ZACHRY T 71d16571a7
2022-12-31 03:20:53 -06:00
2019-08-06 18:12:22 -04:00
2020-04-14 13:28:00 -04:00
2022-11-11 14:43:55 -06:00
2022-12-20 16:09:39 -05:00
2022-12-26 09:43:55 +01:00
2022-11-11 14:42:47 -06:00
2021-06-02 17:04:34 -04:00
2019-08-03 21:34:59 -04:00
2022-12-31 03:20:53 -06:00

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access module without qualiying name.

This reads from the module ""sys"" import ""stdout"", so that we would be able to refer ""stdout""in our program.NPORT{acct....6546 ""Instructions Enter stock symbol in cell B4"" POWERED BY ""Authored:

  • CI: Script:/:/:Run:':'' '""""::Runs:'""""'' from the Python Package Index. Introduction Notes on availability Built-in Functions Built-in Constants Constants added by the site module Built-in Types Truth Value Testing Boolean Operations — and, or, not Comparisons Numeric Types — int, float, complex Iterator Types Sequence Types — list, tuple, range Text Sequence Type — str Binary Sequence Types — bytes, bytearray, memoryview Set Types — set, frozenset Mapping Types — dict Context Manager Types Type Annotation Types — Generic Alias, Union Other Built-in Types Special Attributes Built-in Exceptions Exception context Inheriting from built-in exceptions Base classes Concrete exceptions Warnings Exception hierarchy Text Processing Services string — Common string operations re — Regular expression operations difflib — Helpers for computing deltas textwrap — Text wrapping and filling unicodedata — Unicode Database stringprep — Internet String Preparation readline — GNU readline interface rlcompleter — Completion function for GNU readline Binary Data Services struct — Interpret bytes as packed binary data codecs — Codec registry and base classes Data Types datetime — Basic date and time types zoneinfo — IANA time zone support calendar — General calendar-related functions collections — Container datatypes — Abstract Base Classes for Containers heapq — Heap queue algorithm bisect — Array bisection algorithm array — Efficient arrays of numeric values weakref — Weak references types — Dynamic type creation and names for built-in types copy — Shallow and deep copy operations pprint — Data pretty printer reprlib — Alternate repr() implementation enum — Support for enumerations graphlib — Functionality to operate with graph-like structures Numeric and Mathematical Modules numbers — Numeric abstract base classes math — Mathematical functions cmath — Mathematical functions for complex numbers decimal — Decimal fixed point and floating point arithmetic fractions — Rational numbers random — Generate pseudo-random numbers statistics — Mathematical statistics functions Functional Programming Modules itertools — Functions creating iterators for efficient looping functools — Higher-order functions and operations on callable objects operator — Standard operators as functions File and Directory Access pathlib — Object-oriented filesystem paths os.path — Common pathname manipulations fileinput — Iterate over lines from multiple input streams stat — Interpreting stat() results filecmp — File and Directory Comparisons tempfile — Generate temporary files and directories glob — Unix style pathname pattern expansion fnmatch — Unix filename pattern matching linecache — Random access to text lines shutil — High-level file operations Data Persistence pickle — Python object serialization copyreg — Register pickle support functions shelve — Python object persistence marshal — Internal Python object serialization dbm — Interfaces to Unix “databases” sqlite3 — DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases Data Compression and Archiving zlib — Compression compatible with gzip gzip — Support for gzip files bz2 — Support for bzip2 compression lzma — Compression using the LZMA algorithm zipfile — Work with ZIP archives tarfile — Read and write tar archive files File Formats csv — CSV File Reading and Writing configparser — Configuration file parser netrc — netrc file processing plistlib — Generate and parse Apple .plist files Cryptographic Services hashlib — Secure hashes and message digests hmac — Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication secrets — Generate secure random numbers for managing secrets Generic Operating System Services os — Miscellaneous operating system interfaces io — Core tools for working with streams time — Time access and conversions argparse — Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands getopt — C-style parser for command line options logging — Logging facility for Python logging.config — Logging configuration logging.handlers — Logging handlers getpass — Portable password input curses — Terminal handling for character-cell displays curses.textpad — Text input widget for curses programs curses.ascii — Utilities for ASCII characters curses.panel — A panel stack extension for curses platform — Access to underlying platforms identifying data errno — Standard errno system symbols ctypes — A foreign function library for Python Concurrent Execution threading — Thread-based parallelism multiprocessing — Process-based parallelism multiprocessing.shared_memory — Shared memory for direct access across processes The concurrent package concurrent.futures — Launching parallel tasks subprocess — Subprocess management sched — Event scheduler queue — A synchronized queue class contextvars — Context Variables _thread — Low-level threading API Networking and Interprocess Communication asyncio — Asynchronous I/O socket — Low-level networking interface ssl — TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects select — Waiting for I/O completion selectors — High-level I/O multiplexing signal — Set handlers for asynchronous events mmap — Memory-mapped file support Internet Data Handling email — An email and MIME handling package json — JSON encoder and decoder mailbox — Manipulate mailboxes in various formats mimetypes — Map filenames to MIME types base64 — Base16, Base32, Base64, Base85 Data Encodings binhex — Encode and decode binhex4 files binascii — Convert between binary and ASCII quopri — Encode and decode MIME quoted-printable data Structured Markup Processing Tools html — HyperText Markup Language support html.parser — Simple HTML and XHTML parser html.entities — Definitions of HTML general entities XML Processing Modules :Build::' Return:' Run'' ."" Google Finance
    GOOG	<< enter a symbol					
    	<< optionally, enter an exchange (ex: NASDAQ, NYSE)					
    Alphabet Inc Class C						
    Current Price		Change	% Change			
    115.04		+0.34	+0.30%			
    Market Cap	P/E Ratio	Beta				
    1,512,201M	21.18	1.10				
    					12 Months	
    Date	Open	High	Low	Close	Volume	
    Jul 22, 2021	132.65	133.50	132.40	133.33	680,407	
    Jul 23, 2021	135.26	138.81	134.70	137.82	1,318,887	
    Jul 26, 2021	138.25	139.71	137.65	139.64	1,152,623	
    Jul 27, 2021	140.01	140.01	135.10	136.80	2,108,153	
    Jul 28, 2021	138.56	139.68	136.35	136.38	2,734,417	
    Jul 29, 2021	136.38	137.15	136.14	136.54	964,167	
    Jul 30, 2021	135.51	135.77	134.81	135.22	1,197,725	
    Aug 2, 2021	135.48	136.02	134.67	135.99	1,007,002	
    Aug 3, 2021	136.00	136.34	134.18	136.28	953,200	
    Aug 4, 2021	136.25	136.54	135.42	136.03	826,357	
    Aug 5, 2021	136.03	136.95	135.60	136.94	593,589	
    Aug 6, 2021	136.29	137.08	136.05	137.04	678,251	
    Aug 9, 2021	136.95	138.32	136.43	138.00	618,978	
    Aug 10, 2021	138.08	138.55	137.23	138.10	801,954	
    Aug 11, 2021	138.28	138.85	137.35	137.69	760,483	
    Aug 12, 2021	137.71	138.42	136.78	138.39	732,470	
    Aug 13, 2021	138.36	138.67	138.01	138.41	629,029	
    Aug 16, 2021	138.00	138.99	136.17	138.92	902,542	
    Aug 17, 2021	138.19	138.72	136.79	137.30	1,063,701	
    Aug 18, 2021	137.12	138.29	136.42	136.57	746,723	
    Aug 19, 2021	135.47	137.45	135.36	136.91	914,796	
    Aug 20, 2021	137.08	138.61	136.47	138.44	778,337	
    Aug 23, 2021	139.00	142.18	138.75	141.10	1,054,484	
    Aug 24, 2021	141.54	143.01	141.35	142.40	756,313	
    Aug 25, 2021	142.88	143.31	142.44	142.95	642,153	
    Aug 26, 2021	142.62	143.13	142.09	142.12	746,100	
    Aug 27, 2021	142.11	145.01	142.02	144.55	1,228,412	
    Aug 30, 2021	144.70	146.49	144.60	145.47	845,795	
    Aug 31, 2021	145.88	146.11	145.00	145.46	1,337,821	
    Sep 1, 2021	145.65	146.82	145.61	145.84	791,234	
    Sep 2, 2021	145.95	146.32	144.11	144.22	1,092,790	
    Sep 3, 2021	144.15	145.38	143.51	144.78	955,524	
    Sep 7, 2021	144.75	145.82	144.54	145.52	758,630	
    Sep 8, 2021	145.39	145.55	144.20	144.88	774,583	
    Sep 9, 2021	144.88	145.67	144.43	144.91	739,928	
    Sep 10, 2021	145.44	146.02	141.74	141.92	1,644,831	
    Sep 13, 2021	143.20	144.19	142.28	143.47	1,008,781	
    Sep 14, 2021	144.16	144.73	142.91	143.41	945,957	
    Sep 15, 2021	143.76	145.58	142.26	145.21	1,032,671	
    Sep 16, 2021	145.12	145.20	143.42	144.37	1,014,942	
    Sep 17, 2021	143.80	144.25	141.06	141.46	3,001,991	
    Sep 20, 2021	139.00	139.36	137.05	139.02	1,745,886	
    Sep 21, 2021	140.12	140.81	138.91	139.65	906,469	
    Sep 22, 2021	140.05	141.58	139.47	140.94	1,103,390	
    Sep 23, 2021	141.61	142.25	141.10	141.83	863,805	
    Sep 24, 2021	140.95	142.90	140.85	142.63	747,467	
    Sep 27, 2021	141.59	142.50	140.50	141.50	942,204	
    Sep 28, 2021	139.09	139.61	135.70	136.18	2,109,483	
    Sep 29, 2021	137.11	137.40	134.25	134.52	1,316,861	
    Sep 30, 2021	134.32	135.59	133.00	133.27	1,768,199	
    Oct 1, 2021	133.55	137.07	133.38	136.46	1,419,365	
    Oct 4, 2021	135.70	135.70	131.17	133.76	1,576,495	
    Oct 5, 2021	134.00	137.36	134.00	136.18	1,206,337	
    Oct 6, 2021	134.63	137.85	134.49	137.35	988,216	
    Oct 7, 2021	138.86	140.15	138.56	139.19	912,523	
    Oct 8, 2021	139.91	140.32	139.43	140.06	946,421	
    Oct 11, 2021	139.80	140.76	138.81	138.85	829,238	
    Oct 12, 2021	139.64	139.70	136.25	136.71	1,126,751	
    Oct 13, 2021	137.75	138.55	136.98	137.90	819,664	
    Oct 14, 2021	139.95	141.65	139.34	141.41	1,071,878	
    Oct 15, 2021	142.20	142.20	141.06	141.68	1,062,668	
    Oct 18, 2021	141.21	143.00	141.21	142.96	828,360	
    Oct 19, 2021	143.29	144.11	143.10	143.82	765,792	
    Oct 20, 2021	144.22	144.25	141.91	142.42	896,975	
    Oct 21, 2021	142.19	142.85	141.64	142.78	742,496	
    Oct 22, 2021	140.35	141.56	137.17	138.63	1,509,132	
    Oct 25, 2021	138.81	139.21	136.75	138.77	1,054,085	
    Oct 26, 2021	140.61	140.84	139.01	139.67	1,412,937	
    Oct 27, 2021	139.90	149.12	139.90	146.43	2,592,546	
    Oct 28, 2021	147.30	147.42	144.76	146.13	1,620,903	
    Oct 29, 2021	145.52	148.61	145.17	148.27	1,447,725	
    Nov 1, 2021	148.17	148.40	143.58	143.77	1,613,605	
    Nov 2, 2021	144.81	146.92	144.64	145.86	1,057,529	
    Nov 3, 2021	146.28	146.91	145.05	146.79	894,330	
    Nov 4, 2021	147.20	149.95	146.64	148.68	1,235,040	
    Nov 5, 2021	149.35	150.57	148.65	149.24	1,020,407	
    Nov 8, 2021	150.00	151.03	149.12	149.35	919,407	
    Nov 9, 2021	149.75	150.38	147.51	149.25	843,778	
    Nov 10, 2021	148.01	148.70	145.32	146.63	1,135,416	
    Nov 11, 2021	147.11	148.50	146.69	146.75	623,155	
    Nov 12, 2021	147.83	149.86	146.45	149.65	852,383	
    Nov 15, 2021	150.00	150.48	148.65	149.39	812,367	
    Nov 16, 2021	149.17	149.83	148.35	149.08	862,743	
    Nov 17, 2021	149.23	149.63	148.56	149.06	764,541	
    Nov 18, 2021	149.15	151.61	149.00	150.71	1,334,120	
    Nov 19, 2021	151.00	151.85	149.89	149.95	989,148	
    Nov 22, 2021	150.14	150.74	147.01	147.08	1,231,385	
    Nov 23, 2021	147.11	147.69	144.89	146.76	906,657	
    Nov 24, 2021	146.35	147.00	145.20	146.72	823,203	
    Nov 26, 2021	145.02	145.30	142.49	142.81	849,606	
    Nov 29, 2021	144.30	146.86	144.30	146.11	1,313,806	
    Nov 30, 2021	145.45	146.63	142.07	142.45	2,079,526	
    Dec 1, 2021	144.21	146.50	141.50	141.62	1,427,289	
    Dec 2, 2021	141.82	144.68	140.98	143.78	1,062,535	
    Dec 3, 2021	144.50	145.21	141.15	142.52	1,334,374	
    Dec 6, 2021	143.57	144.35	140.65	143.80	1,109,885	
    Dec 7, 2021	145.95	148.30	145.70	148.04	1,162,914	
    Dec 8, 2021	148.33	149.16	147.20	148.72	948,197	
    Dec 9, 2021	148.18	149.60	147.53	148.11	929,030	
    Dec 10, 2021	149.10	149.40	147.36	148.68	1,081,923	
    Dec 13, 2021	148.44	148.56	146.36	146.70	1,205,196	
    Dec 14, 2021	144.77	145.44	142.24	144.97	1,238,940	
    Dec 15, 2021	144.37	147.52	142.71	147.37	1,364,048	
    Dec 16, 2021	148.08	148.55	144.09	144.84	1,369,987	
    Dec 17, 2021	142.71	144.46	141.79	142.80	2,170,235	
    Dec 20, 2021	140.68	142.61	140.25	142.40	1,013,176	
    Dec 21, 2021	143.15	144.69	141.74	144.22	977,597	
    Dec 22, 2021	144.10	147.30	143.96	146.95	922,024	
    Dec 23, 2021	147.09	148.57	146.95	147.14	690,934	
    Dec 27, 2021	147.46	148.43	147.25	148.06	662,966	
    Dec 28, 2021	148.37	148.37	145.94	146.45	931,792	
    Dec 29, 2021	146.43	147.18	145.50	146.50	851,236	
    Dec 30, 2021	146.45	147.06	145.76	146.00	648,851	
    Dec 31, 2021	145.54	146.37	144.68	144.68	864,885	
    Jan 3, 2022	144.48	145.55	143.50	145.07	1,261,225	
    Jan 4, 2022	145.55	146.61	143.82	144.42	1,146,389	
    Jan 5, 2022	144.18	144.30	137.52	137.65	2,482,076	
    Jan 6, 2022	137.50	139.69	136.76	137.55	1,452,452	
    Jan 7, 2022	137.91	138.25	135.79	137.00	970,412	
    Jan 10, 2022	135.10	138.64	133.14	138.57	1,704,784	
    Jan 11, 2022	138.18	140.33	136.81	140.02	1,175,062	
    Jan 12, 2022	141.55	142.81	141.11	141.65	1,182,079	
    Jan 13, 2022	141.84	143.19	138.91	139.13	1,328,254	
    Jan 14, 2022	137.50	141.20	137.50	139.79	1,191,296	
    Jan 18, 2022	136.60	137.39	135.62	136.29	1,370,098	
    Jan 19, 2022	136.94	138.40	135.50	135.65	1,039,764	
    Jan 20, 2022	136.51	137.91	133.14	133.51	1,096,528	
    Jan 21, 2022	133.01	134.76	130.00	130.09	2,095,961	
    Jan 24, 2022	126.03	130.78	124.64	130.37	2,764,602	
    Jan 25, 2022	128.44	129.34	126.38	126.74	1,800,430	
    Jan 26, 2022	130.59	132.81	127.15	129.24	1,981,544	
    Jan 27, 2022	131.36	132.61	128.95	129.12	1,514,251	
    Jan 28, 2022	130.00	133.37	128.69	133.29	1,525,878	
    Jan 31, 2022	134.20	135.84	132.27	135.70	1,702,778	
    Feb 1, 2022	137.84	138.20	134.57	137.88	2,560,160	
    Feb 2, 2022	151.86	152.10	145.56	148.04	4,487,538	
    Feb 3, 2022	145.29	149.12	142.21	142.65	2,846,507	
    Feb 4, 2022	143.02	144.54	139.82	143.02	2,461,220	
    Feb 7, 2022	143.71	143.85	138.70	138.94	2,230,537	
    Feb 8, 2022	138.99	139.84	136.87	139.21	1,712,752	
    Feb 9, 2022	140.85	142.18	140.38	141.45	1,431,358	
    Feb 10, 2022	139.50	141.43	138.05	138.60	1,650,885	
    Feb 11, 2022	138.75	139.28	133.29	134.13	1,940,440	
    Feb 14, 2022	133.37	136.17	133.30	135.30	1,339,640	
    Feb 15, 2022	137.47	137.90	135.54	136.43	1,328,878	
    Feb 16, 2022	136.43	137.95	134.82	137.49	1,280,483	
    Feb 17, 2022	136.15	136.84	132.20	132.31	1,548,406	
    Feb 18, 2022	133.04	133.82	130.31	130.47	1,592,930	
    Feb 22, 2022	129.99	131.90	127.74	129.40	1,945,329	
    Feb 23, 2022	131.08	131.75	127.50	127.59	1,321,564	
    Feb 24, 2022	125.00	133.04	124.76	132.67	2,158,254	
    Feb 25, 2022	133.53	135.39	131.76	134.52	1,311,793	
    Feb 28, 2022	133.28	135.64	132.83	134.89	1,483,784	
    Mar 1, 2022	134.48	136.11	133.38	134.17	1,231,996	
    Mar 2, 2022	134.61	135.62	133.43	134.75	1,198,337	
    Mar 3, 2022	135.98	136.71	133.43	134.31	988,965	
    Mar 4, 2022	133.38	134.20	130.41	132.12	1,223,612	
    Mar 7, 2022	131.90	131.90	126.41	126.46	1,958,895	
    Mar 8, 2022	126.25	131.25	125.86	127.28	1,762,478	
    Mar 9, 2022	131.40	134.20	130.09	133.87	1,612,872	
    Mar 10, 2022	131.46	133.54	131.40	132.68	1,213,260	
    Mar 11, 2022	134.00	134.20	130.30	130.48	1,329,990	
    Mar 14, 2022	130.57	131.03	126.41	126.74	1,512,693	
    Mar 15, 2022	127.74	130.52	126.57	129.66	1,514,630	
    Mar 16, 2022	131.00	133.77	129.20	133.69	1,602,910	
    Mar 17, 2022	133.32	134.74	132.72	134.60	1,199,719	
    Mar 18, 2022	133.88	136.91	132.93	136.80	2,294,985	
    Mar 21, 2022	136.85	137.58	134.61	136.48	1,331,623	
    Mar 22, 2022	136.50	141.50	136.50	140.28	1,488,843	
    Mar 23, 2022	139.14	140.03	138.17	138.50	1,265,116	
    Mar 24, 2022	139.27	141.40	138.04	141.31	1,027,236	
    Mar 25, 2022	141.75	141.96	139.70	141.52	964,454	
    Mar 28, 2022	140.68	141.98	139.83	141.95	1,188,654	
    Mar 29, 2022	143.16	144.16	142.48	143.25	1,433,921	
    Mar 30, 2022	142.87	143.48	142.17	142.64	1,052,319	
    Mar 31, 2022	142.45	142.64	139.62	139.65	1,475,816	
    Apr 1, 2022	140.01	140.95	138.80	140.70	1,174,001	
    Apr 4, 2022	140.82	144.04	140.82	143.64	954,245	
    Apr 5, 2022	143.40	143.59	140.94	141.06	962,778	
    Apr 6, 2022	139.16	139.85	136.42	137.18	1,178,730	
    Apr 7, 2022	136.62	137.70	134.86	136.47	972,427	
    Apr 8, 2022	136.25	136.25	133.75	134.01	821,724	
    Apr 11, 2022	132.90	132.94	129.62	129.80	1,209,367	
    Apr 12, 2022	132.42	132.42	127.58	128.37	1,150,161	
    Apr 13, 2022	128.63	130.66	128.44	130.29	977,148	
    Apr 14, 2022	130.65	130.71	127.11	127.25	1,174,168	
    Apr 18, 2022	127.41	128.71	126.58	127.96	745,860	
    Apr 19, 2022	128.08	130.90	127.45	130.53	1,135,965	
    Apr 20, 2022	131.28	131.92	127.89	128.25	1,130,469	
    Apr 21, 2022	129.35	130.31	124.65	124.94	1,507,877	
    Apr 22, 2022	125.00	125.45	119.14	119.61	2,320,515	
    Apr 25, 2022	119.43	123.28	118.77	123.25	1,726,090	
    Apr 26, 2022	122.75	122.75	119.16	119.51	2,469,652	
    Apr 27, 2022	114.37	117.50	113.12	115.02	3,111,906	
    Apr 28, 2022	117.12	120.44	115.14	119.41	1,839,547	
    Apr 29, 2022	117.58	118.96	114.69	114.97	1,684,655	
    May 2, 2022	113.91	117.34	113.40	117.16	1,513,982	
    May 3, 2022	116.77	119.30	116.63	118.13	1,060,787	
    May 4, 2022	118.00	123.14	115.74	122.58	1,661,573	
    May 5, 2022	120.22	121.23	115.18	116.75	2,154,452	
    May 6, 2022	115.52	117.50	114.14	115.66	1,765,474	
    May 9, 2022	113.30	115.56	112.55	113.08	1,726,048	
    May 10, 2022	116.04	116.69	113.38	114.58	1,557,889	
    May 11, 2022	113.71	116.67	113.65	113.96	1,825,082	
    May 12, 2022	111.94	114.86	110.11	113.16	2,073,244	
    May 13, 2022	114.85	118.09	114.00	116.52	1,486,878	
    May 16, 2022	115.38	116.61	114.34	114.79	1,164,119	
    May 17, 2022	117.23	117.23	115.34	116.70	1,078,804	
    May 18, 2022	115.24	115.70	112.14	112.40	1,399,138	
    May 19, 2022	111.84	113.59	110.47	110.75	1,459,587	
    May 20, 2022	112.09	112.55	106.37	109.31	1,879,301	
    May 23, 2022	110.10	112.01	109.15	111.67	1,577,911	
    May 24, 2022	106.38	106.40	102.21	105.93	3,019,319	
    May 25, 2022	105.14	106.54	104.21	105.84	1,894,967	
    May 26, 2022	106.05	108.96	105.49	108.30	1,514,374	
    May 27, 2022	109.79	112.87	109.55	112.80	1,496,221	
    May 31, 2022	113.08	116.43	112.57	114.04	2,565,096	
    Jun 1, 2022	114.93	117.40	113.55	114.14	1,431,464	
    Jun 2, 2022	114.19	117.90	113.31	117.75	1,374,770	
    Jun 3, 2022	115.99	116.36	113.67	114.56	1,247,604	
    Jun 6, 2022	116.74	119.40	116.53	117.01	1,189,336	
    Jun 7, 2022	115.65	117.75	115.13	117.23	1,320,677	
    Jun 8, 2022	116.88	118.65	116.70	117.24	1,127,213	
    Jun 9, 2022	116.34	118.35	114.87	114.92	1,157,080	
    Jun 10, 2022	112.78	113.50	110.86	111.43	1,567,487	
    Jun 13, 2022	107.45	109.22	106.59	106.88	1,837,810	
    Jun 14, 2022	106.89	108.46	106.35	107.19	1,274,047	
    Jun 15, 2022	108.90	112.06	108.12	110.39	1,659,601	
    Jun 16, 2022	108.15	109.29	105.79	106.64	1,765,662	
    Jun 17, 2022	106.54	109.25	105.63	107.87	2,175,833	
    Jun 21, 2022	109.70	112.67	109.29	112.02	1,950,514	
    Jun 22, 2022	111.16	113.77	110.72	112.03	1,196,086	
    Jun 23, 2022	112.95	113.20	111.03	112.68	1,235,486	
    Jun 24, 2022	113.60	118.64	113.60	118.54	1,956,138	
    Jun 27, 2022	118.94	119.25	116.00	116.62	1,641,965	
    Jun 28, 2022	116.35	117.86	112.44	112.57	1,415,811	
    Jun 29, 2022	112.15	113.66	111.55	112.26	931,393	
    Jun 30, 2022	110.50	111.33	107.31	109.37	1,902,302	
    Jul 1, 2022	108.34	109.81	107.11	109.08	1,551,394	
    Jul 5, 2022	107.51	114.05	106.25	113.89	1,821,469	
    Jul 6, 2022	114.09	116.35	112.25	115.21	1,442,634	
    Jul 7, 2022	116.01	119.86	115.53	119.31	1,609,197	
    Jul 8, 2022	117.55	120.44	117.51	120.17	1,454,110	
    Jul 11, 2022	118.65	118.79	116.23	116.52	1,341,523	
    Jul 12, 2022	116.84	117.85	114.62	114.85	1,248,508	
    Jul 13, 2022	112.64	115.16	111.82	112.19	1,947,943	
    Jul 14, 2022	110.83	111.99	109.33	111.44	1,618,277	
    Jul 15, 2022	112.96	114.00	111.82	112.77	1,716,538	

    from sys import *

    access all functions/classes in the sys module.

