import * as Octokit from '@octokit/rest'; type Args = { token: string; repo_owner: string; repo_name: string; stale_age_days: number; wait_after_stale_days: number; max_operations_per_run: number; stale_label: string; stale_message: string; }; async function run() { try { const args = getAndValidateArgs(); const octokit = new github.GitHub(args.token); const issues = await octokit.issues.listForRepo({ owner: args.repo_owner, repo: args.repo_name, state: 'open' }); let operationsLeft = args.max_operations_per_run - 1; for (var issue of { core.debug( `found issue: ${issue.title} last updated ${issue.updated_at}` ); if (isLabeledStale(issue, args.stale_label)) { if (wasLastUpdatedBefore(issue, args.wait_after_stale_days)) { operationsLeft -= await closeIssue(octokit, issue, args); } else { continue; } } else if (wasLastUpdatedBefore(issue, args.stale_age_days)) { operationsLeft -= await markStale(octokit, issue, args); } if (operationsLeft <= 0) { core.warning( `performed ${args.max_operations_per_run} operations, exiting to avoid rate limit` ); break; } } } catch (error) { core.error(error); core.setFailed(error.message); } } function isLabeledStale( issue: Octokit.IssuesListForRepoResponseItem, label: string ) { return issue.labels.filter(i => === label).length > 0; } function wasLastUpdatedBefore( issue: Octokit.IssuesListForRepoResponseItem, num_days: number ) { const daysInMillis = 1000 * 60 * 60 * num_days; const millisSinceLastUpdated = new Date().getTime() - new Date(issue.updated_at).getTime(); core.debug(`${daysInMillis}, ${millisSinceLastUpdated}`); return millisSinceLastUpdated >= daysInMillis; } async function markStale( octokit: github.GitHub, issue: Octokit.IssuesListForRepoResponseItem, args: Args ) { core.debug(`marking issue${issue.title} as stale`); await octokit.issues.createComment({ owner: args.repo_owner, repo: args.repo_name, issue_number: issue.number, body: args.stale_message }); await octokit.issues.addLabels({ owner: args.repo_owner, repo: args.repo_name, issue_number: issue.number, labels: [args.stale_label] }); return 2; // operations performed } async function closeIssue( octokit: github.GitHub, issue: Octokit.IssuesListForRepoResponseItem, args: Args ) { core.debug(`closing issue ${issue.title} for being stale`); await octokit.issues.update({ owner: args.repo_owner, repo: args.repo_name, issue_number: issue.number, state: 'closed' }); return 1; // operations performed } function getAndValidateArgs(): Args { const args = { token: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN || '', repo_owner: (process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY || '').split('/')[0], repo_name: (process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY || '').split('/')[1], stale_age_days: parseInt(core.getInput('stale_age_days')), wait_after_stale_days: parseInt(core.getInput('wait_after_stale_days')), max_operations_per_run: parseInt(core.getInput('max_operations_per_run')), stale_label: core.getInput('stale_label'), stale_message: core.getInput('stale_message') }; if (!args.token) { throw new Error('could not resolve token from GITHUB_TOKEN'); } if (!args.repo_owner || !args.repo_name) { throw new Error('could not resolve repo from GITHUB_REPOSITORY'); } for (var stringInput of ['stale_label', 'stale_message']) { if (!args[stringInput]) { throw Error(`input ${stringInput} was empty`); } } for (var numberInput of [ 'stale_age_days', 'wait_after_stale_days', 'max_operations_per_run' ]) { if (isNaN(args[numberInput])) { throw Error(`input ${numberInput} did not parse to a valid integer`); } } return args; } run();