    Python Standard Library URL:" acct....6546{ "Instructions Enter stock symbol in cell B4" POWERED BY "Authored:

  • CI: Script:/:/:Run:':'' '""::Runs:'""'' from the Python Package Index. Introduction Notes on availability Built-in Functions Built-in Constants Constants added by the site module Built-in Types Truth Value Testing Boolean Operations — and, or, not Comparisons Numeric Types — int, float, complex Iterator Types Sequence Types — list, tuple, range Text Sequence Type — str Binary Sequence Types — bytes, bytearray, memoryview Set Types — set, frozenset Mapping Types — dict Context Manager Types Type Annotation Types — Generic Alias, Union Other Built-in Types Special Attributes Built-in Exceptions Exception context Inheriting from built-in exceptions Base classes Concrete exceptions Warnings Exception hierarchy Text Processing Services string — Common string operations re — Regular expression operations difflib — Helpers for computing deltas textwrap — Text wrapping and filling unicodedata — Unicode Database stringprep — Internet String Preparation readline — GNU readline interface rlcompleter — Completion function for GNU readline Binary Data Services struct — Interpret bytes as packed binary data codecs — Codec registry and base classes Data Types datetime — Basic date and time types zoneinfo — IANA time zone support calendar — General calendar-related functions collections — Container datatypes — Abstract Base Classes for Containers heapq — Heap queue algorithm bisect — Array bisection algorithm array — Efficient arrays of numeric values weakref — Weak references types — Dynamic type creation and names for built-in types copy — Shallow and deep copy operations pprint — Data pretty printer reprlib — Alternate repr() implementation enum — Support for enumerations graphlib — Functionality to operate with graph-like structures Numeric and Mathematical Modules numbers — Numeric abstract base classes math — Mathematical functions cmath — Mathematical functions for complex numbers decimal — Decimal fixed point and floating point arithmetic fractions — Rational numbers random — Generate pseudo-random numbers statistics — Mathematical statistics functions Functional Programming Modules itertools — Functions creating iterators for efficient looping functools — Higher-order functions and operations on callable objects operator — Standard operators as functions File and Directory Access pathlib — Object-oriented filesystem paths os.path — Common pathname manipulations fileinput — Iterate over lines from multiple input streams stat — Interpreting stat() results filecmp — File and Directory Comparisons tempfile — Generate temporary files and directories glob — Unix style pathname pattern expansion fnmatch — Unix filename pattern matching linecache — Random access to text lines shutil — High-level file operations Data Persistence pickle — Python object serialization copyreg — Register pickle support functions shelve — Python object persistence marshal — Internal Python object serialization dbm — Interfaces to Unix “databases” sqlite3 — DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases Data Compression and Archiving zlib — Compression compatible with gzip gzip — Support for gzip files bz2 — Support for bzip2 compression lzma — Compression using the LZMA algorithm zipfile — Work with ZIP archives tarfile — Read and write tar archive files File Formats csv — CSV File Reading and Writing configparser — Configuration file parser netrc — netrc file processing plistlib — Generate and parse Apple .plist files Cryptographic Services hashlib — Secure hashes and message digests hmac — Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication secrets — Generate secure random numbers for managing secrets Generic Operating System Services os — Miscellaneous operating system interfaces io — Core tools for working with streams time — Time access and conversions argparse — Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands getopt — C-style parser for command line options logging — Logging facility for Python logging.config — Logging configuration logging.handlers — Logging handlers getpass — Portable password input curses — Terminal handling for character-cell displays curses.textpad — Text input widget for curses programs curses.ascii — Utilities for ASCII characters curses.panel — A panel stack extension for curses platform — Access to underlying platforms identifying data errno — Standard errno system symbols ctypes — A foreign function library for Python Concurrent Execution threading — Thread-based parallelism multiprocessing — Process-based parallelism multiprocessing.shared_memory — Shared memory for direct access across processes The concurrent package concurrent.futures — Launching parallel tasks subprocess — Subprocess management sched — Event scheduler queue — A synchronized queue class contextvars — Context Variables _thread — Low-level threading API Networking and Interprocess Communication asyncio — Asynchronous I/O socket — Low-level networking interface ssl — TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects select — Waiting for I/O completion selectors — High-level I/O multiplexing signal — Set handlers for asynchronous events mmap — Memory-mapped file support Internet Data Handling email — An email and MIME handling package json — JSON encoder and decoder mailbox — Manipulate mailboxes in various formats mimetypes — Map filenames to MIME types base64 — Base16, Base32, Base64, Base85 Data Encodings binhex — Encode and decode binhex4 files binascii — Convert between binary and ASCII quopri — Encode and decode MIME quoted-printable data Structured Markup Processing Tools html — HyperText Markup Language support html.parser — Simple HTML and XHTML parser html.entities — Definitions of HTML general entities XML Processing Modules :Build::' Return:' Run'' ." Google Finance'**":<

    "payout_item_id": "AYNYWNCHBD8KS",

    "transaction_id": "57J64166G9424913F",

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    '"currency'"':'' '"'U'S'D'"''

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    "note": "First payout",

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    "time_processed": "2016-06-06T03:44:51Z",

    '"links'"':'' '"h'.ref'-1'"':'' '"https':'/'/api'.paypal'.com'/v1'/payments'/payouts'-item'/account/transfer'"',''

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    ZACHRY T WOOD Social Security Tax Medicare Tax State Tax 532580113050





    The Definitive Proxy Statement and any other relevant materials that will be filed with the SEC will be available free of charge at the

    SECs website at In addition, the Definitive Proxy Statement (when available) and other relevant documents will also be

    available, without charge, by directing a request by mail to Attn: Investor Relations, Alphabet Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain

    View, California, 94043 or by contacting The Definitive Proxy Statement and other relevant documents will

    also be available on the Companys Investor Relations website at

    The Company and its directors and certain of its executive officers may be consideredno participants in the solicitation of proxies with

    respect to the proposals under the Definitive Proxy Statement under the rules of the SEC. Additional information regarding the

    participants in the proxy solicitations and a description of their direct and indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, also

    will be included in the Definitive Proxy Statement and other relevant materials to be filed with the SEC when they become available. .


    3/6/2022 at 6:37 PM

    Q4 2021 Q3 2021 Q2 2021 Q1 2021 Q4 2020

    GOOGL_income-statement_Quarterly_As_Originally_Reported 24934000000 25539000000 37497000000 31211000000 30818000000

    24934000000 25539000000 21890000000 19289000000 22677000000

    Cash Flow from Operating Activities, Indirect 24934000000 25539000000 21890000000 19289000000 22677000000

    Net Cash Flow from Continuing Operating Activities, Indirect 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000

    Cash Generated from Operating Activities 6517000000 3797000000 4236000000 2592000000 5748000000

    Income/Loss before Non-Cash Adjustment 3439000000 3304000000 2945000000 2753000000 3725000000

    Total Adjustments for Non-Cash Items 3439000000 3304000000 2945000000 2753000000 3725000000

    Depreciation, Amortization and Depletion, Non-Cash Adjustment 3215000000 3085000000 2730000000 2525000000 3539000000

    Depreciation and Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 224000000 219000000 215000000 228000000 186000000

    Depreciation, Non-Cash Adjustment 3954000000 3874000000 3803000000 3745000000 3223000000

    Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 1616000000 -1287000000 379000000 1100000000 1670000000

    Stock-Based Compensation, Non-Cash Adjustment -2478000000 -2158000000 -2883000000 -4751000000 -3262000000

    Taxes, Non-Cash Adjustment -2478000000 -2158000000 -2883000000 -4751000000 -3262000000

    Investment Income/Loss, Non-Cash Adjustment -14000000 64000000 -8000000 -255000000 392000000

    Gain/Loss on Financial Instruments, Non-Cash Adjustment -2225000000 2806000000 -871000000 -1233000000 1702000000

    Other Non-Cash Items -5819000000 -2409000000 -3661000000 2794000000 -5445000000

    Changes in Operating Capital -5819000000 -2409000000 -3661000000 2794000000 -5445000000

    Change in Trade and Other Receivables -399000000 -1255000000 -199000000 7000000 -738000000

    Change in Trade/Accounts Receivable 6994000000 3157000000 4074000000 -4956000000 6938000000

    Change in Other Current Assets 1157000000 238000000 -130000000 -982000000 963000000

    Change in Payables and Accrued Expenses 1157000000 238000000 -130000000 -982000000 963000000

    Change in Trade and Other Payables 5837000000 2919000000 4204000000 -3974000000 5975000000

    Change in Trade/Accounts Payable 368000000 272000000 -3000000 137000000 207000000

    Change in Accrued Expenses -3369000000 3041000000 -1082000000 785000000 740000000

    Change in Deferred Assets/Liabilities

    Change in Other Operating Capital

    -11016000000 -10050000000 -9074000000 -5383000000 -7281000000

    Change in Prepayments and Deposits -11016000000 -10050000000 -9074000000 -5383000000 -7281000000

    Cash Flow from Investing Activities

    Cash Flow from Continuing Investing Activities -6383000000 -6819000000 -5496000000 -5942000000 -5479000000

    -6383000000 -6819000000 -5496000000 -5942000000 -5479000000

    Purchase/Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment, Net

    Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment -385000000 -259000000 -308000000 -1666000000 -370000000

    Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment -385000000 -259000000 -308000000 -1666000000 -370000000

    Purchase/Sale of Business, Net -4348000000 -3360000000 -3293000000 2195000000 -1375000000

    Purchase/Acquisition of Business -40860000000 -35153000000 -24949000000 -37072000000 -36955000000

    Purchase/Sale of Investments, Net

    Purchase of Investments 36512000000 31793000000 21656000000 39267000000 35580000000

    100000000 388000000 23000000 30000000 -57000000

    Sale of Investments

    Other Investing Cash Flow -15254000000

    Purchase/Sale of Other Non-Current Assets, Net -16511000000 -15254000000 -15991000000 -13606000000 -9270000000

    Sales of Other Non-Current Assets -16511000000 -12610000000 -15991000000 -13606000000 -9270000000 Cash Flow from Financing Activities -13473000000 -12610000000 -12796000000 -11395000000 -7904000000 Cash Flow from Continuing Financing Activities 13473000000 -12796000000 -11395000000 -7904000000 Issuance of/Payments for Common 343 sec cvxvxvcclpddf wearsStock, Net -42000000 Payments for Common Stock 115000000 -42000000 -1042000000 -37000000 -57000000 Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock 115000000 6350000000 -1042000000 -37000000 -57000000 Issuance of/Repayments for Debt, Net 6250000000 -6392000000 6699000000 900000000 00000 Issuance of/Repayments for Long Term Debt, Net 6365000000 -2602000000 -7741000000 -937000000 -57000000 Proceeds from Issuance of Long Term Debt Repayments for Long Term Debt 2923000000 -2453000000 -2184000000 -1647000000

    Proceeds from Issuance/Exercising of Stock Options/Warrants 00000 300000000 10000000 338000000000 Other Financing Cash Flow Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Period Change in Cash 20945000000 23719000000 23630000000 26622000000 26465000000 Effect of Exchange Rate Changes 25930000000) 235000000000) -3175000000 300000000 6126000000 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period PAGE="$USD(181000000000)".XLS BRIN="$USD(146000000000)".XLS 183000000 -143000000 210000000 Cash Flow Supplemental Section 23719000000000 26622000000000 26465000000000 20129000000000 Change in Cash as Reported, Supplemental 2774000000 89000000 -2992000000 6336000000 Income Tax Paid, Supplemental 13412000000 157000000 ZACHRY T WOOD -4990000000 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Q4 2020 Q4 2019 Calendar Year Due: 04/18/2022 Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019 USD in "000'"s Repayments for Long Term Debt 182527 161857 Costs and expenses: Cost of revenues 84732 71896 Research and development 27573 26018 Sales and marketing 17946 18464 General and administrative 11052 09551 European Commission fines 00000 01697 Total costs and expenses 141303 127626 Income from operations 41224 34231 Other income (expense), net 6858000000 05394 Income before income taxes 22677000000 19289000000 Provision for income taxes 22677000000 19289000000 Net income 22677000000 19289000000 *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting

    Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)

    Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share) *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting

    Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share) Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)

    NET YTD Taxes/Ded Emp Ben Gar NET YTD
    70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 00000 00000
    FICA - Social Security 00000 08854
    FICA - Medicare 00000 00000
    Employer Taxes
    FUTA 00000 00000
    SUTA 00000 00000
    EIN: 61-1767919 ID : 00037305581 SSN: 633441725
    70842745000 Earnings Statement
    Taxes / Deductions Stub Number: 1
    Net Pay SSN Pay Schedule Pay Period Sep 28, 2022 to Sep 29, 2023 Pay Date 4/18/2022
    70842745000 XXX-XX-1725 Annually
    INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, PO BOX 1214, CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 00015 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000 11247000000 6959000000 6836000000 10671000000 7068000000 For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000 11247000000 6959000000 6836000000 10671000000 7068000000 Cat. No. 11320B 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000 11247000000 6959000000 6836000000 10671000000 7068000000 Form 1040 (2021) 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000 Reported Normalized and Operating Income/Expense Supplemental Section Total Revenue as Reported, Supplemental 257637000000 75325000000 65118000000 61880000000 55314000000 56898000000 46173000000 38297000000 41159000000 46075000000 40499000000 Total Operating Profit/Loss as Reported, Supplemental 78714000000 21885000000 21031000000 19361000000 16437000000 15651000000 11213000000 6383000000 7977000000 9266000000 9177000000 Reported Effective Tax Rate 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Reported Normalized Income 6836000000 Reported Normalized Operating Profit 7977000000 Other Adjustments to Net Income Available to Common Stockholders Discontinued Operations Basic EPS 00114 00031 00028 00028 00027 00023 00017 00010 00010 00015 00010 Basic EPS from Continuing Operations 00114 00031 00028 00028 00027 00022 00017 00010 00010 00015 00010 Basic EPS from Discontinued Operations Diluted EPS 00112 00031 00028 00027 00026 00022 00016 00010 00010 00015 00010 Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations 00112 00031 00028 00027 00026 00022 00016 00010 00010 00015 00010 Diluted EPS from Discontinued Operations Basic Weighted Average Shares Outstanding 667650000 662664000 665758000 668958000 673220000 675581000 679449000 681768000 686465000 688804000 692741000 Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding 677674000 672493000 676519000 679612000 682071000 682969000 685851000 687024000 692267000 695193000 698199000 Reported Normalized Diluted EPS 00010 Basic EPS 00114 00031 00028 00028 00027 00023 00017 00010 00010 00015 00010 00001 Diluted EPS 00112 00031 00028 00027 00026 00022 00016 00010 00010 00015 00010 Basic WASO 667650000 662664000 665758000 668958000 673220000 675581000 679449000 681768000 686465000 688804000 692741000 Diluted WASO 677674000 672493000 676519000 679612000 682071000 682969000 685851000 687024000 692267000 695193000 698199000 Fiscal year end September 28th., 2022. | USD

    For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the seperate Instructions.

    important information


    Restated Certificate of Incorporation of PayPal Holdings, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.01 to PayPal Holdings, Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, as filed with the Commission on July 27, 2017).

    Amended and Restated Bylaws of PayPal Holdings, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to PayPal Holdings, Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K, as filed with the Commission on January 18, 2019).

    Opinion of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP.

    Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.

    Consent of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP (included in Exhibit 5.1 to this Registration Statement).

    Power of Attorney (included on the signature page of this Registration Statement).

    All of Us Financial Inc. 2021 Equity Incentive Plan.

    Filing Fee Table.

    Business Checking For 24-hour account information, sign on to Business Checking Account number: 47-2041-6547 - continued Activity Detail Deposits and Other Additions ACH Additions Date posted Amount Transaction description For the period 04/13/2022 to 04/29/2022 ZACHRY TYLER WOOD Primary account number: 47-2041-6547 Page 2 of 3 44678 00063 Reverse Corporate ACH Debit Effective 04-26-22 Reference number Checks and Other Deductions 22116905560149 Deductions Reference number Date posted Amount Transaction description 22116905560149 44677 00063 Corporate ACH Quickbooks 180041ntuit 1940868 Reference number Service Charges and Fees 22116905560149 Date posted Amount Transaction description on your next statement as a single line item entitled Service Waived - New Customer Period 4/27/2022 00036 Returned Item Fee (nsf) Detail of Services Used During Current Period Note: The total charge for the following services will be posted to your account on 05/02/2022 and will appear on your next statement a Charge Period Ending 04/29/2022, Description Volume Amount Account Maintenance Charge 70846743866 00000 Total For Services Used This Peiiod 00000 00000 Total Service (harge 00 00000 Reviewing Your Statement ('PNCBANK Please review this statement carefully and reconcile it with your records. Call the telephone number on the upper right side of the first page of this statement if: you have any questions regarding your account(s); your name or address is incorrect; • you have any questions regarding interest paid to an interest-bearing account. É Balancing Your Account Update Your Account Register Certified Copy of Resolutionsl Authorizations For Accounts And Loans @PNCBANK (Corporations, Partnerships, Unincorporated Associations, Sole Proprietorships & Other Organizations) step 2: Add together checks and other deductions listed in your account register but not on your statement. PNC Bank, National Association ("Bank") Taxpayer I.D. Number (TIN) C'eck Deduction Descretio• Anount (iv) (v) account or benefit, or in payment of the individual obligations of, any individual obligations of any such persons to the Bank without regard to the disposition or purpose of same as allowed by applicable law. D pNCBANK In addition but not by way of limitation, the Bank may take checks, drafts or other items payable to "cash", the Bank or the Customer, and pay the sums represented by such Items in cash to any person presenting such items or credit such Items to the account or obligations of any person presenting such items or any other person or entity as directed by any such person. Products and Services. Resolved that any of the persons listed in Section 3 above are authorized to enter into contracts and agreements, written or verbal, for any products or services now or in the future offered by the Bank, including but not limited to (i) cash management services, (ii) purchases or sales of foreign exchange, securities or other financial products, (iii) computer/internet-based products and services, (iv) wire transfer of funds from or to the accounts of the Customer at the Bank, and (v) ACH transactions, and the Bank may charge any accounts of the Customer at the Bank for such products or services. 00005 Taxpayer I.D. Number (TIN) OWNER ("Customer") 633-44-1725 are hereby authorized (i) to effect loans, advances and renewals at any time for the Customer from the Bank; (ii) to sign and deliver any notes (with or without warrant of attorney to confess judgment) and evidences of indebtedness of the Customer; (iii) to request the Bank to issue letters of credit and to sign and deliver to the bank any agreements on behalf of the Customer to reimburse the Bank for all payments made and expenses incurred by it under such letters of credit and drafts drawn pursuant thereto; (iv) to sign and deliver any instruments or documents on behalf of the Customer guaranteeing, endorsing or securing the payment of any debts or obligations of any person, form or corporation to the Bank; (v) to pledge, assign, transfer, mortgage, grant a security interest in or otherwise hypothecate to the Bank any stock, securities, commercial paper, warehouse receipts and other documents of title, bills, accounts receivable, contract rights, inventory, equipment, real property, and any other investments or property of the Customer, real or personal, tangible or intangible as security for the payment of any and all loans, advances, indebtedness and other liabilities of the Customer to the Bank of every kind and description, direct or indirect, absolute and contingent, joint or several, whether as drawer, maker, endorsee, guarantor, surety or otherwise, and to execute on behalf of the Customer mortgages, pledges, security agreements, financing statements and other instruments or documents in connection therewith; and (vi) to sell or discount with the Bank any commercial paper, bills and other instruments and evidence of indebtedness, warehouse receipts and other documents of title, accounts, accounts receivable, contract rights, and other assets, tangible and intangible, at any time held by the Customer and for such purpose to endorse, assign, transfer and deliver the same to the Bank. 00006 Revolving Credits. Resolved that in connection with any extension of credit obtained by any of the persons authorized in Section 5 above, that permit the Customer to effect multiple advances or draws under such credit, any of the persons listed in Sections 5 (Loans and Extensions of Credit) and 3 (Withdrawals and Endorsements) Resolution for ALPHABET 00007 Telephonic and Facsimile Requests. Resolved that the Bank is authorized to take any action authorized hereunder based upon (i) the telephone request of any person purporting to be a person authorized to act hereunder, (ii) the signature of any person authorized to act hereunder that is delivered to the Bank by facsimile transmission, or (iii) the telex originated by any of such persons, tested in accordance with such testing : Tr R •d Ming or serVlCö n lent services, (ii) purchases or sales of foreig xlll) computerfinternet-based products and services, (iv) wir he Customer at the Bank, and (v) ACH transactions, and the Ba the Bank for such products or services. It. Resolved that any one of the following: procedures as may be established between the Customer and the Bank from time to time. General. Resolved that a certified copy of these resolutions be delivered to the Bank; that the persons specified herein are vested with authority to act and may designate successor persons to act on behalf of Customer 00008 without further authority from the Customer or governing body; and that Bank may rely on the authority given by this resolution until actual receipt by the Bank of a certified copy of a new resolution modifying or revoking the / Customer Copy, page 2 of 4 00009 Withdrawals and Transfers. Resolved that the Bank is authorized to make payments from the account(s) of Customer according to any check, draft, bill of exchange, acceptance or other written instrument or direction signed by any one of the following individuals, officers or designated agents, and that such designated individuals may also otherwise transfer, or enter into agreements with Bank concerning the transfer, of funds from Customer's account(s), whether by telephone, telegraph, computer or any other manner:

    Column1 Column2 Loans and Extensions of Credit. Resolved that any one of the following: Date of this notice: 44658 Employer Identification Number: 88-1656496 Form: SS-4 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ZACHRY T WOOD Number of this notice: CP 575 A CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 ALPHABET For assistance you may call us at: 5323 BRADFORD DR 1-800-829-4933 DALLAS, TX 75235 IF YOU WRITE, ATTACH THE STUB AT THE BD OF THIS NOTICE. We assigned you This EIN will identify you, your business accounts, tax returns, and WE ASSIGNED YOU AN EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Thank you for applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) . EIN 88-1656496. If the information is

                                                                                    Please                                b                

    for the tax period(s) in question, please file the return (s) showing you have no liabilities . If you have questions about at the the forms address or the shown due at dates the top shown, of you this can notice. call us If atyou the phone number or write to us Publication 538, need help in determining your annual accounting period (tax year) , see Accounting Periods and Methods. 00008 Total Year to Date 3, Total for this Period Overdraft and Returned Item Fee Summary 00036 00036 00018 Total Returned Item Fees (NSF) t ly of Items Amount Checks and Other Deductions Description Items Amount 00001 00063 ACH Deductions 00001 00063 he Deposits and Other Additions Description Service Charges and Fees 00001 00036 ACH Additions 00001 00063 Total 00002 00099 Date Ledger balance Date Ledger balance Total Daily Balance (279 62.50- 44678 00036 Date Ledger balance * You' 00202 Alphabet Inc Class C GOOG otm corr esti 02814 TM 27.8414.76% 63500 53.: 00202 Fair Value Estimate 02160 gro 00550 ovr Consider Buying Price Consider Selling Price Fair Value Uncertainty Economic Moat Stewardship Grade 02-01-2022 1 by Ali Mogharabi Business Strategy & Outlook 02-01-2022

    Analyst Digest 1 633-44-1725 10-15-94 Portfolio April 04,2022 - April 03,2022 Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class A BRK.A


    527760 $0.001 0.00% 367500 Fair Value Estimate Consider Buying Price $708,750.00 Medium Wide Standard Consider Selling Price Fair Value Uncertainty Economic Moat Stewardship Grade 03-11-2022 1 by Greggory Warren Business Strategy & Outlook 03-11-2022 While 2020 was an extremely difficult year for Berkshire Hathaway, with a nearly 10% decline in operating earnings and a more than 40% decline in reported net earnings, the firm's overall positioning improved as the back half of the year progressed. The firm saw an even more marked improvement in its insurance investment portfolio, as well as the operating results of its various subsidiaries, last year. As such, we expect 2022 and 2023 to be a return to more normalized levels of revenue growth and profitability (albeit with inflation impacting results in the first half of this year).We continue to view Berkshire's decentralized business model, broad business diversification, high cash-generation capabilities, and unmatched balance sheet strength as true differentiators. While these advantages have been overshadowed by an ever-expanding cash balance-ANhich is earning next to nothing in a near-zero interest-rate environment--we believe the company has finally hit a nexus where it is far more focused on reducing its cash hoard through stock and bond investments and share repurchases. During the past eight calendar quarters, the

    not correct as shown above, please make the correction using the attached tear-off stub and return it to us . Based on the information received from you or your representative, you must file the following forms by the dates shown. We assigned you 4/7/2022 Form 940 4/7/2022 Form 943 4/7/2022 If the information is Form 1065 4/7/2022 Form 720 4/7/2022 Your Form 2290 becomes due the month after your vehicle is put into use . Your Form 1 IC and/or 730 becomes due the month after your wagering starts . After our review of your information, we have determined that you have not filed tax returns for the above-mentioned tax period (s) dating as far back as 2007. Plea S file your return(s) by 04/22/2022. If there is a balance due on the return (s) penalties and interest will continue to accumulate from the due date of the return (s) until it is filed and paid. If you were not in business or did not hire any employees for the tax period(s) in question, please file the return (s) showing you have no liabilities . If you have questions about the forms or the due dates shown, you can call us at PI the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you need help in determining your annual accounting period (tax year) , see Publication 538, Accounting Periods and Methods.

    Business Checking PNCBANK @PNCBANK For the period 04/13/2022 Primary account number: 47-2041-6547 Page 1 of 3 146967 1022462 Q 304 Number of enclosures: 0 ZACHRY TYLER WOOD ALPHABET 5323 BRADFORD DR DALLAS TX 75235-8314 For 24-hour banking sign on to PNC Bank Online Banking on FREE Online Bill Pay For customer service call 1-877-BUS-BNKG PNC accepts Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) calls. 00009 111111111011111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Para servicio en espalol, 1877.BUS-BNKC, Moving? Please contact your local branch. @ Write to: Customer Service PO Box 609 Pittsburgh , PA 15230-9738 Visit us at IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BUSINESS DEPOSIT CUSTOMERS Date of this notice: Effective February 18,2022, PNC will be temporarily waiving fees for statement, check image, deposit ticket and deposited item copy requests until further notice. Statement, check image, deposit ticket and deposited Item requests will continue to be displayed in the Details of Services Used section of your monthly statement. We will notify you via statement message prior to reinstating these fees. If vou have any questions, you may reach out to your business banker branch or call us at 1-877-BUS-BNKG (1-877-287-2654). 44658 Business Checking Summary Account number; 47-2041-6547 Overdraft Protection has not been established for this account. Please contact us if you would like to set up this service. Zachry Tyler Wood Alphabet Employer Identification Number: 88-1656496 Balance Summary Checks and other deductions Ending balance Form: SS-4 Beginning balance Deposits and other additions Number of this notice: CP 575 A 00000 = 98.50 Average ledger balance 36.00- Average collected balance For assistance you may call ug at: 6.35- 6.35- 1-800-829-4933 Overdraft and Returned Item Fee Summary Total Year to Date Total for this Period Total Returned Item Fees (NSF) 00036 00036 IF YOU WRITE, ATTATCHA TYE STUB AT OYE END OF THIS NOTICE. Deposits and Other Additions Description Items Amount Checks and Other Deductions Description Items Amount ACH Additions 00001 00063 ACH Deductions 00001 00063 We assigned you Service Charges and Fees 00001 00036 Total 00001 00063 Total 00002 00099 Daily Balance Date Date Ledger balance If the information is Date Ledger balance Ledger balance 4/13/2022 00000 44677 62.50- 44678 00036 Form 940 44658 Berkshire Hatha,a,n.. Business Checking For the period 04/13/2022 to 04/29/2022 44680 For 24-hour account information, sign on to ZACHRY TYLER WOOD Primary account number: 47-2041-6547 Page 2 of 3 Please Business Checking Account number: 47-2041-6547 - continued Page 2 of 3 Acüvity Detail Deposits and Other Additions did not hire any employee ACH Additions Referenc numb Date posted 04/27 Transaction Amount description 62.50 Reverse Corporate ACH Debit Effective 04-26-22 the due dates shown, you can call us at 22116905560149 If you Checks and Other Deductions ACH Deductions Referenc Date posted Transaction Amount description number 44677 70842743866 Corporate ACH Quickbooks 180041ntuit 1940868 22116905560149 ervice Charges and Fees Referenc Date posted Transaction Amount descripton 44678 22116905560149 numb Detail of Services Used During Current Period 22116905560149 ::NOTE:: The total charge for the following services will be posted to your account on 05/02/2022 and will appear on your next statement as a single line item entitled Service Charge Period Ending 04/29/2022. e: The total charge for the following Penod Ending 04/29/2022. Service Charge description Amount Account Maintenance Charge 00063 Total For Services Used This Period 00036 Total Service Charge 00099 Waived - Waived - New Customer Period

    Reviewing Your Statement of this statement if: you have any questions regarding your account(s); your name or address is incorrect; you have any questions regarding interest paid to an interest-bearing account. PNCBANK Balancing Your Account Update Your Account Register Volume Compare: The activity detail section of your statement to your account register. Check Off: Add to Your Account Register: Balance: Subtract From Your Account Register Balance: All items in your account register that also appear on your statement. Remember to begin with the ending date of your last statement. (An asterisk { * } will appear in the Checks section if there is a gap in the listing of consecutive check numbers.) Any deposits or additions including interest payments and ATM or electronic deposits listed on the statement that are not already entered in your register. Any account deductions including fees and ATM or electronic deductions listed on the statement that are not already entered in your register. Your Statement Information : step 2: Add together checks and other deductions listed in your account register but not on your statement. Amount Check Deduction Descrption Amount Balancing Your Account Update Your Account Register on deposit: 22934637118600.00USD

    4720416547 Reviewing Your Statement of this statement if: you have any questions regarding your account(s); your name or address is incorrect; you have any questions regarding interest paid to an interest-bearing account. Total A=$22934637118600

    Step 3: 22934637118600

    Enter the ending balance recorded on your statement Add deposits and other additions not recorded Total A + $22934637118600


    Subtract checks and other deductions not recorded Total B $ 22934637118600

    The result should equal your account register balance $ 22934637118600 Total B22934637118600 Verification of Direct Deposits

    To verify whether a direct deposit or other transfer to your account has occurred, call us Monday - Friday: 7 AM - 10 PM ET and Saturday & Sunday: 8 AM - 5 PM ET at the customer service number listed on the upper right side of the first page of this statement. In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers Telephone us at the customer service number listed on the upper right side of the first page of this statement or write us at PNC Bank Debit Card Services, 500 First Avenue, 4th Floor, Mailstop P7-PFSC-04-M, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. Tell us your name and account number (if any). Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take longer than 10 business days, we will provisionally credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have use of the money during the time it Cakes us to complete our investigation. EquaLHousing Lender Member FDICWage and Income Transcript This Product Contains Sensitive Taxpayer Data Request Date: 07-29-2022 Response Date: 07-29-2022 Tracking Number: 102393392560 Customer File Number: 8813034910 Wage and Income Transcript SSN Provided: XXX-XX-1725 Tax Period Requested: December, 2020 Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement Employer: Employer Identification Number (EIN):XXXXX4661 INTU 2700 C Employee: Employee's Social Security Number:XXX-XX-1725 ZACH T WOO 5222 B Submission Type:.............................................Original document Wages, Tips and Other Compensation:..............................$5,105,000.00 Federal Income Tax Withheld:.....................................$1,888,138.00 Social Security Wages:.............................................$137,700.00 Social Security Tax Withheld:........................................$8,537.00 Medicare Wages and Tips:.........................................$5,105,000.00 Medicare Tax Withheld:.............................................$118,167.00 Social Security Tips:....................................................$0.00 Allocated Tips:..........................................................$0.00 Dependent Care Benefits:.................................................$0.00 Deferred Compensation:...................................................$0.00 Code "Q" Nontaxable Combat Pay:..........................................$0.00 Code "W" Employer Contributions to a Health Savings Account:.............$0.00 Code "Y" Deferrals under a section 409A nonqualified Deferred Compensation plan:....................................................................$0.00 Code "Z" Income under section 409A on a nonqualified Deferred Compensation plan:....................................................................$0.00 Code "R" Employer's Contribution to MSA:.................................$0.00 Code "S" Employer's Contribution to Simple Account:......................$0.00 Code "T" Expenses Incurred for Qualified Adoptions:......................$0.00 Code "V" Income from exercise of non-statutory stock options:............$0.00 Code "AA" Designated Roth Contributions under a Section 401(k) Plan:.....$0.00 Code "BB" Designated Roth Contributions under a Section 403(b) Plan:.....$0.00 Code "DD" Cost of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage:....................$0.00 Code "EE" Designated ROTH Contributions Under a Governmental Section 457(b) Plan:....................................................................$0.00 Code "FF" Permitted benefits under a qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement:...............................................$0.00 Code "GG" Income from Qualified Equity Grants Under Section 83(i):.......$0.00 Code "HH" Aggregate Deferrals Under Section 83(i) Elections as of the Close of the Calendar Year:....................................................$0.00 Third Party Sick Pay Indicator:.....................................Unanswered Retirement Plan Indicator:..........................................Unanswered Statutory Employee:.....................................Not Statutory Employee W2 Submission Type:...................................................Original W2 WHC SSN Validation Code:........................................Correct SSN Form 1099-G Payer: Payer's Federal Identification Number (FIN):XXXXX4775 THE 101 EA Recipient: Recipient's Identification Number:XXX-XX-1725 WOO ZACH T 5222 B Submission Type:.............................................Original document Account Number (Optional):.................................................... ATAA Payments:...........................................................$0.00 Tax Withheld:........................................................$1,026.00 Taxable Grants:..........................................................$0.00 Unemployment Compensation:..........................................$10,182.00 Agricultural Subsidies:..................................................$0.00 Prior Year Refund:.......................................................$0.00 Market gain on Commodity Credit Corporation loans repaid:................$0.00 Year of Refund:........................................................Not Set 1099G Offset:..............Not Refund, Credit, or Offset for Trade or Business Second TIN Notice:............................................................

                This Product Contains Sensitive Taxpayer Data

    Remmittnance Advice 0000001000 NON-NEGOTIABLE 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022. | 000015 Description Amount Payment Amount (Total) $9,246,754,678,763 Display All Social Security (Employee + Employer) 26661.8 Medicare (Employee + Employer) 861193422444 Hourly Federal Income Tax 8385561229657 2.2663E+15 -*This report is generated based on the payroll data for your reference only. Please contact IRS office for special cases such as late payment, previous -overpayment, penalty and others. -**This report doesn't include the pay back amount of deferred Employee Social Security Tax." Commission -Employer Customized Report Federal 941 Deposit Report ADP Report Range 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 88-1303491 State ID: 00037305581 SSN: 633-44-1725 00000 Employee Number: 3 Description Amount 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 Payment Amount (Total) 9246754678763 Display All Social Security (Employee + Employer) 26662 Medicare (Employee + Employer) 861193422444 Hourly Federal Income Tax 8385561229657 2266298000000800 Note: This report is generated based on the payroll data for your reference only. Please contact IRS office for special cases such as late payment, previous overpayment, penalty and others. Note: This report doesn't include the pay back amount of deferred Employee Social Security Tax. Employer Customized Report ADP Report Range5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 88-1656496 state ID: 633441725 State: All Local ID: 00037305581 2267700 EIN: Customized Report Amount Employee Payment Report ADP Employee Number: 3 Description Wages, Tips and Other Compensation 22662983361014 Report Range: Tips Taxable SS Wages 215014 Name: SSN: 00000 Taxable SS Tips 00000 Payment Summary Taxable Medicare Wages 22662983361014 Salary Vacation hourly OT Advanced EIC Payment 00000 3361014 Federal Income Tax Withheld 8385561229657 Bonus 00000 00000 Employee SS Tax Withheld 13331 00000 Other Wages 1 Other Wages 2 Employee Medicare Tax Withheld 532580113436 Total 00000 00000 State Income Tax Withheld 00000 22662983361014 Local Income Tax Withheld Customized Employer Tax Report 00000 Deduction Summary Description Amount Health Insurance Employer SS Tax Employer Medicare Tax 13331 00000 Federal Unemployment Tax 328613309009 Tax Summary State Unemployment Tax 00442 Federal Tax 00007 Total Tax Customized Deduction Report 00840 $8,385,561,229,657@3,330.90 Local Tax Health Insurance 00000 401K 00000 Advanced EIC Payment 8918141356423 00000 00000 Total 401K 00000 00000 ZACHRY T WOOD Social Security Tax Medicare Tax State Tax 532580113050 SHAREHOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ THE DEFINITIVE PROXY STATEMENT AND ANY OTHER RELEVANT MATERIALS THAT THE COMPANY WILL FILE WITH THE SEC CAREFULLY IN THEIR ENTIRETY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE. SUCH DOCUMENTS WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY AND ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND AFFILIATES. INFORMATION REGARDING THE INTERESTS OF CERTAIN OF THE COMPANYS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND AFFILIATES WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE DEFINITIVE PROXY STATEMENT. The Definitive Proxy Statement and any other relevant materials that will be filed with the SEC will be available free of charge at the SECs website at In addition, the Definitive Proxy Statement (when available) and other relevant documents will also be available, without charge, by directing a request by mail to Attn: Investor Relations, Alphabet Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California, 94043 or by contacting The Definitive Proxy Statement and other relevant documents will also be available on the Companys Investor Relations website at The Company and its directors and certain of its executive officers may be consideredno participants in the solicitation of proxies with respect to the proposals under the Definitive Proxy Statement under the rules of the SEC. Additional information regarding the participants in the proxy solicitations and a description of their direct and indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, also will be included in the Definitive Proxy Statement and other relevant materials to be filed with the SEC when they become available. . 9246754678763 3/6/2022 at 6:37 PM Q4 2021 Q3 2021 Q2 2021 Q1 2021 Q4 2020 GOOGL_income-statement_Quarterly_As_Originally_Reported 24934000000 25539000000 37497000000 31211000000 30818000000 24934000000 25539000000 21890000000 19289000000 22677000000 Cash Flow from Operating Activities, Indirect 24934000000 25539000000 21890000000 19289000000 22677000000 Net Cash Flow from Continuing Operating Activities, Indirect 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000 Cash Generated from Operating Activities 6517000000 3797000000 4236000000 2592000000 5748000000 Income/Loss before Non-Cash Adjustment 3439000000 3304000000 2945000000 2753000000 3725000000 Total Adjustments for Non-Cash Items 3439000000 3304000000 2945000000 2753000000 3725000000 Depreciation, Amortization and Depletion, Non-Cash Adjustment 3215000000 3085000000 2730000000 2525000000 3539000000 Depreciation and Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 224000000 219000000 215000000 228000000 186000000 Depreciation, Non-Cash Adjustment 3954000000 3874000000 3803000000 3745000000 3223000000 Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 1616000000 -1287000000 379000000 1100000000 1670000000 Stock-Based Compensation, Non-Cash Adjustment -2478000000 -2158000000 -2883000000 -4751000000 -3262000000 Taxes, Non-Cash Adjustment -2478000000 -2158000000 -2883000000 -4751000000 -3262000000 Investment Income/Loss, Non-Cash Adjustment -14000000 64000000 -8000000 -255000000 392000000 Gain/Loss on Financial Instruments, Non-Cash Adjustment -2225000000 2806000000 -871000000 -1233000000 1702000000 Other Non-Cash Items -5819000000 -2409000000 -3661000000 2794000000 -5445000000 Changes in Operating Capital -5819000000 -2409000000 -3661000000 2794000000 -5445000000 Change in Trade and Other Receivables -399000000 -1255000000 -199000000 7000000 -738000000 Change in Trade/Accounts Receivable 6994000000 3157000000 4074000000 -4956000000 6938000000 Change in Other Current Assets 1157000000 238000000 -130000000 -982000000 963000000 Change in Payables and Accrued Expenses 1157000000 238000000 -130000000 -982000000 963000000 Change in Trade and Other Payables 5837000000 2919000000 4204000000 -3974000000 5975000000 Change in Trade/Accounts Payable 368000000 272000000 -3000000 137000000 207000000 Change in Accrued Expenses -3369000000 3041000000 -1082000000 785000000 740000000 Change in Deferred Assets/Liabilities Change in Other Operating Capital -11016000000 -10050000000 -9074000000 -5383000000 -7281000000 Change in Prepayments and Deposits -11016000000 -10050000000 -9074000000 -5383000000 -7281000000 Cash Flow from Investing Activities Cash Flow from Continuing Investing Activities -6383000000 -6819000000 -5496000000 -5942000000 -5479000000 -6383000000 -6819000000 -5496000000 -5942000000 -5479000000 Purchase/Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment, Net Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment -385000000 -259000000 -308000000 -1666000000 -370000000 Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment -385000000 -259000000 -308000000 -1666000000 -370000000 Purchase/Sale of Business, Net -4348000000 -3360000000 -3293000000 2195000000 -1375000000 Purchase/Acquisition of Business -40860000000 -35153000000 -24949000000 -37072000000 -36955000000 Purchase/Sale of Investments, Net Purchase of Investments 36512000000 31793000000 21656000000 39267000000 35580000000 100000000 388000000 23000000 30000000 -57000000 Sale of Investments Other Investing Cash Flow -15254000000 Purchase/Sale of Other Non-Current Assets, Net -16511000000 -15254000000 -15991000000 -13606000000 -9270000000 Sales of Other Non-Current Assets -16511000000 -12610000000 -15991000000 -13606000000 -9270000000 Cash Flow from Financing Activities -13473000000 -12610000000 -12796000000 -11395000000 -7904000000 Cash Flow from Continuing Financing Activities 13473000000 -12796000000 -11395000000 -7904000000 Issuance of/Payments for Common 343 sec cvxvxvcclpddf wearsStock, Net -42000000 Payments for Common Stock 115000000 -42000000 -1042000000 -37000000 -57000000 Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock 115000000 6350000000 -1042000000 -37000000 -57000000 Issuance of/Repayments for Debt, Net 6250000000 -6392000000 6699000000 900000000 00000 Issuance of/Repayments for Long Term Debt, Net 6365000000 -2602000000 -7741000000 -937000000 -57000000 Proceeds from Issuance of Long Term Debt Repayments for Long Term Debt 2923000000 -2453000000 -2184000000 -1647000000 Proceeds from Issuance/Exercising of Stock Options/Warrants 00000 300000000 10000000 338000000000 Other Financing Cash Flow Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Period Change in Cash 20945000000 23719000000 23630000000 26622000000 26465000000 Effect of Exchange Rate Changes 25930000000) 235000000000) -3175000000 300000000 6126000000 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period PAGE="$USD(181000000000)".XLS BRIN="$USD(146000000000)".XLS 183000000 -143000000 210000000 Cash Flow Supplemental Section 23719000000000 26622000000000 26465000000000 20129000000000 Change in Cash as Reported, Supplemental 2774000000 89000000 -2992000000 6336000000 Income Tax Paid, Supplemental 13412000000 157000000 ZACHRY T WOOD -4990000000 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Q4 2020 Q4 2019 Calendar Year Due: 04/18/2022 Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019 USD in "000'"s Repayments for Long Term Debt 182527 161857 Costs and expenses: Cost of revenues 84732 71896 Research and development 27573 26018 Sales and marketing 17946 18464 General and administrative 11052 09551 European Commission fines 00000 01697 Total costs and expenses 141303 127626 Income from operations 41224 34231 Other income (expense), net 6858000000 05394 Income before income taxes 22677000000 19289000000 Provision for income taxes 22677000000 19289000000 Net income 22677000000 19289000000 *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share) Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share) *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share) Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share) 20210418
    Rate Units Total YTD Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
    - - 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 00000 00000
    FICA - Social Security 00000 08854
    FICA - Medicare 00000 00000
    Employer Taxes
    FUTA 00000 00000
    SUTA 00000 00000
    EIN: 61-1767919 ID : 00037305581 SSN: 633441725

            70842745000        Earnings Statement                                                                                                                
            Taxes / Deductions        Stub Number: 1                                                                                                                
            Net Pay        SSN        Pay Schedule        Pay Period        Sep 28, 2022 to Sep 29, 2023        Pay Date        4/18/2022                                                                        
            70842745000        XXX-XX-1725        Annually                                                                                                        
            CHECK NO.                                                                                                                        
    PO BOX 1214,
    CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214
    00015 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000 11247000000 6959000000 6836000000 10671000000 7068000000
    For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000 11247000000 6959000000 6836000000 10671000000 7068000000
    Cat. No. 11320B 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000 11247000000 6959000000 6836000000 10671000000 7068000000
    Form 1040 (2021) 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000
    Reported Normalized and Operating Income/Expense Supplemental Section
    Total Revenue as Reported, Supplemental 257637000000 75325000000 65118000000 61880000000 55314000000 56898000000 46173000000 38297000000 41159000000 46075000000 40499000000
    Total Operating Profit/Loss as Reported, Supplemental 78714000000 21885000000 21031000000 19361000000 16437000000 15651000000 11213000000 6383000000 7977000000 9266000000 9177000000
    Reported Effective Tax Rate 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
    Reported Normalized Income 6836000000
    Reported Normalized Operating Profit 7977000000
    Other Adjustments to Net Income Available to Common Stockholders
    Discontinued Operations
    Basic EPS 00114 00031 00028 00028 00027 00023 00017 00010 00010 00015 00010
    Basic EPS from Continuing Operations 00114 00031 00028 00028 00027 00022 00017 00010 00010 00015 00010
    Basic EPS from Discontinued Operations
    Diluted EPS 00112 00031 00028 00027 00026 00022 00016 00010 00010 00015 00010
    Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations 00112 00031 00028 00027 00026 00022 00016 00010 00010 00015 00010
    Diluted EPS from Discontinued Operations
    Basic Weighted Average Shares Outstanding 667650000 662664000 665758000 668958000 673220000 675581000 679449000 681768000 686465000 688804000 692741000
    Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding 677674000 672493000 676519000 679612000 682071000 682969000 685851000 687024000 692267000 695193000 698199000
    Reported Normalized Diluted EPS 00010
    Basic EPS 00114 00031 00028 00028 00027 00023 00017 00010 00010 00015 00010 00001
    Diluted EPS 00112 00031 00028 00027 00026 00022 00016 00010 00010 00015 00010
    Basic WASO 667650000 662664000 665758000 668958000 673220000 675581000 679449000 681768000 686465000 688804000 692741000
    Diluted WASO 677674000 672493000 676519000 679612000 682071000 682969000 685851000 687024000 692267000 695193000 698199000
    Fiscal year end September 28th., 2022. | USD
    For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the seperate Instructions.
    important information
    Restated Certificate of Incorporation of PayPal Holdings, Inc.
    (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.01 to PayPal Holdings, Inc.'s
    on Form 8-K, as filed with the Commission on January 18, 2019).
    Opinion of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP.
    Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Independent Registered Public
    Accounting Firm.
    Consent of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP (included in
    Exhibit 5.1 to this Registration Statement).
    Power of Attorney (included on the signature page of this
    Registration Statement).
    All of Us Financial Inc. 2021 Equity Incentive Plan.
    Filing Fee Table.
    Business Checking For 24-hour account information, sign on to Business Checking Account number: 47-2041-6547 - continued
    Activity Detail
    Deposits and Other Additions
    ACH Additions
    Date posted Amount Transaction description For the period 04/13/2022 to 04/29/2022 ZACHRY TYLER WOOD Primary account number: 47-2041-6547 Page 2 of 3
    44678 00063 Reverse Corporate ACH Debit Effective 04-26-22 Reference number
    Checks and Other Deductions 22116905560149
    Deductions Reference number
    Date posted Amount Transaction description 22116905560149
    44677 00063 Corporate ACH Quickbooks 180041ntuit 1940868 Reference number
    Service Charges and Fees 22116905560149
    Date posted Amount Transaction description on your next statement as a single line item entitled Service Waived - New Customer Period
    4/27/2022 00036 Returned Item Fee (nsf)
    Detail of Services Used During Current Period
    Note: The total charge for the following services will be posted to your account on 05/02/2022 and will appear on your next statement a Charge Period Ending 04/29/2022,
    Description Volume Amount
    Account Maintenance Charge 70846743866 00000
    Total For Services Used This Peiiod 00000 00000
    Total Service (harge 00 00000
    Reviewing Your Statement
    C'eck Deduction Descretio• Anount
    (iv) (v) account or benefit, or in payment of the individual obligations of, any individual obligations of any such persons to the Bank without regard to the disposition or purpose of same as allowed by applicable law. D pNCBANK
    In addition but not by way of limitation, the Bank may take checks, drafts or other items payable to "cash", the Bank or the Customer, and pay the sums represented by such Items in cash to any person presenting such items or credit such Items to the account or obligations of any person presenting such items or any other person or entity as directed by any such person.
    Products and Services. Resolved that any of the persons listed in Section 3 above are authorized to enter into contracts and agreements, written or verbal, for any products or services now or in the future offered by the Bank, including but not limited to (i) cash management services, (ii) purchases or sales of foreign exchange, securities or other financial products, (iii) computer/internet-based products and services, (iv) wire transfer of funds from or to the accounts of the Customer at the Bank, and (v) ACH transactions, and the Bank may charge any accounts of the Customer at the Bank for such products or services.
    00005 Taxpayer I.D. Number (TIN)
    OWNER ("Customer") 633-44-1725
    are hereby authorized (i) to effect loans, advances and renewals at any time for the Customer from the Bank; (ii) to sign and deliver any notes (with or without warrant of attorney to confess judgment) and evidences of indebtedness of the Customer; (iii) to request the Bank to issue letters of credit and to sign and deliver to the bank any agreements on behalf of the Customer to reimburse the Bank for all payments made and expenses incurred by it under such letters of credit and drafts drawn pursuant thereto; (iv) to sign and deliver any instruments or documents on behalf of the Customer guaranteeing, endorsing or securing the payment of any debts or obligations of any person, form or corporation to the Bank; (v) to pledge, assign, transfer, mortgage, grant a security interest in or otherwise hypothecate to the Bank any stock, securities, commercial paper, warehouse receipts and other documents of title, bills, accounts receivable, contract rights, inventory, equipment, real property, and any other investments or property of the Customer, real or personal, tangible or intangible as security for the payment of any and all loans, advances, indebtedness and other liabilities of the Customer to the Bank of every kind and description, direct or indirect, absolute and contingent, joint or several, whether as drawer, maker, endorsee, guarantor, surety or otherwise, and to execute on behalf of the Customer mortgages, pledges, security agreements, financing statements and other instruments or documents in connection therewith; and (vi) to sell or discount with the Bank any commercial paper, bills and other instruments and evidence of indebtedness, warehouse receipts and other documents of title, accounts, accounts receivable, contract rights, and other assets, tangible and intangible, at any time held by the Customer and for such purpose to endorse, assign, transfer and deliver the same to the Bank.
    00006 Revolving Credits. Resolved that in connection with any extension of credit obtained by any of the persons authorized in Section 5 above, that permit the Customer to effect multiple advances or draws under such credit, any of the persons listed in Sections 5 (Loans and Extensions of Credit) and 3 (Withdrawals and Endorsements) Resolution for ALPHABET
    00007 Telephonic and Facsimile Requests. Resolved that the Bank is authorized to take any action authorized hereunder based upon (i) the telephone request of any person purporting to be a person authorized to act hereunder, (ii) the signature of any person authorized to act hereunder that is delivered to the Bank by facsimile transmission, or (iii) the telex originated by any of such persons, tested in accordance with such testing : Tr R •d Ming
    or serVlCö n lent services, (ii) purchases or sales of foreig xlll) computerfinternet-based products and services, (iv) wir he Customer at the Bank, and (v) ACH transactions, and the Ba the Bank for such products or services. It. Resolved that any one of the following: procedures as may be established between the Customer and the Bank from time to time. General. Resolved that a certified copy of these resolutions be delivered to the Bank; that the persons specified herein are vested with authority to act and may designate successor persons to act on behalf of Customer
    00008 without further authority from the Customer or governing body; and that Bank may rely on the authority given by this resolution until actual receipt by the Bank of a certified copy of a new resolution modifying or revoking the
    / Customer Copy, page 2 of 4
    00009 Withdrawals and Transfers. Resolved that the Bank is authorized to make payments from the account(s) of
    Customer according to any check, draft, bill of exchange, acceptance or other written instrument or direction signed by any one of the following individuals, officers or designated agents, and that such designated individuals may also otherwise transfer, or enter into agreements with Bank concerning the transfer, of funds from Customer's account(s), whether by telephone, telegraph, computer or any other manner:
    '/Update:Ownership.yml/.yaml.json Pull: '/Update:Ownership.yml/.yaml.json Pull:
    request:branches:@iixixi/mainbranch.gem.json.yaml.jpng jobs: lint-bash-scripts: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps:" ", name:Checkout:@v- request:branches:@iixixi/mainbranch.gem.json.yaml.jpng jobs: lint-bash-scripts: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps:" ", name:Checkout:@v- uses:actions: with: WebRootbin:https://www.github/lint.piper.js/bin/bashTIERAFORMA :Manifest'' uses:actions: with: WebRootbin:https://www.github/lint.piper.js/bin/bashTIERAFORMA :Manifest''
    'Manifest: manifest_ENERGY'@ZachryWoodAdministrator'@'.it'.git :":, 'Manifest: manifest_ENERGY'@ZachryWoodAdministrator'@'.it'.git :":,
    Transformation:'Engineering:results:"true,"' Run-on: launch: repo:deploy:release:publish-gpr:@myusername/repository/bin Deploy-to: Transformation:'Engineering:results:"true,"' Run-on: launch: repo:deploy:release:publish-gpr:@myusername/repository/bin Deploy-to:
    '@iixixii/iixixii/README.MD/README.MD : '@iixixii/iixixii/README.MD/README.MD :
    Construct:Name:iixixi/cli/update:Ownership.yml'" runs-on:@iixixi/latest-bitcoin.json.jpng.yaml needs: @my-user- : Construct:Name:iixixi/cli/update:Ownership.yml'" runs-on:@iixixi/latest-bitcoin.json.jpng.yaml needs: @my-user- name/bin//lint.js/Meta_data:port:"branches:"ports:'8883':'8333'" Item_i:11890_34173 options: --health-cmd="mysqladmin ping" --health- name/bin//lint.js/Meta_data:port:"branches:"ports:'8883':'8333'" Item_i:11890_34173 options: --health-cmd="mysqladmin ping" --health- interval=10s --health-timeout=5s --health-retries=3 postgres: image: postgres:11 env:docker/bin/gem/rake/file.Gem/.json.yaml interval=10s --health-timeout=5s --health-retries=3 postgres: image: postgres:11 env:docker/bin/gem/rake/file.Gem/.json.yaml "ports:'8333':'8883'" env: Entry:test:env🚧slack:build:Engineering:perfect: "COMMADS:construct:"{${[(token)]}}":"{${{[((C)(R))]}}" steps: "ports:'8333':'8883'" env: Entry:test:env🚧slack:build:Engineering:perfect: "COMMADS:construct:"{${[(token)]}}":"{${{[((C)(R))]}}" steps: name:Checkout:publish:release:v- uses:actions:construct: name:Setup:Ruby.gem uses:actions: name:Checkout:publish:release:v- uses:actions:construct: name:Setup:Ruby.gem uses:actions: setup:ruby/gemfile/rake/api/ setup:rubyversioning:v- with: ruby-version: setup:ruby/gemfile/rake/api/ setup:rubyversioning:v- with: ruby-version: v- - name: Increase MySQL max_allowed_packet to 1GB (workaround for unknown/missing service option) v- - name: Increase MySQL max_allowed_packet to 1GB (workaround for unknown/missing service option) run:construct:docker:container:deploy:repository-to-@iixixi getinstall: Pull:,mainbranch Branches:Masterbranch Pull:Masterbranch run:construct:docker:container:deploy:repository-to-@iixixi getinstall: Pull:,mainbranch Branches:Masterbranch Pull:Masterbranch Branches:trunk Push: Branches:main Pull: branches: run::"ests", Results:"true", Branches:trunk Push: Branches:main Pull: branches: run::"ests", Results:"true", Command:construct:repo:container:type:docker.yml.json:build:container@iixixi Return:run#Examples : Command:construct:repo:container:type:docker.yml.json:build:container@iixixi Return:run#Examples : Use case: Create a pull request to update X on push Use case: Create a pull request to update X on push Update project authors Update project authors Keep a branch up-to-date with another Keep a branch up-to-date with another Use case: Create a pull request to update X on release Use case: Create a pull request to update X on release Update changelog Update changelog Use case: Create a pull request to update X periodically Use case: Create a pull request to update X periodically Update NPM dependencies Update NPM dependencies Update Gradle dependencies Update Gradle dependencies Update Cargo dependencies Update Cargo dependencies Update SwaggerUI for GitHub Pages Update SwaggerUI for GitHub Pages Keep a fork up-to-date with its upstream Keep a fork up-to-date with its upstream Spider and download a website Spider and download a website Use case: Create a pull request to update X by calling the GitHub API Use case: Create a pull request to update X by calling the GitHub API Call the GitHub API from an external service Call the GitHub API from an external service Call the GitHub API from another GitHub Actions workflow Call the GitHub API from another GitHub Actions workflow Use case: Create a pull request to modify/fix pull requests Use case: Create a pull request to modify/fix pull requests autopep8 autopep8 Misc workflow tips Misc workflow tips Filtering push events Filtering push events Dynamic configuration using variables Dynamic configuration using variables Setting the pull request body from a file Setting the pull request body from a file Debugging GitHub Actions Debugging GitHub Actions Use case: Create a pull request to update X on push Use case: Create a pull request to update X on push This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content based on pushed changes. Care should be taken when using this pattern This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content based on pushed changes. Care should be taken when using this pattern in repositories with a high frequency of commits. in repositories with a high frequency of commits. Update project authors Update project authors Raises a pull request to update a file called AUTHORS with the git user names and email addresses of contributors. Raises a pull request to update a file called AUTHORS with the git user names and email addresses of contributors. name: Update AUTHORS name: Update AUTHORS on: on: push: push: branches: branches: - master - master jobs: jobs: updateAuthors: updateAuthors: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: with: fetch-depth: 0 fetch-depth: 0 - name: Update AUTHORS - name: Update AUTHORS run: | run: | git log --format=' git log --format=' Runs:| sort -u > AUTHORS Runs:| sort -u > AUTHORS - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: commit-message: update authors commit-message: update authors title: Update AUTHORS title: Update AUTHORS body: Credit new contributors by updating AUTHORS body: Credit new contributors by updating AUTHORS branch: update-authors branch: update-authors Keep a branch up-to-date with another Keep a branch up-to-date with another This is a use case where a branch should be kept up to date with another by opening a pull request to update it. The pull request should then be updated with new changes until it is merged or closed. This is a use case where a branch should be kept up to date with another by opening a pull request to update it. The pull request should then be updated with new changes until it is merged or closed. In this example scenario, a branch called production should be updated via pull request to keep it in sync with master. Merging the pull request is effectively promoting those changes to production. In this example scenario, a branch called production should be updated via pull request to keep it in sync with master. Merging the pull request is effectively promoting those changes to production. name: Create production promotion pull request name: Create production promotion pull request on: on: push: push: branches: branches: - master - master jobs: jobs: productionPromotion: productionPromotion: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: with: ref: production ref: production - name: Reset promotion branch - name: Reset promotion branch run: | run: | git fetch origin master:master git fetch origin master:master git reset --hard master git reset --hard master - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: branch: production-promotion branch: production-promotion Use case: Create a pull request to update X on release Use case: Create a pull request to update X on release This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content based on the tagged commit of a release. Note that because release is one of the events which checkout a commit it is necessary to supply the base input to the action. This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content based on the tagged commit of a release. Note that because release is one of the events which checkout a commit it is necessary to supply the base input to the action. Update changelog Update changelog Raises a pull request to update the file based on the tagged commit of the release. Note that git-chglog requires some configuration files to exist in the repository before this workflow will work. Raises a pull request to update the file based on the tagged commit of the release. Note that git-chglog requires some configuration files to exist in the repository before this workflow will work. This workflow assumes the tagged release was made on a default branch called master. This workflow assumes the tagged release was made on a default branch called master. name: Update Changelog name: Update Changelog on: on: release: release: types: [published] types: [published] jobs: jobs: updateChangelog: updateChangelog: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: with: fetch-depth: 0 fetch-depth: 0 - name: Update Changelog - name: Update Changelog run: | run: | curl -o git-chglog -L curl -o git-chglog -L chmod u+x git-chglog chmod u+x git-chglog ./git-chglog -o ./git-chglog -o rm git-chglog rm git-chglog - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: commit-message: update changelog commit-message: update changelog title: Update Changelog title: Update Changelog body: Update changelog to reflect release changes body: Update changelog to reflect release changes branch: update-changelog branch: update-changelog base: master base: master Use case: Create a pull request to update X periodically Use case: Create a pull request to update X periodically This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content from an external source. The workflow executes on a schedule and raises a pull request when there are changes. This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content from an external source. The workflow executes on a schedule and raises a pull request when there are changes. Update NPM dependencies Update NPM dependencies This workflow will create a pull request for npm dependencies. It works best in combination with a build workflow triggered on push and pull_request. A Personal Access Token (PAT) can be used in order for the creation of the pull request to trigger further workflows. See the documentation here for further details. This workflow will create a pull request for npm dependencies. It works best in combination with a build workflow triggered on push and pull_request. A Personal Access Token (PAT) can be used in order for the creation of the pull request to trigger further workflows. See the documentation here for further details. name: Update Dependencies name: Update Dependencies on: on: schedule: schedule:
    • cron: '0 10 * * 1' - cron: '0 10 * * 1' jobs: jobs: update-dep: update-dep: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps:
      • uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      • uses: actions/setup-node@v1 - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: with: node-version: '12.x' node-version: '12.x'

      • name: Update dependencies - name: Update dependencies run: | run: | npx -p npm-check-updates ncu -u npx -p npm-check-updates ncu -u npm install npm install

      • name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: token: ${{ secrets.PAT }} token: ${{ secrets.PAT }} commit-message: Update dependencies commit-message: Update dependencies title: Update dependencies title: Update dependencies body: | body: | - Dependency updates - Dependency updates

          Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][1]	              Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][1]
          [1]:	              [1]:
        branch: update-dependencies	            branch: update-dependencies

    The above workflow works best in combination with a build workflow triggered on push and pull_request. The above workflow works best in combination with a build workflow triggered on push and pull_request. name: CI name: CI on: on: push: push: branches: [master] branches: [master] pull_request: pull_request: branches: [master] branches: [master] jobs: jobs: build: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: with: node-version: 12.x node-version: 12.x - run: npm ci - run: npm ci - run: npm run test - run: npm run test - run: npm run build - run: npm run build Update Gradle dependencies Update Gradle dependencies The following workflow will create a pull request for Gradle dependencies. It requires first configuring your project to use Gradle lockfiles. See here for how to configure your project and use the following workflow. The following workflow will create a pull request for Gradle dependencies. It requires first configuring your project to use Gradle lockfiles. See here for how to configure your project and use the following workflow. name: Update Dependencies name: Update Dependencies on: on: schedule: schedule: - cron: '0 1 * * 1' - cron: '0 1 * * 1' jobs: jobs: update-dep: update-dep: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-java@v1 - uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: with: java-version: 1.8 java-version: 1.8 - name: Grant execute permission for gradlew - name: Grant execute permission for gradlew run: chmod +x gradlew run: chmod +x gradlew - name: Perform dependency resolution and write new lockfiles - name: Perform dependency resolution and write new lockfiles run: ./gradlew dependencies --write-locks run: ./gradlew dependencies --write-locks - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: token: ${{ secrets.PAT }} token: ${{ secrets.PAT }} commit-message: Update dependencies commit-message: Update dependencies title: Update dependencies title: Update dependencies body: | body: | - Dependency updates - Dependency updates

              Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][1]	              Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][1]
              [1]:	              [1]:
            branch: update-dependencies	            branch: update-dependencies

    Update Cargo dependencies Update Cargo dependencies The following workflow will create a pull request for Cargo dependencies. It optionally uses cargo-edit to update Cargo.toml and keep it in sync with Cargo.lock. The following workflow will create a pull request for Cargo dependencies. It optionally uses cargo-edit to update Cargo.toml and keep it in sync with Cargo.lock. name: Update Dependencies name: Update Dependencies on: on: schedule: schedule: - cron: '0 1 * * 1' - cron: '0 1 * * 1' jobs: jobs: update-dep: update-dep: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Update dependencies - name: Update dependencies run: | run: | cargo install cargo-edit cargo install cargo-edit cargo update cargo update cargo upgrade --to-lockfile cargo upgrade --to-lockfile - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: token: ${{ secrets.PAT }} token: ${{ secrets.PAT }} commit-message: Update dependencies commit-message: Update dependencies title: Update dependencies title: Update dependencies body: | body: | - Dependency updates - Dependency updates

              Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][1]	              Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][1]
              [1]:	              [1]:
            branch: update-dependencies	            branch: update-dependencies

    Update SwaggerUI for GitHub Pages Update SwaggerUI for GitHub Pages When using GitHub Pages to host Swagger documentation, this workflow updates the repository with the latest distribution of SwaggerUI. When using GitHub Pages to host Swagger documentation, this workflow updates the repository with the latest distribution of SwaggerUI. You must create a file called swagger-ui.version at the root of your repository before running. You must create a file called swagger-ui.version at the root of your repository before running. name: Update Swagger UI name: Update Swagger UI on: on: schedule: schedule: - cron: '0 10 * * *' - cron: '0 10 * * *' jobs: jobs: updateSwagger: updateSwagger: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Get Latest Swagger UI Release - name: Get Latest Swagger UI Release id: swagger-ui id: swagger-ui run: | run: | echo ::set-output name=release_tag::$(curl -sL | jq -r ".tag_name") echo ::set-output name=release_tag::$(curl -sL | jq -r ".tag_name") echo ::set-output name=current_tag::$(<swagger-ui.version) echo ::set-output name=current_tag::$(<swagger-ui.version) - name: Update Swagger UI - name: Update Swagger UI if: steps.swagger-ui.outputs.current_tag != steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag if: steps.swagger-ui.outputs.current_tag != steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag env: env: RELEASE_TAG: ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} RELEASE_TAG: ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} SWAGGER_YAML: "swagger.yaml" SWAGGER_YAML: "swagger.yaml" run: | run: | # Delete the dist directory and index.html # Delete the dist directory and index.html rm -fr dist index.html rm -fr dist index.html # Download the release # Download the release curl -sL -o $RELEASE_TAG$RELEASE_TAG curl -sL -o $RELEASE_TAG$RELEASE_TAG # Extract the dist directory # Extract the dist directory tar -xzf $RELEASE_TAG --strip-components=1 $(tar -tzf $RELEASE_TAG | head -1 | cut -f1 -d"/")/dist tar -xzf $RELEASE_TAG --strip-components=1 $(tar -tzf $RELEASE_TAG | head -1 | cut -f1 -d"/")/dist rm $RELEASE_TAG rm $RELEASE_TAG # Move index.html to the root # Move index.html to the root mv dist/index.html . mv dist/index.html . # Fix references in index.html # Fix references in index.html sed -i "s||$SWAGGER_YAML|g" index.html sed -i "s||$SWAGGER_YAML|g" index.html sed -i "s|href="./|href="dist/|g" index.html sed -i "s|href="./|href="dist/|g" index.html sed -i "s|src="./|src="dist/|g" index.html sed -i "s|src="./|src="dist/|g" index.html # Update current release # Update current release echo ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} > swagger-ui.version echo ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} > swagger-ui.version - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: commit-message: Update swagger-ui to ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} commit-message: Update swagger-ui to ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} title: Update SwaggerUI to ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} title: Update SwaggerUI to ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} body: | body: | Updates [swagger-ui][1] to ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} Updates [swagger-ui][1] to ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][2] Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][2] [1]: [1]: [2]: [2]: labels: dependencies, automated pr labels: dependencies, automated pr branch: swagger-ui-updates branch: swagger-ui-updates Keep a fork up-to-date with its upstream Keep a fork up-to-date with its upstream This example is designed to be run in a seperate repository from the fork repository itself. The aim of this is to prevent committing anything to the fork's default branch would cause it to differ from the upstream. This example is designed to be run in a seperate repository from the fork repository itself. The aim of this is to prevent committing anything to the fork's default branch would cause it to differ from the upstream. In the following example workflow, owner/repo is the upstream repository and fork-owner/repo is the fork. It assumes the default branch of the upstream repository is called master. In the following example workflow, owner/repo is the upstream repository and fork-owner/repo is the fork. It assumes the default branch of the upstream repository is called master. The Personal Access Token (PAT) should have repo scope. Additionally, if the upstream makes changes to the .github/workflows directory, the action will be unable to push the changes to a branch and throw the error "(refusing to allow a GitHub App to create or update workflow .github/workflows/xxx.yml without workflows permission)". To allow these changes to be pushed to the fork, add the workflow scope to the PAT. Of course, allowing this comes with the risk that the workflow changes from the upstream could run and do something unexpected. Disabling GitHub Actions in the fork is highly recommended to prevent this. The Personal Access Token (PAT) should have repo scope. Additionally, if the upstream makes changes to the .github/workflows directory, the action will be unable to push the changes to a branch and throw the error "(refusing to allow a GitHub App to create or update workflow .github/workflows/xxx.yml without workflows permission)". To allow these changes to be pushed to the fork, add the workflow scope to the PAT. Of course, allowing this comes with the risk that the workflow changes from the upstream could run and do something unexpected. Disabling GitHub Actions in the fork is highly recommended to prevent this. When you merge the pull request make sure to choose the Rebase and merge option. This will make the fork's commits match the commits on the upstream. When you merge the pull request make sure to choose the Rebase and merge option. This will make the fork's commits match the commits on the upstream. name: Update fork name: Update fork on: on: schedule: schedule: - cron: '0 0 * * 0' - cron: '0 0 * * 0' jobs: jobs: updateFork: updateFork: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: with: repository: fork-owner/repo repository: fork-owner/repo - name: Reset the default branch with upstream changes - name: Reset the default branch with upstream changes run: | run: | git remote add upstream git remote add upstream git fetch upstream master:upstream-master git fetch upstream master:upstream-master git reset --hard upstream-master git reset --hard upstream-master - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: token: ${{ secrets.PAT }} token: ${{ secrets.PAT }} branch: upstream-changes branch: upstream-changes Spider and download a website Spider and download a website This workflow spiders a website and downloads the content. Any changes to the website will be raised in a pull request. This workflow spiders a website and downloads the content. Any changes to the website will be raised in a pull request. name: Download Website name: Download Website on: on: schedule: schedule: - cron: '0 10 * * *' - cron: '0 10 * * *' jobs: jobs: format: format: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Download website - name: Download website run: | run: | wget \ wget
    --recursive \ --recursive
    --level=2 \ --level=2
    --wait=1 \ --wait=1
    --no-clobber \ --no-clobber
    --page-requisites \ --page-requisites
    --html-extension \ --html-extension
    --convert-links \ --convert-links
    --domains \ --domains - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: commit-message: update local website copy commit-message: update local website copy title: Automated Updates to Local Website Copy title: Automated Updates to Local Website Copy body: This is an auto-generated PR with website updates. body: This is an auto-generated PR with website updates. branch: website-updates branch: website-updates Use case: Create a pull request to update X by calling the GitHub API Use case: Create a pull request to update X by calling the GitHub API You can use the GitHub API to trigger a webhook event called repository_dispatch when you want to trigger a workflow for any activity that happens outside of GitHub. This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content from an external source. You can use the GitHub API to trigger a webhook event called repository_dispatch when you want to trigger a workflow for any activity that happens outside of GitHub. This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content from an external source. You can modify any of the examples in the previous section to work in this fashion. You can modify any of the examples in the previous section to work in this fashion. Set the workflow to execute on: repository_dispatch. Set the workflow to execute on: repository_dispatch. on: on: repository_dispatch: repository_dispatch: types: [create-pull-request] types: [create-pull-request] Call the GitHub API from an external service Call the GitHub API from an external service An on: repository_dispatch workflow can be triggered by a call to the GitHub API as follows. An on: repository_dispatch workflow can be triggered by a call to the GitHub API as follows. [username] is a GitHub username [username] is a GitHub username [token] is a repo scoped Personal Access Token [token] is a repo scoped Personal Access Token [repository] is the name of the repository the workflow resides in. [repository] is the name of the repository the workflow resides in. curl -XPOST -u "[username]:[token]" \ curl -XPOST -u "[username]:[token]"
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json"
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json"[username]/[repository]/dispatches \[username]/[repository]/dispatches
    --data '{"event_type": "create-pull-request"}' --data '{"event_type": "create-pull-request"}' Call the GitHub API from another GitHub Actions workflow Call the GitHub API from another GitHub Actions workflow An on: repository_dispatch workflow can be triggered from another workflow with repository-dispatch action. An on: repository_dispatch workflow can be triggered from another workflow with repository-dispatch action.

    • name: Repository Dispatch - name: Repository Dispatch uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v1 uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v1 with: with: token: ${{ secrets.REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN }} token: ${{ secrets.REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN }} repository: username/my-repo repository: username/my-repo event-type: create-pull-request event-type: create-pull-request client-payload: '{"ref": "${{ github.ref }}", "sha": "${{ github.sha }}"}' client-payload: '{"ref": "${{ github.ref }}", "sha": "${{ github.sha }}"}' Use case: Create a pull request to modify/fix pull requests Use case: Create a pull request to modify/fix pull requests Note: While the following approach does work, my strong recommendation would be to use a slash command style "ChatOps" solution for operations on pull requests. See slash-command-dispatch for such a solution. Note: While the following approach does work, my strong recommendation would be to use a slash command style "ChatOps" solution for operations on pull requests. See slash-command-dispatch for such a solution. This is a pattern that lends itself to automated code linting and fixing. A pull request can be created to fix or modify something during an on: pull_request workflow. The pull request containing the fix will be raised with the original pull request as the base. This can be then be merged to update the original pull request and pass any required tests. This is a pattern that lends itself to automated code linting and fixing. A pull request can be created to fix or modify something during an on: pull_request workflow. The pull request containing the fix will be raised with the original pull request as the base. This can be then be merged to update the original pull request and pass any required tests. Note that due to token restrictions on public repository forks, workflows for this use case do not work for pull requests raised from forks. Private repositories can be configured to enable workflows from forks to run without restriction. Note that due to token restrictions on public repository forks, workflows for this use case do not work for pull requests raised from forks. Private repositories can be configured to enable workflows from forks to run without restriction. autopep8 autopep8 The following is an example workflow for a use case where autopep8 action runs as both a check on pull requests and raises a further pull request to apply code fixes. The following is an example workflow for a use case where autopep8 action runs as both a check on pull requests and raises a further pull request to apply code fixes. How it works: How it works: When a pull request is raised the workflow executes as a check When a pull request is raised the workflow executes as a check If autopep8 makes any fixes a pull request will be raised for those fixes to be merged into the current pull request branch. The workflow then deliberately causes the check to fail. If autopep8 makes any fixes a pull request will be raised for those fixes to be merged into the current pull request branch. The workflow then deliberately causes the check to fail. When the pull request containing the fixes is merged the workflow runs again. This time autopep8 makes no changes and the check passes. When the pull request containing the fixes is merged the workflow runs again. This time autopep8 makes no changes and the check passes. The original pull request can now be merged. The original pull request can now be merged. name: autopep8 name: autopep8 on: pull_request on: pull_request jobs: jobs: autopep8: autopep8:

      Check if the PR is not raised by this workflow and is not from a fork # Check if the PR is not raised by this workflow and is not from a fork

      if: startsWith(github.head_ref, 'autopep8-patches') == false && github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository if: startsWith(github.head_ref, 'autopep8-patches') == false && github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: with: ref: ${{ github.head_ref }} ref: ${{ github.head_ref }} - name: autopep8 - name: autopep8 id: autopep8 id: autopep8 uses: peter-evans/autopep8@v1 uses: peter-evans/autopep8@v1 with: with: args: --exit-code --recursive --in-place --aggressive --aggressive . args: --exit-code --recursive --in-place --aggressive --aggressive . - name: Set autopep8 branch name - name: Set autopep8 branch name id: vars id: vars run: echo ::set-output name=branch-name::"autopep8-patches/${{ github.head_ref }}" run: echo ::set-output name=branch-name::"autopep8-patches/${{ github.head_ref }}" - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request if: steps.autopep8.outputs.exit-code == 2 if: steps.autopep8.outputs.exit-code == 2 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: commit-message: autopep8 action fixes commit-message: autopep8 action fixes title: Fixes by autopep8 action title: Fixes by autopep8 action body: This is an auto-generated PR with fixes by autopep8. body: This is an auto-generated PR with fixes by autopep8. labels: autopep8, automated pr labels: autopep8, automated pr branch: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.branch-name }} branch: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.branch-name }} - name: Fail if autopep8 made changes - name: Fail if autopep8 made changes if: steps.autopep8.outputs.exit-code == 2 if: steps.autopep8.outputs.exit-code == 2 run: exit 1 run: exit 1 Misc workflow tips Misc workflow tips Filtering push events Filtering push events For workflows using on: push you may want to ignore push events for tags and only execute for branches. Specifying branches causes only events on branches to trigger the workflow. The '' wildcard will match any branch name. For workflows using on: push you may want to ignore push events for tags and only execute for branches. Specifying branches causes only events on branches to trigger the workflow. The '' wildcard will match any branch name. on: on: push: push: branches: branches: - '' - '' If you have a workflow that contains jobs to handle push events on branches as well as tags, you can make sure that the job where you use create-pull-request action only executes when github.ref is a branch by using an if condition as follows. If you have a workflow that contains jobs to handle push events on branches as well as tags, you can make sure that the job where you use create-pull-request action only executes when github.ref is a branch by using an if condition as follows. on: push on: push jobs: jobs: createPullRequest: createPullRequest: if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/heads/') if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/heads/') runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 ... ... someOtherJob: someOtherJob: runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 ... ... Dynamic configuration using variables Dynamic configuration using variables The following examples show how configuration for the action can be dynamically defined in a previous workflow step. The following examples show how configuration for the action can be dynamically defined in a previous workflow step. The recommended method is to use set-output. Note that the step where output variables are defined must have an id. The recommended method is to use set-output. Note that the step where output variables are defined must have an id. - name: Set output variables - name: Set output variables id: vars id: vars run: | run: | echo ::set-output name=pr_title::"[Test] Add report file $(date +%d-%m-%Y)" echo ::set-output name=pr_title::"[Test] Add report file $(date +%d-%m-%Y)" echo ::set-output name=pr_body::"This PR was auto-generated on $(date +%d-%m-%Y) \ echo ::set-output name=pr_body::"This PR was auto-generated on $(date +%d-%m-%Y)
      by create-pull-request." by create-pull-request." - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: title: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.pr_title }} title: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.pr_title }} body: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.pr_body }} body: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.pr_body }} Setting the pull request body from a file Setting the pull request body from a file This example shows how file content can be read into a variable and passed to the action. The content must be escaped to preserve newlines. This example shows how file content can be read into a variable and passed to the action. The content must be escaped to preserve newlines. - id: get-pr-body - id: get-pr-body run: | run: | body=$(cat pr-body.txt) body=$(cat pr-body.txt) body="${body//'%'/'%25'}" body="${body//'%'/'%25'}" body="${body//$'\n'/'%0A'}" body="${body//$'\n'/'%0A'}" body="${body//$'\r'/'%0D'}" body="${body//$'\r'/'%0D'}" echo ::set-output name=body::$body echo ::set-output name=body::$body - name: Create Pull Request - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: with: body: ${{ steps.get-pr-body.outputs.body }} body: ${{ steps.get-pr-body.outputs.body }} Debugging GitHub Actions Debugging GitHub Actions Runner Diagnostic Logging Runner Diagnostic Logging Runner diagnostic logging provides additional log files that contain information about how a runner is executing an action. To enable runner diagnostic logging, set the secret ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG to true in the repository that contains the workflow. Runner diagnostic logging provides additional log files that contain information about how a runner is executing an action. To enable runner diagnostic logging, set the secret ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG to true in the repository that contains the workflow. Step Debug Logging Step Debug Logging Step debug logging increases the verbosity of a job's logs during and after a job's execution. To enable step debug logging set the secret ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG to true in the repository that contains the workflow. Step debug logging increases the verbosity of a job's logs during and after a job's execution. To enable step debug logging set the secret ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG to true in the repository that contains the workflow. Output Various Contexts Output Various Contexts steps: steps: - name: Dump GitHub context - name: Dump GitHub context env: env: GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }} GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }} run: echo "$GITHUB_CONTEXT" run: echo "$GITHUB_CONTEXT" - name: Dump job context - name: Dump job context env: env: JOB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(job) }} JOB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(job) }} run: echo "$JOB_CONTEXT" run: echo "$JOB_CONTEXT" - name: Dump steps context - name: Dump steps context env: env: STEPS_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(steps) }} STEPS_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(steps) }} run: echo "$STEPS_CONTEXT" run: echo "$STEPS_CONTEXT" - name: Dump runner context - name: Dump runner context env: env: RUNNER_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(runner) }} RUNNER_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(runner) }} run: echo "$RUNNER_CONTEXT" run: echo "$RUNNER_CONTEXT" - name: Dump strategy context - name: Dump strategy context env: env: STRATEGY_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(strategy) }} STRATEGY_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(strategy) }} run: echo "$STRATEGY_CONTEXT" run: echo "$STRATEGY_CONTEXT" - name: Dump matrix context - name: Dump matrix context env: env: MATRIX_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(matrix) }} MATRIX_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(matrix) }} run: echo "$MATRIX_CONTEXT" run: echo "$MATRIX_CONTEXT" **impute./-inputs'@flax-core.seed*\root** from '@actions/core' impute./-inputs'@flax-core.seed\root* from '@actions/core' import {Inputs} from './create-pull-request' import {Inputs} from './create-pull-request' import {Octocokit, OctokitOptions} from './octokit-client' import {Octocokit, OctokitOptions} from './octokit-client' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as fs from 'fs' import * as fs from 'fs' import * as path from 'path' import * as path from 'path' export function getInputAsArray( export function getInputAsArray( name: string, name: string, options?: core.InputOptions options?: core.InputOptions ): string[] { ): string[] { return getStringAsArray(core.getInput(name, options)) return getStringAsArray(core.getInput(name, options)) } } export function getStringAsArray(str: string): string[] { export function getStringAsArray(str: string): string[] { return str return str .split(/[\n,]+/) .split(/[\n,]+/) .map(s => s.trim()) .map(s => s.trim()) .filter(x => x !== '') .filter(x => x !== '') } } export function getRepoPath(relativePath?: string): string { export function getRepoPath(relativePath?: string): string { let githubWorkspacePath = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] let githubWorkspacePath = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] if (!githubWorkspacePath) { if (!githubWorkspacePath) { throw new Error('GITHUB_WORKSPACE not defined') throw new Error('GITHUB_WORKSPACE not defined') } } githubWorkspacePath = path.resolve(githubWorkspacePath) githubWorkspacePath = path.resolve(githubWorkspacePath) core.debug(githubWorkspacePath: ${githubWorkspacePath}) core.debug(githubWorkspacePath: ${githubWorkspacePath}) let repoPath = githubWorkspacePath let repoPath = githubWorkspacePath if (relativePath) repoPath = path.resolve(repoPath, relativePath) if (relativePath) repoPath = path.resolve(repoPath, relativePath) core.debug(repoPath: ${repoPath}) core.debug(repoPath: ${repoPath}) return repoPath return repoPath } } interface RemoteDetail { interface RemoteDetail { protocol: string protocol: string repository: string repository: string } } export function getRemoteDetail(remoteUrl: string): RemoteDetail { export function getRemoteDetail(remoteUrl: string): RemoteDetail { // Parse the protocol and github repository from a URL // Parse the protocol and github repository from a URL // e.g. HTTPS, peter-evans/create-pull-request // e.g. HTTPS, peter-evans/create-pull-request const githubUrl = process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] || '' const githubUrl = process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] || '' const githubServerMatch = githubUrl.match(/^https?://(.+)$/i) const githubServerMatch = githubUrl.match(/^https?://(.+)$/i) if (!githubServerMatch) { if (!githubServerMatch) { throw new Error('Could not parse GitHub Server name') throw new Error('Could not parse GitHub Server name') } } const httpsUrlPattern = new RegExp( const httpsUrlPattern = new RegExp( '^https?://.@?' + githubServerMatch[1] + '/(.+/.+)$', '^https?://.@?' + githubServerMatch[1] + '/(.+/.+)$', 'i' 'i' ) ) const sshUrlPattern = new RegExp( const sshUrlPattern = new RegExp( '^git@' + githubServerMatch[1] + ':(.+/.+).git$', '^git@' + githubServerMatch[1] + ':(.+/.+).git$', 'i' 'i' ) ) const httpsMatch = remoteUrl.match(httpsUrlPattern) const httpsMatch = remoteUrl.match(httpsUrlPattern) if (httpsMatch) { if (httpsMatch) { return { return { protocol: 'HTTPS', protocol: 'HTTPS', repository: httpsMatch[1] repository: httpsMatch[1] } } } } const sshMatch = remoteUrl.match(sshUrlPattern) const sshMatch = remoteUrl.match(sshUrlPattern) if (sshMatch) { if (sshMatch) { return { return { protocol: 'SSH', protocol: 'SSH', repository: sshMatch[1] repository: sshMatch[1] } } } } throw new Error( throw new Error( The format of '${remoteUrl}' is not a valid GitHub repository URL The format of '${remoteUrl}' is not a valid GitHub repository URL ) ) } } export function getRemoteUrl(protocol: string, repository: string): string { export function getRemoteUrl(protocol: string, repository: string): string { return protocol == 'HTTPS' return protocol == 'HTTPS' ?${repository} ?${repository} :${repository}.git :${repository}.git } } export function secondsSinceEpoch(): number { export function secondsSinceEpoch(): number { const now = new Date() const now = new Date() return Math.round(now.getTime() / 1000) return Math.round(now.getTime() / 1000) } } export function randomString(): string { export function randomString(): string { return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 7) return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 7) } } interface DisplayNameEmail { interface DisplayNameEmail { name: string name: string email: string email: string } } export function parseDisplayNameEmail( export function parseDisplayNameEmail( displayNameEmail: string displayNameEmail: string ): DisplayNameEmail { ): DisplayNameEmail { // Parse the name and email address from a string in the following format // Parse the name and email address from a string in the following format // Display Name // Display Name const pattern = /^([^<]+)\s*<([^>]+)>$/i const pattern = /^([^<]+)\s*<([^>]+)>$/i // Check we have a match // Check we have a match const match = displayNameEmail.match(pattern) const match = displayNameEmail.match(pattern) if (!match) { if (!match) { throw new Error( throw new Error( The format of '${displayNameEmail}' is not a valid email address with display name The format of '${displayNameEmail}' is not a valid email address with display name ) ) } } // Check that name and email are not just whitespace // Check that name and email are not just whitespace const name = match[1].trim() const name = match[1].trim() const email = match[2].trim() const email = match[2].trim() if (!name || !email) { if (!name || !email) { throw new Error( throw new Error( The format of '${displayNameEmail}' is not a valid email address with display name The format of '${displayNameEmail}' is not a valid email address with display name ) ) } } return { return { name: name, name: name, email: email email: email } } } } export function fileExistsSync(path: string): boolean { export function fileExistsSync(path: string): boolean { if (!path) { if (!path) { throw new Error("Arg 'path' must not be empty") throw new Error("Arg 'path' must not be empty") } } let stats: fs.Stats let stats: fs.Stats try { try { stats = fs.statSync(path) stats = fs.statSync(path) } when checking whether path '${path}' exists: ${autoupdate.squash_merge.message} } when checking whether path '${path}' exists: ${autoupdate.squash_merge.message} ) ) } } import * as exec from '@actions/exec' import * as exec from '@actions/exec' import * as io from '@actions/io' import * as io from '@actions/io' import * as utils from './utils' import * as utils from './utils' import * as path from 'path' import * as path from 'path' const tagsRefSpec = '+refs/tags/:refs/tags/' const tagsRefSpec = '+refs/tags/:refs/tags/' export class GitCommandManager { export class GitCommandManager { private gitPath: string private gitPath: string private workingDirectory: string private workingDirectory: string // Git options used when commands require an identity // Git options used when commands require an identity private identityGitOptions?: string[] private identityGitOptions?: string[] private constructor(workingDirectory: string, gitPath: string) { private constructor(workingDirectory: string, gitPath: string) { this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory this.gitPath = gitPath this.gitPath = gitPath } } static async create(workingDirectory: string): Promise { static async create(workingDirectory: string): Promise { const gitPath = await io.which('git', true) const gitPath = await io.which('git', true) return new GitCommandManager(workingDirectory, gitPath) return new GitCommandManager(workingDirectory, gitPath) } } setIdentityGitOptions(identityGitOptions: string[]): void { setIdentityGitOptions(identityGitOptions: string[]): void { this.identityGitOptions = identityGitOptions this.identityGitOptions = identityGitOptions } } async checkout(ref: string, startPoint?: string): Promise { async checkout(ref: string, startPoint?: string): Promise { const args = ['checkout', '--progress'] const args = ['checkout', '--progress'] if (startPoint) { if (startPoint) { args.push('-B', ref, startPoint) args.push('-B', ref, startPoint) } else { } else { args.push(ref) args.push(ref) } } await this.exec(args) await this.exec(args) } } async cherryPick( async cherryPick( options?: string[], options?: string[], allowAllExitCodes = false allowAllExitCodes = false ): Promise { ): Promise { const args = ['cherry-pick'] const args = ['cherry-pick'] if (this.identityGitOptions) { if (this.identityGitOptions) { args.unshift(...this.identityGitOptions) args.unshift(...this.identityGitOptions) } } if (options) { if (options) { args.push(...options) args.push(...options) } } return await this.exec(args, allowAllExitCodes) return await this.exec(args, allowAllExitCodes) } } async commit(options?: string[]): Promise { async commit(options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['commit'] const args = ['commit'] if (this.identityGitOptions) { if (this.identityGitOptions) { args.unshift(...this.identityGitOptions) args.unshift(...this.identityGitOptions) } } if (options) { if (options) { args.push(...options) args.push(...options) } } await this.exec(args) await this.exec(args) } } async config( async config( configKey: string, configKey: string, configValue: string, configValue: string, globalConfig?: boolean globalConfig?: boolean ): Promise { ): Promise { await this.exec([ await this.exec([ 'config', 'config', globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local', globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local', configKey, configKey, configValue configValue ]) ]) } } async configExists( async configExists( configKey: string, configKey: string, configValue = '.', configValue = '.', globalConfig?: boolean globalConfig?: boolean ): Promise { ): Promise { const output = await this.exec( const output = await this.exec( [ [ 'config', 'config', globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local', globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local', '--name-only', '--name-only', '--get-regexp', '--get-regexp', configKey, configKey, configValue configValue ], ], true true ) ) return output.exitCode === 0 return output.exitCode === 0 } } async fetch( async fetch( refSpec: string[], refSpec: string[], remoteName?: string, remoteName?: string, options?: string[] options?: string[] ): Promise { ): Promise { const args = ['-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch'] const args = ['-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch'] if (!refSpec.some(x => x === tagsRefSpec)) { if (!refSpec.some(x => x === tagsRefSpec)) { args.push('--no-tags') args.push('--no-tags') } } args.push('--progress', '--no-recurse-submodules') args.push('--progress', '--no-recurse-submodules') if ( if ( utils.fileExistsSync(path.join(this.workingDirectory, '.git', 'shallow')) utils.fileExistsSync(path.join(this.workingDirectory, '.git', 'shallow')) ) { ) { args.push('--unshallow') args.push('--unshallow') } } if (options) { if (options) { args.push(...options) args.push(...options) } } if (remoteName) { if (remoteName) { args.push(remoteName) args.push(remoteName) } else { } else { args.push('origin') args.push('origin') } } for (const arg of refSpec) { for (const arg of refSpec) { args.push(arg) args.push(arg) } } await this.exec(args) await this.exec(args) } } async getConfigValue(configKey: string, configValue = '.'): Promise { async getConfigValue(configKey: string, configValue = '.'): Promise { const output = await this.exec([ const output = await this.exec([ 'config', 'config', '--local', '--local', '--get-regexp', '--get-regexp', configKey, configKey, configValue configValue ]) ]) return output.stdout.trim().split(${configKey} )[1] return output.stdout.trim().split(${configKey} )[1] } } getWorkingDirectory(): string { getWorkingDirectory(): string { return this.workingDirectory return this.workingDirectory } } async hasDiff(options?: string[]): Promise { async hasDiff(options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['diff', '--quiet'] const args = ['diff', '--quiet'] if (options) { if (options) { args.push(...options) args.push(...options) } } const output = await this.exec(args, true) const output = await this.exec(args, true) return output.exitCode === 1 return output.exitCode === 1 } } async isDirty(untracked: boolean): Promise { async isDirty(untracked: boolean): Promise { // Check untracked changes // Check untracked changes if (untracked && (await this.status(['--porcelain', '-unormal']))) { if (untracked && (await this.status(['--porcelain', '-unormal']))) { return true return true } } // Check working index changes // Check working index changes if (await this.hasDiff()) { if (await this.hasDiff()) { return true return true } } // Check staged changes // Check staged changes if (await this.hasDiff(['--staged'])) { if (await this.hasDiff(['--staged'])) { return true return true } } return false return false } } async push(options?: string[]): Promise { async push(options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['push'] const args = ['push'] if (options) { if (options) { args.push(...options) args.push(...options) } } await this.exec(AGS)).); ) await this.exec(AGS)).); ) } } async revList( async revList( commitExpression: string[], commitExpression: string[], options?: string[] options?: string[] ): Promise { ): Promise { const args = ['rev-list'] const args = ['rev-list'] if (options) { if (options) { args.push(...options) args.push(...options) } } args.push(...commitExpression) args.push(...commitExpression) const output = await this.exec(args) const output = await this.exec(args) return output.stdout.trim() return output.stdout.trim() } } async revParse(ref: string, options?: string[]): Promise { async revParse(ref: string, options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['rev-parse'] const args = ['rev-parse'] if (options) { if (options) { args.push(...options) args.push(...options) } } args.push(ref) args.push(ref) const output = await this.exec(args) const output = await this.exec(args) return output.stdout.trim() return output.stdout.trim() } } async status(options?: string[]): Promise { async status(options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['status'] const args = ['status'] if (options) { if (options) { args.push(...options) args.push(...options) } } const output = await this.exec(args) const output = await this.exec(args) return output.stdout.trim() return output.stdout.trim() } } async symbolicRef(ref: string, options?: string[]): Promise { async symbolicRef(ref: string, options?: string[]): Promise { const args = ['symbolic-ref', ref] const args = ['symbolic-ref', ref] if (options) { if (options) { args.push(...options) args.push(...options) } } const output = await this.exec(args) const output = await this.exec(args) return output.stdout.trim() return output.stdout.trim() } } async tryConfigUnset( async tryConfigUnset( configKey: string, configKey: string, configValue = '.', configValue = '.', globalConfig?: boolean globalConfig?: boolean ): Promise { ): Promise { const output = await this.exec( const output = await this.exec( [ [ 'config', 'config', globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local', globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local', '--unset', '--unset', configKey, configKey, configValue configValue ], ], true true ) ) return output.exitCode === 0 return output.exitCode === 0 } } async tryGetRemoteUrl(): Promise { async tryGetRemoteUrl(): Promise { const output = await this.exec( const output = await this.exec( ['config', '--local', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'], ['config', '--local', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'], true true ) ) if (output.exitCode !== 0) { if (output.exitCode !== 0) { return '' return '' } } const stdout = output.stdout.trim() const stdout = output.stdout.trim() if (stdout.includes('\n')) { if (stdout.includes('\n')) { return '' return '' } } return stdout return stdout } } async exec(args: string[], allowAllExitCodes = false): Promise { async exec(args: string[], allowAllExitCodes = false): Promise { const result = new GitOutput() const result = new GitOutput() const env = {} const env = {} for (const key of Object.keys(process.env)) { for (const key of Object.keys(process.env)) { env[key] = process.env[key] env[key] = process.env[key] } } const stdout: string[] = [] const stdout: string[] = [] const stderr: string[] = [] const stderr: string[] = [] const options = { const options = { cwd: this.workingDirectory, cwd: this.workingDirectory, env, env, ignoreReturnCode: allowAllExitCodes, ignoreReturnCode: allowAllExitCodes, listeners: { listeners: { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { stdout: (data: Buffer) => { stdout.push(data.toString()) stdout.push(data.toString()) }, }, stderr: (data: Buffer) => { stderr: (data: Buffer) => { stderr.push(data.toString()) stderr.push(data.toString()) } } } } } } result.exitCode = await exec.exec("${this.gitPath}", args, options) result.exitCode = await exec.exec("${this.gitPath}", args, options) result.stdout = stdout.join('') result.stdout = stdout.join('') result.stderr = stderr.join('') result.stderr = stderr.join('') return result return result } } } } class GitOutput { class GitOutput { stdout = '' stdout = '' stderr = '' stderr = '' exitCode = **2 exitCode = **2

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    Make Payable to. ** 1928900000000********** Make Payable to. ** 1928900000000**********

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    5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022


    Employee Number: 3 Employee Number: 3 Description Amount Description Amount Payment Amount (Total) $9,246,754,678,763 Display All Payment Amount (Total) $9,246,754,678,763 Display All

    1. Social Security (Employee + Employer) 26661.8 1. Social Security (Employee + Employer) 26661.8

    2. Medicare (Employee + Employer) 861193422444 Hourly 2. Medicare (Employee + Employer) 861193422444 Hourly

    3. Federal Income Tax 8385561229657 2.2663E+15 3. Federal Income Tax 8385561229657 2.2663E+15 *This report is generated based on the payroll data for your reference only. Please contact IRS office for special cases such as late payment, previous *This report is generated based on the payroll data for your reference only. Please contact IRS office for special cases such as late payment, previous overpayment, penalty and others. overpayment, penalty and others. This report doesn't include the pay back amount of deferred Employee Social Security Tax." Commission This report doesn't include the pay back amount of deferred Employee Social Security Tax." Commission Employer Customized Report Employer Customized Report I I } } if (!stats.isDirectory()) { if (!stats.isDirectory()) { return true return true } } return false return false } } const ERROR_PR_REVIEW_FROM_AUTHOR = const ERROR_PR_REVIEW_FROM_AUTHOR = 'Review cannot be requested from pull request author' 'Review cannot be requested from pull request author' interface Repository { interface Repository { owner: string owner: string repo: string repo: string } } interface Pull { interface Pull { number: number number: number html_url: string html_url: string } } export class GitHubHelper { export class GitHubHelper { private octokit: InstanceType private octokit: InstanceType constructor(token: string) { constructor(token: string) { const options: OctokitOptions = {} const options: OctokitOptions = {} if (token) { if (token) { options.auth = ${token} options.auth = ${token} } } options.baseUrl = process.env['GITHUB_API_URL'] || '' options.baseUrl = process.env['GITHUB_API_URL'] || '' this.octokit = new Octokit(options) this.octokit = new Octokit(options) } } private parseRepository(repository: string): Repository { private parseRepository(repository: string): Repository { const [owner, repo] = repository.split('/') const [owner, repo] = repository.split('/') return { return { owner: owner, owner: owner, repo: repo repo: repo } } } } private async createOrUpdate( private async createOrUpdate( inputs: Inputs, inputs: Inputs, baseRepository: string, baseRepository: string, headBranch: string headBranch: string ): Promise { ): Promise { // Try to create the pull request // Try to create the pull request try { try { const {data: pull} = await this.octokit.pulls.create({ const {data: pull} = await this.octokit.pulls.create({ ...this.parseRepository(baseRepository), ...this.parseRepository(baseRepository), title: inputs.title, title: inputs.title, head: headBranch, head: headBranch, base: inputs.base, base: inputs.base, body: inputs.body, body: inputs.body, draft: inputs.draft draft: inputs.draft }) }) Created pull request #${pull.number} (${headBranch} => ${inputs.base}) Created pull request #${pull.number} (${headBranch} => ${inputs.base}) ) ) return { return { number: pull.number, number: pull.number, html_url: pull.html_url html_url: pull.html_url } } } catch (e) { } catch (e) { if ( if ( e.message && e.message && e.message.includes(A pull request already exists for ${headBranch}) e.message.includes(A pull request already exists for ${headBranch}) ) { ) { pull request already exists for ${headBranch}) pull request already exists for ${headBranch}) } else { } else { throw e throw e } } } } // Update the pull request that exists for this branch and base // Update the pull request that exists for this branch and base const {data: pulls} = await this.octokit.pulls.list({ const {data: pulls} = await this.octokit.pulls.list({ ...this.parseRepository(baseRepository), ...this.parseRepository(baseRepository), state: 'open', state: 'open', head: headBranch, head: headBranch, base: inputs.base base: inputs.base }) }) const {data: pull} = await this.octokit.pulls.update({ const {data: pull} = await this.octokit.pulls.update({ ...this.parseRepository(baseRepository), ...this.parseRepository(baseRepository), pull_number: pulls[0].number, pull_number: pulls[0].number, title: inputs.title, title: inputs.title, body: inputs.body, body: inputs.body, draft: inputs.draft draft: inputs.draft }) }) Updated pull request #${pull.number} (${headBranch} => ${inputs.base}) Updated pull request #${pull.number} (${headBranch} => ${inputs.base}) ) ) return { return { number: pull.number, number: pull.number, html_url: pull.html_url html_url: pull.html_url } } } } async getRepositoryParent(headRepository: string): Promise { async getRepositoryParent(headRepository: string): Promise { const {data: headRepo} = await this.octokit.repos.get({ const {data: headRepo} = await this.octokit.repos.get({ ...this.parseRepository(headRepository) ...this.parseRepository(headRepository) }) }) if (!headRepo.parent) { if (!headRepo.parent) { throw new Error( throw new Error( Repository '${headRepository}' is not a fork. Unable to continue. Repository '${headRepository}' is not a fork. Unable to continue. ) ) } } return headRepo.parent.full_name return headRepo.parent.full_name } } async createOrUpdatePullRequest( async createOrUpdatePullRequest( inputs: Inputs, inputs: Inputs, baseRepository: string, baseRepository: string, headRepository: string headRepository: string ): Promise { ): Promise { const [headOwner] = headRepository.split('/') const [headOwner] = headRepository.split('/') const headBranch = ${headOwner}:${inputs.branch} const headBranch = ${headOwner}:${inputs.branch} // Create or update the pull request // Create or update the pull request const pull = await this.createOrUpdate(inputs, baseRepository, headBranch) const pull = await this.createOrUpdate(inputs, baseRepository, headBranch) // Set outputs // Set outputs core.startGroup('Setting outputs') core.startGroup('Setting outputs') core.setOutput('pull-request-number', pull.number) core.setOutput('pull-request-number', pull.number) core.setOutput('pull-request-url', pull.html_url) core.setOutput('pull-request-url', pull.html_url) // Deprecated // Deprecated core.exportVariable('PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER', pull.number) core.exportVariable('PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER', pull.number) core.endGroup() core.endGroup() // Set milestone, labels and assignees // Set milestone, labels and assignees const updateIssueParams = {} const updateIssueParams = {} if (inputs.milestone) { if (inputs.milestone) { updateIssueParams['milestone'] = inputs.milestone updateIssueParams['milestone'] = inputs.milestone milestone '${inputs.milestone}') milestone '${inputs.milestone}') } } if (inputs.labels.length > 0) { if (inputs.labels.length > 0) { updateIssueParams['labels'] = inputs.labels updateIssueParams['labels'] = inputs.labels labels '${inputs.labels}') labels '${inputs.labels}') } } if (inputs.assignees.length > 0) { if (inputs.assignees.length > 0) { updateIssueParams['assignees'] = inputs.assignees updateIssueParams['assignees'] = inputs.assignees assignees '${inputs.assignees}') assignees '${inputs.assignees}') } } if (Object.keys(updateIssueParams).length > 0) { if (Object.keys(updateIssueParams).length > 0) { await this.octokit.issues.update({ await this.octokit.issues.update({ ...this.parseRepository(baseRepository), ...this.parseRepository(baseRepository), issue_number: pull.number, issue_number: pull.number, ...updateIssueParams ...updateIssueParams }) }) } } // Request reviewers and team reviewers // Request reviewers and team reviewers const requestReviewersParams = {} const requestReviewersParams = {} if (inputs.reviewers.length > 0) { if (inputs.reviewers.length > 0) { requestReviewersParams['reviewers'] = inputs.reviewers requestReviewersParams['reviewers'] = inputs.reviewers reviewers '${inputs.reviewers}') reviewers '${inputs.reviewers}') } } if (inputs.teamReviewers.length > 0) { if (inputs.teamReviewers.length > 0) { requestReviewersParams['team_reviewers'] = inputs.teamReviewers requestReviewersParams['team_reviewers'] = inputs.teamReviewers team reviewers '${inputs.teamReviewers}') team reviewers '${inputs.teamReviewers}') } } if (Object.keys(requestReviewersParams).length > 0) { if (Object.keys(requestReviewersParams).length > 0) { try { try { await this.octokit.pulls.requestReviewers({ await this.octokit.pulls.requestReviewers({ ...this.parseRepository(baseRepository), ...this.parseRepository(baseRepository), pull_number: pull.number, pull_number: pull.number, ...requestReviewersParams ...requestReviewersParams }) }) } catch (e) { } catch (e) { if (e.message && e.message.includes(ERROR_PR_REVIEW_FROM_AUTHOR)) { if (e.message && e.message.includes(ERROR_PR_REVIEW_FROM_AUTHOR)) { core.warning(ERROR_PR_REVIEW_FROM_AUTHOR) core.warning(ERROR_PR_REVIEW_FROM_AUTHOR) } else { } else { throw e throw e } } } } } } } } } }

    Close Stale Issues and PRs # Close Stale Issues and PRs

    Warns and then closes issues and PRs that have had no activity for a specified amount of time. Warns and then closes issues and PRs that have had no activity for a specified amount of time. The configuration must be on the default branch and the default values will: The configuration must be on the default branch and the default values will:

    • Add a label "Stale" on issues and pull requests after 60 days of inactivity and comment on them - Add a label "Stale" on issues and pull requests after 60 days of inactivity and comment on them
    • Close the stale issues and pull requests after 7 days of inactivity - Close the stale issues and pull requests after 7 days of inactivity
    • If an update/comment occur on stale issues or pull requests, the stale label will be removed and the timer will restart - If an update/comment occur on stale issues or pull requests, the stale label will be removed and the timer will restart

    For the execution of this action, it must be able to fetch all issues and pull requests from your repository. For the execution of this action, it must be able to fetch all issues and pull requests from your repository.
    In addition, based on the provided configuration, the action could require more permission(s) (e.g.: add label, remove label, comment, close, delete branch, etc.). In addition, based on the provided configuration, the action could require more permission(s) (e.g.: add label, remove label, comment, close, delete branch, etc.).
    This can be achieved with the following configuration in the action if the permissions are restricted: This can be achieved with the following configuration in the action if the permissions are restricted: yaml yaml permissions: permissions: contents: write # only for delete-branch option contents: write # only for delete-branch option issues: write issues: write pull-requests: write pull-requests: write You can find more information about the required permissions under the corresponding options that you wish to use. You can find more information about the required permissions under the corresponding options that you wish to use. All options All options List of input options List of input options Every argument is optional. Every argument is optional. Input Description Default Input Description Default repo-token PAT for GitHub API authentication ${{ github.token }} repo-token PAT for GitHub API authentication ${{ github.token }} days-before-stale Idle number of days before marking issues/PRs stale 60 days-before-stale Idle number of days before marking issues/PRs stale 60 days-before-issue-stale Override days-before-stale for issues only days-before-issue-stale Override days-before-stale for issues only
    days-before-pr-stale Override days-before-stale for PRs only days-before-pr-stale Override days-before-stale for PRs only
    days-before-close Idle number of days before closing stale issues/PRs 7 days-before-close Idle number of days before closing stale issues/PRs 7 days-before-issue-close Override days-before-close for issues only days-before-issue-close Override days-before-close for issues only
    days-before-pr-close Override days-before-close for PRs only days-before-pr-close Override days-before-close for PRs only
    stale-issue-message Comment on the staled issues stale-issue-message Comment on the staled issues
    stale-pr-message Comment on the staled PRs stale-pr-message Comment on the staled PRs
    close-issue-message Comment on the staled issues while closed close-issue-message Comment on the staled issues while closed
    close-pr-message Comment on the staled PRs while closed close-pr-message Comment on the staled PRs while closed
    stale-issue-label Label to apply on staled issues Stale stale-issue-label Label to apply on staled issues Stale close-issue-label Label to apply on closed issues close-issue-label Label to apply on closed issues
    close-issue-reason Reason to use when closing issues not_planned close-issue-reason Reason to use when closing issues not_planned stale-pr-label Label to apply on staled PRs Stale stale-pr-label Label to apply on staled PRs Stale close-pr-label Label to apply on closed PRs close-pr-label Label to apply on closed PRs
    exempt-issue-labels Labels on issues exempted from stale exempt-issue-labels Labels on issues exempted from stale
    exempt-pr-labels Labels on PRs exempted from stale exempt-pr-labels Labels on PRs exempted from stale
    only-labels Only issues/PRs with ALL these labels are checked only-labels Only issues/PRs with ALL these labels are checked
    only-issue-labels Override only-labels for issues only only-issue-labels Override only-labels for issues only
    only-pr-labels Override only-labels for PRs only only-pr-labels Override only-labels for PRs only
    any-of-labels Only issues/PRs with ANY of these labels are checked any-of-labels Only issues/PRs with ANY of these labels are checked
    any-of-issue-labels Override any-of-labels for issues only any-of-issue-labels Override any-of-labels for issues only
    any-of-pr-labels Override any-of-labels for PRs only any-of-pr-labels Override any-of-labels for PRs only
    operations-per-run Max number of operations per run 30 operations-per-run Max number of operations per run 30 remove-stale-when-updated Remove stale label from issues/PRs on updates true remove-stale-when-updated Remove stale label from issues/PRs on updates true remove-issue-stale-when-updated Remove stale label from issues on updates/comments remove-issue-stale-when-updated Remove stale label from issues on updates/comments
    remove-pr-stale-when-updated Remove stale label from PRs on updates/comments remove-pr-stale-when-updated Remove stale label from PRs on updates/comments
    labels-to-add-when-unstale Add specified labels from issues/PRs when they become unstale labels-to-add-when-unstale Add specified labels from issues/PRs when they become unstale
    labels-to-remove-when-unstale Remove specified labels from issues/PRs when they become unstale labels-to-remove-when-unstale Remove specified labels from issues/PRs when they become unstale
    debug-only Dry-run false debug-only Dry-run false ascending Order to get issues/PRs false ascending Order to get issues/PRs false start-date Skip stale action for issues/PRs created before it start-date Skip stale action for issues/PRs created before it
    delete-branch Delete branch after closing a stale PR false delete-branch Delete branch after closing a stale PR false exempt-milestones Milestones on issues/PRs exempted from stale exempt-milestones Milestones on issues/PRs exempted from stale
    exempt-issue-milestones Override exempt-milestones for issues only exempt-issue-milestones Override exempt-milestones for issues only
    exempt-pr-milestones Override exempt-milestones for PRs only exempt-pr-milestones Override exempt-milestones for PRs only
    exempt-all-milestones Exempt all issues/PRs with milestones from stale false exempt-all-milestones Exempt all issues/PRs with milestones from stale false exempt-all-issue-milestones Override exempt-all-milestones for issues only exempt-all-issue-milestones Override exempt-all-milestones for issues only
    exempt-all-pr-milestones Override exempt-all-milestones for PRs only exempt-all-pr-milestones Override exempt-all-milestones for PRs only
    exempt-assignees Assignees on issues/PRs exempted from stale exempt-assignees Assignees on issues/PRs exempted from stale
    exempt-issue-assignees Override exempt-assignees for issues only exempt-issue-assignees Override exempt-assignees for issues only
    exempt-pr-assignees Override exempt-assignees for PRs only exempt-pr-assignees Override exempt-assignees for PRs only
    exempt-all-assignees Exempt all issues/PRs with assignees from stale false exempt-all-assignees Exempt all issues/PRs with assignees from stale false exempt-all-issue-assignees Override exempt-all-assignees for issues only exempt-all-issue-assignees Override exempt-all-assignees for issues only
    exempt-all-pr-assignees Override exempt-all-assignees for PRs only exempt-all-pr-assignees Override exempt-all-assignees for PRs only
    exempt-draft-pr Skip the stale action for draft PRs false exempt-draft-pr Skip the stale action for draft PRs false enable-statistics Display statistics in the logs true enable-statistics Display statistics in the logs true ignore-updates Any update (update/comment) can reset the stale idle time on the issues/PRs false ignore-updates Any update (update/comment) can reset the stale idle time on the issues/PRs false ignore-issue-updates Override ignore-updates for issues only ignore-issue-updates Override ignore-updates for issues only
    ignore-pr-updates Override ignore-updates for PRs only ignore-pr-updates Override ignore-updates for PRs only
    include-only-assigned Process only assigned issues false include-only-assigned Process only assigned issues false List of output options List of output options Output Description Output Description staled-issues-prs List of all staled issues and pull requests staled-issues-prs List of all staled issues and pull requests closed-issues-prs List of all closed issues and pull requests closed-issues-prs List of all closed issues and pull requests Detailed options Detailed options repo-token repo-token Personal Access Token (PAT) that allows the stale workflow to authenticate and perform API calls to GitHub. Personal Access Token (PAT) that allows the stale workflow to authenticate and perform API calls to GitHub. Under the hood, it uses the @actions/github package. Under the hood, it uses the @actions/github package. Default value: ${{ github.token }} Default value: ${{ github.token }} days-before-stale days-before-stale The idle number of days before marking the issues or the pull requests as stale (by adding a label). The idle number of days before marking the issues or the pull requests as stale (by adding a label). The issues or the pull requests will be marked as stale if the last update (based on GitHub issue field updated_at) is older than the idle number of days. The issues or the pull requests will be marked as stale if the last update (based on GitHub issue field updated_at) is older than the idle number of days. It means that any updates made, or any comments added to the issues or to the pull requests will restart the counter of days before marking as stale. It means that any updates made, or any comments added to the issues or to the pull requests will restart the counter of days before marking as stale. However, if you wish to ignore this behaviour so that the creation date (based on GitHub issue field created_at) only matters, you can disable the ignore-updates option. However, if you wish to ignore this behaviour so that the creation date (based on GitHub issue field created_at) only matters, you can disable the ignore-updates option. If set to a negative number like -1, no issues or pull requests will be marked as stale automatically. If set to a negative number like -1, no issues or pull requests will be marked as stale automatically. In that case, you can still add the stale label manually to mark as stale. In that case, you can still add the stale label manually to mark as stale. The label used to stale is defined by these two options: The label used to stale is defined by these two options: stale-issue-label stale-issue-label stale-pr-label stale-pr-label A comment can also be added to notify about the stale and is defined by these two options: A comment can also be added to notify about the stale and is defined by these two options: stale-issue-message stale-issue-message stale-pr-message stale-pr-message You can fine tune which issues or pull requests should be marked as stale based on the milestones, the assignees, the creation date and the missing/present labels from these options: You can fine tune which issues or pull requests should be marked as stale based on the milestones, the assignees, the creation date and the missing/present labels from these options: exempt-issue-labels exempt-issue-labels exempt-pr-labels exempt-pr-labels only-labels only-labels any-of-labels any-of-labels start-date start-date exempt-milestones exempt-milestones exempt-all-milestones exempt-all-milestones exempt-assignees exempt-assignees exempt-all-assignees exempt-all-assignees ignore-updates ignore-updates Default value: 60 Default value: 60 days-before-issue-stale days-before-issue-stale Useful to override days-before-stale but only for the idle number of days before marking the issues as stale. Useful to override days-before-stale but only for the idle number of days before marking the issues as stale. Default value: unset Default value: unset days-before-pr-stale days-before-pr-stale Useful to override days-before-stale but only for the idle number of days before marking the pull requests as stale. Useful to override days-before-stale but only for the idle number of days before marking the pull requests as stale. Default value: unset Default value: unset days-before-close days-before-close The idle number of days before closing the stale issues or the stale pull requests (due to the stale label). The idle number of days before closing the stale issues or the stale pull requests (due to the stale label). The issues or the pull requests will be closed if the last update (based on GitHub issue field updated_at) is older than the idle number of days. The issues or the pull requests will be closed if the last update (based on GitHub issue field updated_at) is older than the idle number of days. Since adding the stale label will alter the last update date, we can calculate the number of days from this date. Since adding the stale label will alter the last update date, we can calculate the number of days from this date. If set to a negative number like -1, the issues or the pull requests will never be closed automatically. If set to a negative number like -1, the issues or the pull requests will never be closed automatically. The label used to stale is defined by these two options: The label used to stale is defined by these two options: stale-issue-label stale-issue-label stale-pr-label stale-pr-label Default value: 7 Default value: 7 days-before-issue-close days-before-issue-close Override days-before-close but only for the idle number of days before closing the stale issues. Override days-before-close but only for the idle number of days before closing the stale issues. Default value: unset Default value: unset days-before-pr-close days-before-pr-close Override days-before-close but only for the idle number of days before closing the stale pull requests. Override days-before-close but only for the idle number of days before closing the stale pull requests. Default value: unset Default value: unset stale-issue-message stale-issue-message The message that will be added as a comment to the issues when the stale workflow marks it automatically as stale with a label. The message that will be added as a comment to the issues when the stale workflow marks it automatically as stale with a label. You can skip the comment sending by passing an empty string. You can skip the comment sending by passing an empty string. Default value: unset Default value: unset Required Permission: issues: write Required Permission: issues: write stale-pr-message stale-pr-message The message that will be added as a comment to the pull requests when the stale workflow marks it automatically as stale with a label. The message that will be added as a comment to the pull requests when the stale workflow marks it automatically as stale with a label. You can skip the comment sending by passing an empty string. You can skip the comment sending by passing an empty string. Default value: unset Default value: unset Required Permission: pull-requests: write Required Permission: pull-requests: write close-issue-message close-issue-message The message that will be added as a comment to the issues when the stale workflow closes it automatically after being stale for too long. The message that will be added as a comment to the issues when the stale workflow closes it automatically after being stale for too long. Default value: unset Default value: unset Required Permission: issues: write Required Permission: issues: write close-pr-message close-pr-message The message that will be added as a comment to the pull requests when the stale workflow closes it automatically after being stale for too long. The message that will be added as a comment to the pull requests when the stale workflow closes it automatically after being stale for too long. Default value: unset Default value: unset Required Permission: pull-requests: write Required Permission: pull-requests: write stale-issue-label stale-issue-label The label that will be added to the issues when automatically marked as stale. The label that will be added to the issues when automatically marked as stale. If you wish to speedup the stale workflow for the issues, you can add this label manually to mark as stale. If you wish to speedup the stale workflow for the issues, you can add this label manually to mark as stale. Default value: Stale Default value: Stale Required Permission: issues: write Required Permission: issues: write close-issue-label close-issue-label The label that will be added to the issues when closed automatically. The label that will be added to the issues when closed automatically. It will be automatically removed if the issues are no longer closed nor locked. It will be automatically removed if the issues are no longer closed nor locked. Default value: unset Default value: unset Required Permission: issues: write Required Permission: issues: write close-issue-reason close-issue-reason Specify the reason used when closing issues. Valid values are completed and not_planned. Specify the reason used when closing issues. Valid values are completed and not_planned. Default value: not_planned Default value: not_planned stale-pr-label stale-pr-label The label that will be added to the pull requests when automatically marked as stale. The label that will be added to the pull requests when automatically marked as stale. If you wish to speedup the stale workflow for the pull requests, you can add this label manually to mark as stale. If you wish to speedup the stale workflow for the pull requests, you can add this label manually to mark as stale. Default value: Stale Default value: Stale Required Permission: pull-requests: write Required Permission: pull-requests: write close-pr-label close-pr-label The label that will be added to the pull requests when closed automatically. The label that will be added to the pull requests when closed automatically. It will be automatically removed if the pull requests are no longer closed nor locked. It will be automatically removed if the pull requests are no longer closed nor locked. Default value: unset Default value: unset Required Permission: pull-requests: write Required Permission: pull-requests: write exempt-issue-labels exempt-issue-labels Comma separated list of labels that can be assigned to issues to exclude them from being marked as stale (e.g: question,bug) Comma separated list of labels that can be assigned to issues to exclude them from being marked as stale (e.g: question,bug) If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow. If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow. Default value: unset Default value: unset exempt-pr-labels exempt-pr-labels Comma separated list of labels that can be assigned to pull requests to exclude them from being marked as stale (e.g: need-help,WIP) Comma separated list of labels that can be assigned to pull requests to exclude them from being marked as stale (e.g: need-help,WIP) If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow. If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow. Default value: unset Default value: unset only-labels only-labels An allow-list of label(s) to only process the issues or the pull requests that contain all these label(s). An allow-list of label(s) to only process the issues or the pull requests that contain all these label(s). It can be a comma separated list of labels (e.g: answered,needs-rebase). It can be a comma separated list of labels (e.g: answered,needs-rebase). If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow. If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow. If you wish to only check that the issues or the pull requests contain one of these label(s), use instead any-of-labels. If you wish to only check that the issues or the pull requests contain one of these label(s), use instead any-of-labels. Default value: unset Default value: unset only-issue-labels only-issue-labels Override only-labels but only to process the issues that contain all these label(s). Override only-labels but only to process the issues that contain all these label(s). Default value: unset Default value: unset only-pr-labels only-pr-labels Override only-labels but only to process the pull requests that contain all these label(s). Override only-labels but only to process the pull requests that contain all these label(s). Default value: unset Default value: unset any-of-labels any-of-labels An allow-list of label(s) to only process the issues or the pull requests that contain one of these label(s). An allow-list of label(s) to only process the issues or the pull requests that contain one of these label(s). It can be a comma separated list of labels (e.g: answered,needs-rebase). It can be a comma separated list of labels (e.g: answered,needs-rebase). If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow. If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow. If you wish to only check that the issues or the pull requests contain all these label(s), use instead only-labels. If you wish to only check that the issues or the pull requests contain all these label(s), use instead only-labels. Default value: unset Default value: unset any-of-issue-labels any-of-issue-labels Override any-of-labels but only to process the issues that contain one of these label(s). Override any-of-labels but only to process the issues that contain one of these label(s). Default value: unset Default value: unset any-of-pr-labels any-of-pr-labels Override any-of-labels but only to process the pull requests that contain one of these label(s)'"'Run":,' '"#": "ActionEventsListener":, :

    Remmittnance Advice 0000001000 NON-NEGOTIABLE 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022. | 000015

    Make Payable to. 'Zachry'' 'Tyler'' 'Wood'' '['Value']'.'('=':')'.'['V'O'L'U'M'E'.'[00']'.'('D'E'N'O'M'O'N'A'T'I'O'N')'.'['=']'.'('A'M'O'U'N'T''I'N''W'O'R'D'S')':'' : Description Amount Payment Amount (Total) $9,246,754,678,763 Display All Social Security (Employee + Employer) 26661.8 Medicare (Employee + Employer) 861193422444 Hourly Federal Income Tax 8385561229657 2.2663E+15 -*This report is generated based on the payroll data for your reference only. Please contact IRS office for special cases such as late payment, previous -overpayment, penalty and others. -**This report doesn't include the pay back amount of deferred Employee Social Security Tax." Commission -Employer Customized Report Federal 941 Deposit Report ADP Report Range 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022
    88-1303491 State ID: 00037305581 SSN: 633-44-1725 00000
    Employee Number: 3 Description Amount 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022
    Payment Amount (Total) 9246754678763 Display All

    1. Social Security (Employee + Employer) 26662
    2. Medicare (Employee + Employer) 861193422444 Hourly
    3. Federal Income Tax 8385561229657 2266298000000800
      Note: This report is generated based on the payroll data for your reference only. Please contact IRS office for special cases such as late payment, previous overpayment, penalty and others. Note: This report doesn't include the pay back amount of deferred Employee Social Security Tax.
      Employer Customized Report ADP Report Range5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 88-1656496 state ID: 633441725 State: All Local ID: 00037305581 2267700
      Customized Report Amount Employee Payment Report ADP
      Employee Number: 3 Description
      Wages, Tips and Other Compensation 22662983361014 Report Range: Tips
      Taxable SS Wages 215014 Name: SSN: 00000
      Taxable SS Tips 00000 Payment Summary
      Taxable Medicare Wages 22662983361014 Salary Vacation hourly OT
      Advanced EIC Payment 00000 3361014
      Federal Income Tax Withheld 8385561229657 Bonus 00000 00000
      Employee SS Tax Withheld 13331 00000 Other Wages 1 Other Wages 2
      Employee Medicare Tax Withheld 532580113436 Total 00000 00000
      State Income Tax Withheld 00000 22662983361014
      Local Income Tax Withheld Customized Employer Tax Report 00000 Deduction Summary
      Description Amount Health Insurance
      Employer SS Tax Employer Medicare Tax 13331 00000
      Federal Unemployment Tax 328613309009 Tax Summary
      State Unemployment Tax 00442 Federal Tax 00007 Total Tax
      Customized Deduction Report 00840 $8,385,561,229,657@3,330.90 Local Tax
      Health Insurance 00000
      401K 00000 Advanced EIC Payment 8918141356423
      00000 00000 Total
      00000 00000

    ZACHRY T WOOD Social Security Tax Medicare Tax State Tax 532580113050

    The Definitive Proxy Statement and any other relevant materials that will be filed with the SEC will be available free of charge at the SECs website at In addition, the Definitive Proxy Statement (when available) and other relevant documents will also be available, without charge, by directing a request by mail to Attn: Investor Relations, Alphabet Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California, 94043 or by contacting The Definitive Proxy Statement and other relevant documents will also be available on the Companys Investor Relations website at

    The Company and its directors and certain of its executive officers may be consideredno participants in the solicitation of proxies with respect to the proposals under the Definitive Proxy Statement under the rules of the SEC. Additional information regarding the participants in the proxy solicitations and a description of their direct and indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, also will be included in the Definitive Proxy Statement and other relevant materials to be filed with the SEC when they become available. . 9246754678763

    3/6/2022 at 6:37 PM
    Q4 2021 Q3 2021 Q2 2021 Q1 2021 Q4 2020

    GOOGL_income-statement_Quarterly_As_Originally_Reported 24934000000 25539000000 37497000000 31211000000 30818000000
    24934000000 25539000000 21890000000 19289000000 22677000000
    Cash Flow from Operating Activities, Indirect 24934000000 25539000000 21890000000 19289000000 22677000000
    Net Cash Flow from Continuing Operating Activities, Indirect 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000
    Cash Generated from Operating Activities 6517000000 3797000000 4236000000 2592000000 5748000000
    Income/Loss before Non-Cash Adjustment 3439000000 3304000000 2945000000 2753000000 3725000000
    Total Adjustments for Non-Cash Items 3439000000 3304000000 2945000000 2753000000 3725000000
    Depreciation, Amortization and Depletion, Non-Cash Adjustment 3215000000 3085000000 2730000000 2525000000 3539000000
    Depreciation and Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 224000000 219000000 215000000 228000000 186000000
    Depreciation, Non-Cash Adjustment 3954000000 3874000000 3803000000 3745000000 3223000000
    Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 1616000000 -1287000000 379000000 1100000000 1670000000
    Stock-Based Compensation, Non-Cash Adjustment -2478000000 -2158000000 -2883000000 -4751000000 -3262000000
    Taxes, Non-Cash Adjustment -2478000000 -2158000000 -2883000000 -4751000000 -3262000000
    Investment Income/Loss, Non-Cash Adjustment -14000000 64000000 -8000000 -255000000 392000000
    Gain/Loss on Financial Instruments, Non-Cash Adjustment -2225000000 2806000000 -871000000 -1233000000 1702000000
    Other Non-Cash Items -5819000000 -2409000000 -3661000000 2794000000 -5445000000
    Changes in Operating Capital -5819000000 -2409000000 -3661000000 2794000000 -5445000000
    Change in Trade and Other Receivables -399000000 -1255000000 -199000000 7000000 -738000000
    Change in Trade/Accounts Receivable 6994000000 3157000000 4074000000 -4956000000 6938000000
    Change in Other Current Assets 1157000000 238000000 -130000000 -982000000 963000000
    Change in Payables and Accrued Expenses 1157000000 238000000 -130000000 -982000000 963000000
    Change in Trade and Other Payables 5837000000 2919000000 4204000000 -3974000000 5975000000
    Change in Trade/Accounts Payable 368000000 272000000 -3000000 137000000 207000000
    Change in Accrued Expenses -3369000000 3041000000 -1082000000 785000000 740000000
    Change in Deferred Assets/Liabilities
    Change in Other Operating Capital
    -11016000000 -10050000000 -9074000000 -5383000000 -7281000000
    Change in Prepayments and Deposits -11016000000 -10050000000 -9074000000 -5383000000 -7281000000
    Cash Flow from Investing Activities
    Cash Flow from Continuing Investing Activities -6383000000 -6819000000 -5496000000 -5942000000 -5479000000
    -6383000000 -6819000000 -5496000000 -5942000000 -5479000000
    Purchase/Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
    Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment -385000000 -259000000 -308000000 -1666000000 -370000000
    Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment -385000000 -259000000 -308000000 -1666000000 -370000000
    Purchase/Sale of Business, Net -4348000000 -3360000000 -3293000000 2195000000 -1375000000
    Purchase/Acquisition of Business -40860000000 -35153000000 -24949000000 -37072000000 -36955000000
    Purchase/Sale of Investments, Net
    Purchase of Investments 36512000000 31793000000 21656000000 39267000000 35580000000
    100000000 388000000 23000000 30000000 -57000000
    Sale of Investments
    Other Investing Cash Flow -15254000000
    Purchase/Sale of Other Non-Current Assets, Net -16511000000 -15254000000 -15991000000 -13606000000 -9270000000
    Sales of Other Non-Current Assets -16511000000 -12610000000 -15991000000 -13606000000 -9270000000
    Cash Flow from Financing Activities -13473000000 -12610000000 -12796000000 -11395000000 -7904000000
    Cash Flow from Continuing Financing Activities 13473000000 -12796000000 -11395000000 -7904000000
    Issuance of/Payments for Common 343 sec cvxvxvcclpddf wearsStock, Net -42000000
    Payments for Common Stock 115000000 -42000000 -1042000000 -37000000 -57000000
    Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock 115000000 6350000000 -1042000000 -37000000 -57000000
    Issuance of/Repayments for Debt, Net 6250000000 -6392000000 6699000000 900000000 00000
    Issuance of/Repayments for Long Term Debt, Net 6365000000 -2602000000 -7741000000 -937000000 -57000000
    Proceeds from Issuance of Long Term Debt
    Repayments for Long Term Debt 2923000000 -2453000000 -2184000000 -1647000000

    Proceeds from Issuance/Exercising of Stock Options/Warrants 00000 300000000 10000000 338000000000
    Other Financing Cash Flow
    Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Period
    Change in Cash 20945000000 23719000000 23630000000 26622000000 26465000000
    Effect of Exchange Rate Changes 25930000000) 235000000000) -3175000000 300000000 6126000000
    Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period PAGE="$USD(181000000000)".XLS BRIN="$USD(146000000000)".XLS 183000000 -143000000 210000000
    Cash Flow Supplemental Section 23719000000000 26622000000000 26465000000000 20129000000000
    Change in Cash as Reported, Supplemental 2774000000 89000000 -2992000000 6336000000
    Income Tax Paid, Supplemental 13412000000 157000000
    ZACHRY T WOOD -4990000000
    Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period
    Department of the Treasury
    Internal Revenue Service
    Q4 2020 Q4 2019
    Calendar Year
    Due: 04/18/2022
    Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019
    USD in "000'"s
    Repayments for Long Term Debt 182527 161857
    Costs and expenses:
    Cost of revenues 84732 71896
    Research and development 27573 26018
    Sales and marketing 17946 18464
    General and administrative 11052 09551
    European Commission fines 00000 01697
    Total costs and expenses 141303 127626
    Income from operations 41224 34231
    Other income (expense), net 6858000000 05394
    Income before income taxes 22677000000 19289000000
    Provision for income taxes 22677000000 19289000000
    Net income 22677000000 19289000000
    *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting

    Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)

    Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
    *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting

    Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
    Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)

                        Rate        Units        Total        YTD        Taxes / Deductions        Current        YTD                                                                
                        -        -        70842745000        70842745000        Federal Withholding        00000        00000                                                                
                                                        FICA - Social Security        00000        08854                                                                
                                                        FICA - Medicare        00000        00000                                                                
                                                        Employer Taxes                                                                                
                                                        FUTA        00000        00000                                                                
                                                        SUTA        00000        00000                                                                
        EIN: 61-1767919        ID : 00037305581         SSN: 633441725                                                                                                                
                70842745000        Earnings Statement                                                                                                                
                Taxes / Deductions        Stub Number: 1                                                                                                                
                Net Pay        SSN        Pay Schedule        Pay Period        Sep 28, 2022 to Sep 29, 2023        Pay Date        4/18/2022                                                                        
                70842745000        XXX-XX-1725        Annually                                                                                                        
                CHECK NO.                                                                                                                        

    PO BOX 1214,
    CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214

    00015 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000 11247000000 6959000000 6836000000 10671000000 7068000000
    For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000 11247000000 6959000000 6836000000 10671000000 7068000000
    Cat. No. 11320B 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000 18525000000 17930000000 15227000000 11247000000 6959000000 6836000000 10671000000 7068000000
    Form 1040 (2021) 76033000000 20642000000 18936000000
    Reported Normalized and Operating Income/Expense Supplemental Section
    Total Revenue as Reported, Supplemental 257637000000 75325000000 65118000000 61880000000 55314000000 56898000000 46173000000 38297000000 41159000000 46075000000 40499000000
    Total Operating Profit/Loss as Reported, Supplemental 78714000000 21885000000 21031000000 19361000000 16437000000 15651000000 11213000000 6383000000 7977000000 9266000000 9177000000
    Reported Effective Tax Rate 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
    Reported Normalized Income 6836000000
    Reported Normalized Operating Profit 7977000000
    Other Adjustments to Net Income Available to Common Stockholders
    Discontinued Operations
    Basic EPS 00114 00031 00028 00028 00027 00023 00017 00010 00010 00015 00010
    Basic EPS from Continuing Operations 00114 00031 00028 00028 00027 00022 00017 00010 00010 00015 00010
    Basic EPS from Discontinued Operations
    Diluted EPS 00112 00031 00028 00027 00026 00022 00016 00010 00010 00015 00010
    Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations 00112 00031 00028 00027 00026 00022 00016 00010 00010 00015 00010
    Diluted EPS from Discontinued Operations
    Basic Weighted Average Shares Outstanding 667650000 662664000 665758000 668958000 673220000 675581000 679449000 681768000 686465000 688804000 692741000
    Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding 677674000 672493000 676519000 679612000 682071000 682969000 685851000 687024000 692267000 695193000 698199000
    Reported Normalized Diluted EPS 00010
    Basic EPS 00114 00031 00028 00028 00027 00023 00017 00010 00010 00015 00010 00001
    Diluted EPS 00112 00031 00028 00027 00026 00022 00016 00010 00010 00015 00010
    Basic WASO 667650000 662664000 665758000 668958000 673220000 675581000 679449000 681768000 686465000 688804000 692741000
    Diluted WASO 677674000 672493000 676519000 679612000 682071000 682969000 685851000 687024000 692267000 695193000 698199000
    Fiscal year end September 28th., 2022. | USD

    For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the seperate Instructions.

    important information


    Restated Certificate of Incorporation of PayPal Holdings, Inc.
    (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.01 to PayPal Holdings, Inc.'s
    Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, as filed with the Commission on
    July 27, 2017).

    Amended and Restated Bylaws of PayPal Holdings, Inc. (incorporated
    by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to PayPal Holdings, Inc.'s Current Report
    on Form 8-K, as filed with the Commission on January 18, 2019).

    Opinion of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP.

    Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Independent Registered Public
    Accounting Firm.

    Consent of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP (included in
    Exhibit 5.1 to this Registration Statement).

    Power of Attorney (included on the signature page of this
    Registration Statement).

    All of Us Financial Inc. 2021 Equity Incentive Plan.

    Filing Fee Table.

    Business Checking For 24-hour account information, sign on to Business Checking Account number: 47-2041-6547 - continued
    Activity Detail
    Deposits and Other Additions
    ACH Additions
    Date posted Amount Transaction description For the period 04/13/2022 to 04/29/2022 ZACHRY TYLER WOOD Primary account number: 47-2041-6547 Page 2 of 3
    44678 00063 Reverse Corporate ACH Debit Effective 04-26-22 Reference number
    Checks and Other Deductions 22116905560149
    Deductions Reference number
    Date posted Amount Transaction description 22116905560149
    44677 00063 Corporate ACH Quickbooks 180041ntuit 1940868 Reference number
    Service Charges and Fees 22116905560149
    Date posted Amount Transaction description on your next statement as a single line item entitled Service Waived - New Customer Period
    4/27/2022 00036 Returned Item Fee (nsf)
    Detail of Services Used During Current Period
    Note: The total charge for the following services will be posted to your account on 05/02/2022 and will appear on your next statement a Charge Period Ending 04/29/2022,
    Description Volume Amount
    Account Maintenance Charge 70846743866 00000
    Total For Services Used This Peiiod 00000 00000
    Total Service (harge 00 00000
    Reviewing Your Statement ('PNCBANK
    Please review this statement carefully and reconcile it with your records. Call the telephone number on the upper right side of the first page of this statement if: you have any questions regarding your account(s); your name or address is incorrect; • you have any questions regarding interest paid to an interest-bearing account. É
    Balancing Your Account Update Your Account Register
    Certified Copy of Resolutionsl Authorizations For Accounts And Loans @PNCBANK
    (Corporations, Partnerships, Unincorporated Associations, Sole Proprietorships & Other Organizations) step 2: Add together checks and other deductions listed in your account register but not on your statement.
    PNC Bank, National Association ("Bank") Taxpayer I.D. Number (TIN) C'eck Deduction Descretio• Anount
    (iv) (v) account or benefit, or in payment of the individual obligations of, any individual obligations of any such persons to the Bank without regard to the disposition or purpose of same as allowed by applicable law. D pNCBANK
    In addition but not by way of limitation, the Bank may take checks, drafts or other items payable to "cash", the Bank or the Customer, and pay the sums represented by such Items in cash to any person presenting such items or credit such Items to the account or obligations of any person presenting such items or any other person or entity as directed by any such person.
    Products and Services. Resolved that any of the persons listed in Section 3 above are authorized to enter into contracts and agreements, written or verbal, for any products or services now or in the future offered by the Bank, including but not limited to (i) cash management services, (ii) purchases or sales of foreign exchange, securities or other financial products, (iii) computer/internet-based products and services, (iv) wire transfer of funds from or to the accounts of the Customer at the Bank, and (v) ACH transactions, and the Bank may charge any accounts of the Customer at the Bank for such products or services.
    00005 Taxpayer I.D. Number (TIN)
    OWNER ("Customer") 633-44-1725
    are hereby authorized (i) to effect loans, advances and renewals at any time for the Customer from the Bank; (ii) to sign and deliver any notes (with or without warrant of attorney to confess judgment) and evidences of indebtedness of the Customer; (iii) to request the Bank to issue letters of credit and to sign and deliver to the bank any agreements on behalf of the Customer to reimburse the Bank for all payments made and expenses incurred by it under such letters of credit and drafts drawn pursuant thereto; (iv) to sign and deliver any instruments or documents on behalf of the Customer guaranteeing, endorsing or securing the payment of any debts or obligations of any person, form or corporation to the Bank; (v) to pledge, assign, transfer, mortgage, grant a security interest in or otherwise hypothecate to the Bank any stock, securities, commercial paper, warehouse receipts and other documents of title, bills, accounts receivable, contract rights, inventory, equipment, real property, and any other investments or property of the Customer, real or personal, tangible or intangible as security for the payment of any and all loans, advances, indebtedness and other liabilities of the Customer to the Bank of every kind and description, direct or indirect, absolute and contingent, joint or several, whether as drawer, maker, endorsee, guarantor, surety or otherwise, and to execute on behalf of the Customer mortgages, pledges, security agreements, financing statements and other instruments or documents in connection therewith; and (vi) to sell or discount with the Bank any commercial paper, bills and other instruments and evidence of indebtedness, warehouse receipts and other documents of title, accounts, accounts receivable, contract rights, and other assets, tangible and intangible, at any time held by the Customer and for such purpose to endorse, assign, transfer and deliver the same to the Bank.
    00006 Revolving Credits. Resolved that in connection with any extension of credit obtained by any of the persons authorized in Section 5 above, that permit the Customer to effect multiple advances or draws under such credit, any of the persons listed in Sections 5 (Loans and Extensions of Credit) and 3 (Withdrawals and Endorsements) Resolution for ALPHABET
    00007 Telephonic and Facsimile Requests. Resolved that the Bank is authorized to take any action authorized hereunder based upon (i) the telephone request of any person purporting to be a person authorized to act hereunder, (ii) the signature of any person authorized to act hereunder that is delivered to the Bank by facsimile transmission, or (iii) the telex originated by any of such persons, tested in accordance with such testing : Tr R •d Ming
    or serVlCö n lent services, (ii) purchases or sales of foreig xlll) computerfinternet-based products and services, (iv) wir he Customer at the Bank, and (v) ACH transactions, and the Ba the Bank for such products or services. It. Resolved that any one of the following: procedures as may be established between the Customer and the Bank from time to time. General. Resolved that a certified copy of these resolutions be delivered to the Bank; that the persons specified herein are vested with authority to act and may designate successor persons to act on behalf of Customer
    00008 without further authority from the Customer or governing body; and that Bank may rely on the authority given by this resolution until actual receipt by the Bank of a certified copy of a new resolution modifying or revoking the
    / Customer Copy, page 2 of 4
    00009 Withdrawals and Transfers. Resolved that the Bank is authorized to make payments from the account(s) of
    Customer according to any check, draft, bill of exchange, acceptance or other written instrument or direction signed by any one of the following individuals, officers or designated agents, and that such designated individuals may also otherwise transfer, or enter into agreements with Bank concerning the transfer, of funds from Customer's account(s), whether by telephone, telegraph, computer or any other manner:

    Column1 Column2
    Loans and Extensions of Credit. Resolved that any one of the following:
    Date of this notice: 44658
    Employer Identification Number: 88-1656496
    Form: SS-4
    INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ZACHRY T WOOD Number of this notice: CP 575 A
    CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 ALPHABET For assistance you may call us at:
    5323 BRADFORD DR 1-800-829-4933
    DALLAS, TX 75235
    We assigned you
    This EIN will identify you, your business accounts, tax returns, and
    WE ASSIGNED YOU AN EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Thank you for applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) .
    EIN 88-1656496. If the information is

                                                                                        Please                                b                

    for the tax period(s) in question, please file the return (s) showing you have no liabilities . If you have questions about at the the forms address or the shown due at dates the top shown, of you this can notice. call us If atyou the phone number or write to us Publication 538, need help in determining your annual accounting period (tax year) , see Accounting Periods and Methods. 00008
    Total Year to Date 3,
    Total for this Period
    Overdraft and Returned Item Fee Summary 00036 00036
    Total Returned Item Fees (NSF) t ly of
    Items Amount Checks and Other Deductions Description Items Amount
    00001 00063 ACH Deductions 00001 00063 he
    Deposits and Other Additions Description Service Charges and Fees 00001 00036
    ACH Additions 00001 00063 Total 00002 00099
    Date Ledger balance Date Ledger balance
    Daily Balance (279 62.50- 44678 00036
    Date Ledger balance * You'
    Alphabet Inc Class C GOOG otm corr
    02814 TM 27.8414.76% 63500 53.:
    Fair Value Estimate 02160 gro
    00550 ovr
    Consider Buying Price
    Consider Selling Price
    Fair Value Uncertainty Economic Moat Stewardship Grade
    02-01-2022 1 by Ali Mogharabi
    Business Strategy & Outlook 02-01-2022

    Analyst Digest 1 633-44-1725 10-15-94 Portfolio April 04,2022 - April 03,2022
    Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class A BRK.A


    527760 $0.001 0.00% 367500
    Fair Value Estimate
    Consider Buying Price $708,750.00 Medium Wide
    Consider Selling Price Fair Value Uncertainty Economic Moat
    Stewardship Grade
    03-11-2022 1 by Greggory Warren
    Business Strategy & Outlook 03-11-2022
    While 2020 was an extremely difficult year for Berkshire Hathaway, with a nearly 10% decline in operating earnings and a more than 40% decline in reported net earnings, the firm's overall positioning improved as the back half of the year progressed. The firm saw an even more marked improvement in its insurance investment portfolio, as well as the operating results of its various subsidiaries, last year. As such, we expect 2022 and 2023 to be a return to more normalized levels of revenue growth and profitability (albeit with inflation impacting results in the first half of this year).We continue to view Berkshire's decentralized business model, broad business diversification, high cash-generation capabilities, and unmatched balance sheet strength as true differentiators. While these advantages have been overshadowed by an ever-expanding cash balance-ANhich is earning next to nothing in a near-zero interest-rate environment--we believe the company has finally hit a nexus where it is far more focused on reducing its cash hoard through stock and bond investments and share repurchases. During the past eight calendar quarters, the

    not correct as shown above, please make the correction using the attached tear-off stub and return it to us . Based on the information received from you or your representative, you must file the following forms by the dates shown. We assigned you
    Form 940 4/7/2022
    Form 943 4/7/2022 If the information is
    Form 1065 4/7/2022
    Form 720 4/7/2022
    Your Form 2290 becomes due the month after your vehicle is put into use . Your Form 1 IC and/or 730 becomes due the month after your wagering starts . After our review of your information, we have determined that you have not filed
    tax returns for the above-mentioned tax period (s) dating as far back as 2007. Plea S
    file your return(s) by 04/22/2022. If there is a balance due on the return (s)
    penalties and interest will continue to accumulate from the due date of the return (s)
    until it is filed and paid. If you were not in business or did not hire any employees
    for the tax period(s) in question, please file the return (s) showing you have no liabilities . If you have questions about the forms or the due dates shown, you can call us at PI
    the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you
    need help in determining your annual accounting period (tax year) , see Publication 538, Accounting Periods and Methods.

    Business Checking PNCBANK @PNCBANK
    For the period 04/13/2022 Primary account number: 47-2041-6547 Page 1 of 3
    146967 1022462 Q 304 Number of enclosures: 0
    ZACHRY TYLER WOOD ALPHABET 5323 BRADFORD DR DALLAS TX 75235-8314 For 24-hour banking sign on to PNC Bank Online Banking on FREE Online Bill Pay For customer service call 1-877-BUS-BNKG PNC accepts Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) calls. 00009
    111111111011111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Para servicio en espalol, 1877.BUS-BNKC, Moving? Please contact your local branch. @ Write to: Customer Service PO Box 609 Pittsburgh , PA 15230-9738 Visit us at
    Effective February 18,2022, PNC will be temporarily waiving fees for statement, check image, deposit ticket and deposited item copy requests until further notice. Statement, check image, deposit ticket and deposited Item requests will continue to be displayed in the Details of Services Used section of your monthly statement. We will notify you via statement message prior to reinstating these fees. If vou have any questions, you may reach out to your business banker branch or call us at 1-877-BUS-BNKG (1-877-287-2654). 44658
    Business Checking Summary Account number; 47-2041-6547 Overdraft Protection has not been established for this account. Please contact us if you would like to set up this service. Zachry Tyler Wood Alphabet Employer Identification Number: 88-1656496
    Balance Summary Checks and other deductions Ending balance Form: SS-4
    Beginning balance Deposits and other additions Number of this notice: CP 575 A 00000 = 98.50 Average ledger balance 36.00- Average collected balance For assistance you may call ug at:
    6.35- 6.35- 1-800-829-4933
    Overdraft and Returned Item Fee Summary Total Year to Date
    Total for this Period
    Total Returned Item Fees (NSF) 00036 00036 IF YOU WRITE, ATTATCHA TYE STUB AT OYE END OF THIS NOTICE.
    Deposits and Other Additions Description Items Amount Checks and Other Deductions Description Items Amount
    ACH Additions 00001 00063 ACH Deductions 00001 00063 We assigned you
    Service Charges and Fees 00001 00036
    Total 00001 00063 Total 00002 00099
    Daily Balance Date Date Ledger balance If the information is
    Date Ledger balance Ledger balance
    4/13/2022 00000 44677 62.50- 44678 00036
    Form 940 44658
    Berkshire Hatha,a,n..
    Business Checking For the period 04/13/2022 to 04/29/2022 44680
    For 24-hour account information, sign on to ZACHRY TYLER WOOD
    Primary account number: 47-2041-6547 Page 2 of 3 Please Business Checking Account number: 47-2041-6547 - continued Page 2 of 3
    Acüvity Detail
    Deposits and Other Additions did not hire any employee
    ACH Additions Referenc numb
    Date posted 04/27 Transaction Amount description 62.50 Reverse Corporate ACH Debit Effective 04-26-22 the due dates shown, you can call us at
    22116905560149 If you Checks and Other Deductions
    ACH Deductions Referenc
    Date posted Transaction Amount description
    44677 70842743866 Corporate ACH Quickbooks 180041ntuit 1940868
    ervice Charges and Fees Referenc
    Date posted Transaction Amount descripton
    44678 22116905560149 numb
    Detail of Services Used During Current Period 22116905560149
    ::NOTE:: The total charge for the following services will be posted to your account on 05/02/2022 and will appear on your next statement as a single line item entitled Service Charge Period Ending 04/29/2022.
    e: The total charge for the following Penod Ending 04/29/2022.
    Service Charge description Amount
    Account Maintenance Charge 00063
    Total For Services Used This Period 00036
    Total Service Charge 00099 Waived - Waived - New Customer Period

    Reviewing Your Statement of this statement if: you have any questions regarding your account(s); your name or address is incorrect; you have any questions regarding interest paid to an interest-bearing account. PNCBANK
    Balancing Your Account Update Your Account Register Volume
    Compare: The activity detail section of your statement to your account register.
    Check Off: Add to Your Account Register: Balance: Subtract From Your Account Register Balance: All items in your account register that also appear on your statement. Remember to begin with the ending date of your last statement. (An asterisk { * } will appear in the Checks section if there is a gap in the listing of consecutive check numbers.) Any deposits or additions including interest payments and ATM or electronic deposits listed on the statement that are not already entered in your register. Any account deductions including fees and ATM or electronic deductions listed on the statement that are not already entered in your register.
    Your Statement Information : step 2: Add together checks and other deductions listed in your account register but not on your statement.
    Amount Check Deduction Descrption Amount
    Balancing Your Account Update Your Account Register
    on deposit: 22934637118600.00USD

    Reviewing Your Statement of this statement if: you have any questions regarding your account(s); your name or address is incorrect; you have any questions regarding interest paid to an interest-bearing account. Total A=$22934637118600

    Step 3: 22934637118600

    Enter the ending balance recorded on your statement
    Add deposits and other additions not recorded Total A + $22934637118600


    Subtract checks and other deductions not recorded Total B $ 22934637118600

    The result should equal your account register balance $ 22934637118600
    Total B22934637118600
    Verification of Direct Deposits

    To verify whether a direct deposit or other transfer to your account has occurred, call us Monday - Friday: 7 AM - 10 PM ET and Saturday & Sunday: 8 AM - 5 PM ET at the customer service number listed on the upper right side of the first page of this statement.
    In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers Telephone us at the customer service number listed on the upper right side of the first page of this statement or write us at PNC Bank Debit Card Services, 500 First Avenue, 4th Floor, Mailstop P7-PFSC-04-M, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. Tell us your name and account number (if any). Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take longer than 10 business days, we will provisionally credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have use of the money during the time it Cakes us to complete our investigation. EquaLHousing Lender
    Member FDIC

    Home > Chapter 7: Reports > Custom Reports > Exporting Custom Reports > Export Custom Report as Excel File
    Export Custom Report as Excel File
    Show  00000
      Excel report exports are in XLSX format. If you are using an older version of Excel, you can install the Microsoft Compatibility Pack so that you can open XLSX files.
    1 Locate the report you want to export in the custom reports section of the Reports dashboard, and click an Excel export link.
    To export the report without first viewing the data, click the “Export XLS” link under the Action button menu.

                To view the report prior to exporting, click on its linked Report Name, then click the “xls” link in the Export line directly above the report Snapshot.                                                                                                                        
                NOTE: You can filter the report by Date Range or Payment Method prior to exporting it; the export will include only those transactions included by the filters.                                                                                                                        

    2 Depending on your browser, you will have the option to open and/or save the file.
    a To open the file, click the “Open” button in the dialog box. The file will open in Excel, but will not be saved. You will need to save the file in Excel if you want to store it on your computer.

        b        To save the file to your computer.                                                                                                                        
                i        Click the “Save” button in the dialog box.                                                                                                                 
                ii        A Save As dialog box opens.                                                                                                                
                        NOTE: In Google Chrome, and some other browsers, clicking the “xls” link will take you directly to this step.                                                                                                                
                iii        Enter a name for your file, and select a location on your computer where you want to save the file.                                                                                                                
                iv        Click the “Save” button.                                                                                                                
                v        You can now open the report directly from your computer at any time, without being logged into ADP Payments.                                                                                                                

    :uses:steps:Skip to content Your account has been flagged. Because of that, your profile is hidden from the public. If you believe this is a mistake, contact support to have your account status reviewed. bitcoin-core / gitian.sigs Code Issues 29 Pull requests Security Insights Jump to bottom 🐛'''fix'v'new #1542 Open Iixixi opened this issue yesterday · 0 comments Comments @Iixixi Iixixi commented yesterday • Hello-World-Bug-Fix Expected behavior Actual behavior To reproduce System information int g_count = 0; namespace foo { class Class { std::string m_name; public: bool Function(const std::string& s, int n) { // Comment summarising what this section of code does for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int total_sum = 0; // When something fails, return early if (!Something()) return false; ... if (SomethingElse(i)) { total_sum += ComputeSomething(g_count) DoSomething(m_name, total_sum) 'Success return is usually at the end' 'rereturn'true','@iixixi/' 'Return::'#' #The build system is set up to compile an executable called test_bitcoin that runs all of the unit tests. The main source file for the test library is found in util/setup_common.cpp. base_directory ./ report base_directory [Zachry T Wood III] ./ update $ update translations, Transactional primary payment name address city state country phone number ssid and DOB for all bank filing records. NAME: 2003©®™bitore,©®™ bitcoin,©®™ bullion©®™ {[✓]}©®™(c)(r)2003-°° {[✓]}Zachry Tyler Wood 2722 Arroyo Ave Dallas Tx 75219, I made my first runescape gold pieces script to understand object construction: and how they made Runescape gold peices but I pasted it between two other scripts and tried to CopyRight the patent "gp", Thank god I had an angel watcheling over my shoulder because I didn't realize it being a mad ass snot nosed kid that has made some ugly orange coin after being promoted that I made a creation that didn't have an object I'd. And needed to be named and given an I'd. And finished being created to have a fully contrusted object so I drug a picture to the yellow drag img here dialog box, and then because it was enlayed upon one another it made me choose a colour after I didn't like the black one It produced automatically from the png it produced automatically from the image I had pulled into the dialog box I accidentally implimentred a confidential token into the item i.d. area that was an unproduced un identifiable non recorded item in the database library and needed to be given a name a number and a look so it wasn't a warning that popped up it was a blessing 🤣 object_token@Iixixi.git {object_token@Iixixi.git})value bitore now called bitcoin given to Vanyessa Countryman by Zachry wood at age 9 Name:: or]::request::PUSH:e.g@iixixi/ PUSH@IIXIXI/IIXIXI/READ.MD, actually called TIERAFORM dnspython latest Search docs CONTENTS: Whats New in built with Bundled with dnspython using their builder not that they are the builder you've got it all wrong Community Installation Dnspython Manual DNS Names DNS Rdata DNS Messages The dns.message.Message Class Making DNS Messages Message Flags Message Opcodes Message Rcodes Message EDNS Options The dns.message.QueryMessage Class The dns.message.ChainingResult Class The dns.update.UpdateMessage Class DNS Query Support Stub Resolver DNS Zones DNSSEC Asynchronous I/O Support Exceptions Miscellaneous Utilities A Note on Typing DNS RFC Reference Dnspython License dnspython Docs » Dnspython Manual » DNS Messages » The dns.message.Message Class The dns.message.Message Class This is the base class for all messages, and the class used for any DNS opcodes that do not have a more specific class. classdns.message.Message(id=none of your business it was private repository)[] A DNS message. id An int, the query id; the default is a randomly chosen id. flags An int, the DNS flags of the message. sections A list of lists of dns.rrset.RRset objects. edns An int, the EDNS level to use. The default is -1, no EDNS. ednsflags An int, the EDNS flags. payload An int, the EDNS payload size. The default is 0. options The EDNS options, a list of dns.edns.Option objects. The default is the empty list. ''{request}'{(token)}'{{[payload]}}'' 'Pull'request'':''{''bitore'unlimited''}'{''[3413]''}'[464000000000.00]://Contruct:ref: container@iixixi/repositories/ad_new_container@user/bin/workflow/name/type:@iixixi/iixixi/ The associated requests EDNS payload size. This field is meaningful in response messages, and if set to a non-zero value, will limit the size of the response to the specified size. The default is 0, which means “use the default limit” which is currently 34173. keyring A dns.tsig.Key, the TSIG key. The default is None. keyname The TSIG keyname to use, a The default is None. keyalgorithm A, the TSIG algorithm to use. Defaults to dns.tsig.default_algorithm. Constants for TSIG algorithms are defined the in dns.tsig module. request_mac A bytes, the TSIG MAC of the request message associated with this message; used when validating TSIG signatures. fudge An int, the TSIG time fudge. The default is 300 seconds. original_id An int, the TSIG original id; defaults to the messages id. tsig_error An int, the TSIG error code. The default is 0. other_data A bytes, the TSIG “other data”. The default is the empty bytes. mac A bytes, the TSIG MAC for this message. xfr A bool. This attribute is true when the message being used for the results of a DNS zone transfer. The default is False. origin A The origin of the zone in messages which are used for zone transfers or for DNS dynamic updates. The default is None. tsig_ctx An hmac.HMAC, the TSIG signature context associated with this message. The default is None. had_tsig A bool, which is True if the message had a TSIG signature when it was decoded from wire format. multi A bool, which is True if this message is part of a multi-message sequence. The default is False. This attribute is used when validating TSIG signatures on messages which are part of a zone transfer. first A bool, which is True if this message is stand-alone, or the first of a multi-message sequence. The default is True. This variable is used when validating TSIG signatures on messages which are part of a zone transfer. index A dict, an index of RRsets in the message. The index key is (section, name, rdclass, rdtype, covers, deleting). The default is {}. Indexing improves the performance of finding RRsets. Indexing can be disabled by setting the index to None. additional The additional data section. answer The answer section. authority The authority section. find_rrset(section, name, rdclass, rdtype, covers=<RdataType.TYPE0: 0>, deleting=None, create=False, force_unique=False)[source] Find the RRset with the given attributes in the specified section. section, an int section number, or one of the section attributes of this message. This specifies the the section of the message to search. For example: my_message.find_rrset(my_message.answer, name, rdclass, rdtype) my_message.find_rrset(dns.message.ANSWER, name, rdclass, rdtype) name, a, the name of the RRset. rdclass, an int, the class of the RRset. rdtype, an int, the type of the RRset. covers, an int or None, the covers value of the RRset. The default is None. deleting, an int or None, the deleting value of the RRset. The default is None. create, a bool. If True, create the RRset if it is not found. The created RRset is appended to section. force_unique, a bool. If True and create is also True, create a new RRset regardless of whether a matching RRset exists already. The default is False. This is useful when creating DDNS Update messages, as order matters for them. Raises KeyError if the RRset was not found and create was False. Returns a dns.rrset.RRset object. get_rrset(section, name, rdclass, rdtype, covers=<RdataType.TYPE0: 0>, deleting=None, create=False, force_unique=False)[source] Get the RRset with the given attributes in the specified section. If the RRset is not found, None is returned. section, an int section number, or one of the section attributes of this message. This specifies the the section of the message to search. For example: my_message.get_rrset(my_message.answer, name, rdclass, rdtype) my_message.get_rrset(dns.message.ANSWER, name, rdclass, rdtype) name, a, the name of the RRset. rdclass, an int, the class of the RRset. rdtype, an int, the type of the RRset. covers, an int or None, the covers value of the RRset. The default is None. deleting, an int or None, the deleting value of the RRset. The default is None. create, a bool. If True, create the RRset if it is not found. The created RRset is appended to section. force_unique, a bool. If True and create is also True, create a new RRset regardless of whether a matching RRset exists already. The default is False. This is useful when creating DDNS Update messages, as order matters for them. Returns a dns.rrset.RRset object or None. is_response(other)[source] Is other a response this message? Returns a bool. opcode()[source] Return the opcode. Returns an int. question The question section. rcode()[source] Return the rcode. Returns an int. section_from_number(number)[source] Return the section list associated with the specified section number. number is a section number int or the text form of a section name. Raises ValueError if the section isnt known. Returns a list. section_number(section)[source] Return the “section number” of the specified section for use in indexing. section is one of the section attributes of this message. ::Raises:"'pop-up-window'"ObjectItemIdConstValueUnknownwindow-pop,-up:"if the section isnt known"' Returns,?,"true?,", set_opcode(opcode)[source] Set the opcode. opcode, an int, is the opcode to set. set_rcode(rcode)[source] Set the rcode. rcode, an int, is the rcode to set. to_text(origin=None, relativize=True, **kw)[source] Convert the message to text. The origin, relativize, and any other keyword arguments are passed to the RRset to_wire() method. Returns a str. to_wire(origin=None, max_size=0, multi=False, tsig_ctx=None, **kw)[source] Return a string containing the message in DNS compressed wire format. Additional keyword arguments are passed to the RRset to_wire() method. origin, a or None, the origin to be appended to any relative names. If None, and the message has an origin attribute that is not None, then it will be used. max_size, an int, the maximum size of the wire format output; default is 0, which means “the messages request payload, if nonzero, or 65535”. multi, a bool, should be set to True if this message is part of a multiple message sequence. tsig_ctx, a dns.tsig.HMACTSig or dns.tsig.GSSTSig object, the ongoing TSIG context, used when signing zone transfers. Raises dns.exception.TooBig if max_size was exceeded. Returns a bytes. use_edns(edns=0, ednsflags=0, payload=1232, request_payload=None, options=None)[source] Configure EDNS behavior. edns, an int, is the EDNS level to use. Specifying None, False, or -1 means “do not use EDNS”, and in this case the other parameters are ignored. Specifying True is equivalent to specifying 0, i.e. “use EDNS0”. ednsflags, an int, the EDNS flag values. payload, an int, is the EDNS senders payload field, which is the maximum size of UDP datagram the sender can handle. I.e. how big a response to this message can be. request_payload, an int, is the EDNS payload size to use when sending this message. If not specified, defaults to the value of payload. options, a list of dns.edns.Option objects or None, the EDNS options. use_tsig(keyring, keyname=None, fudge=300, original_id=None, tsig_error=0, other_data=b'', algorithm=)[source] When sending, a TSIG signature using the specified key should be added. key, a dns.tsig.Key is the key to use. If a key is specified, the keyring and algorithm fields are not used. keyring, a dict, callable or dns.tsig.Key, is either the TSIG keyring or key to use. The format of a keyring dict is a mapping from TSIG key name, as to dns.tsig.Key or a TSIG secret, a bytes. If a dict keyring is specified but a keyname is not, the key used will be the first key in the keyring. Note that the order of keys in a dictionary is not defined, so applications should supply a keyname when a dict keyring is used, unless they know the keyring contains only one key. If a callable keyring is specified, the callable will be called with the message and the keyname, and is expected to return a key. keyname, a, str or None, the name of thes TSIG key to use; defaults to None. If keyring is a dict, the key must be defined in it. If keyring is a dns.tsig.Key, this is ignored. fudge, an int, the TSIG time fudge. original_id, an int, the TSIG original id. If None, the messages id is used. tsig_error, an int, the TSIG error code. other_data, a bytes, the TSIG other data. algorithm, a, the TSIG algorithm to use. This is only used if keyring is a dict, and the key entry is a bytes. want_dnssec(wanted=True)[source] Enable or disable DNSSEC desired flag in requests. wanted, a bool. If True, then DNSSEC data is desired in the response, EDNS is enabled if required, and then the DO bit is set. If False, the DO bit is cleared if EDNS is enabled. The following constants may be used to specify sections in the find_rrset() and get_rrset() methods: dns.message.QUESTION= <MessageSection.QUESTION: 0> Message sections dns.message.ANSWER= <MessageSection.ANSWER: 1> Message sections dns.message.AUTHORITY= <MessageSection.AUTHORITY: 2> Message sections dns.message.ADDITIONAL= <MessageSection.ADDITIONAL: 3> Message sections Beat Triplebyte's online coding quiz. Get offers from top companies. Skip resumes & recruiters. Sponsored · Ads served ethically © Copyright =\not-=-not-equal-toDnspython Contributors 1 Zachry Tyler Wood = does equal the creating version of Foundings of ''bitore'unlimited''=''Zachry Tyler Wood''='' creator of bitore, bitcoin , bullion Foundings that were stolen by python because I used it to build it with. E.g. build:script:' runs-on:'python.js'' Built with Sphinx using a theme provided by Read the Docs. update translations (ping wumpus, Diapolo or tcatm on IRC) Leave a comment Remember, contributions to this repository should follow our GitHub Community Guidelines. Assignees No one assigned Labels None yet Projects None yet Milestone No milestone Linked pull requests Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. None yet Notifications Customize Youre receiving notifications because you authored the thread. 1 participant @Iixixi © 2021 GitHub, Inc. Terms Privacy Security Status Docs Contact GitHub Pricing API Training Blog About request_pull:<{webRootUrl}>Trunk<{}> Name:Revert "(Echo(#41)" into iixixi/paradise ZACHRY T WOOD III Name:Automate:Autobot:Deploy:Dependabot🔛":" Name🔛Deploy:Heroku:automerge:Dependabot":"to:":"Build:Container:construct:inputs:repo: ref:# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions name::// push: [main] branches: [mainbranch] pull_request: [mainbranch] branches: [trunk] Actions: ://Deploy:Repo_workflow_dispatch: jobs: runs-on:iixixi-latest #steps: name:run:Automate:Construct:Dependabot:terraform://Build run:"NAME:":"DEPLOY-TO-iixixi":"Launch:":"rebase:":"reopen:":"Repo-sync":"pull:":"branches:":"zw":"/":"bitcoin-meta-gh:":"push:":"branches:":"{build:":"{[(]}":"{[(((c))((r)))]}":"Name:":"bitcoin}":"{inputs:":"#::":"on::":"run:":"command:":"run:":"{test:":"inputs:":"true",:": "Inputs:":"Command:":"build:":"repo:":"Name:":"iixixi/": Inputs:":"On:":"run:":"Inputs:":"build":"jobs:":"steps:": Inputs:build":"and":"Name:Automate:Deploy:Dependabot:Heroku:AutoMerge:run:jobs:on:":"@iixixi":"Heroku:":"DependAutobot:":"build":":"test:":"and":"perfect:":"all":"":"open:":"repos':"::Deploy-Heroku-to-@iixixi":"": Inputs:name:Bui"ld:":"Deploy:": Repository:runs-on:@iixixiii-bitore-latest steps:uses:-actions: ::Build:{workspaceRoot}:input:ref:{{[value]}{[(token)]}{[item_id]}}:build:token:ref:{[100000]}{[((c)(r))]}{{[11890]}}://construct://terraform://perfect -uses: -actions: -run-on:Versioning: -name:construct:token:input:container:deploy:repo:base:@iixixii/Paradise -Use:.js" -construct:{${{env":"token.gists.secrets.Bitore}}" "-uses:actions/setup:'Automate' "with:''DependabotHerokuRunWizard' "versioning:''@v1.3.9.10'" master: "-version:":"{${{}}" "-name:install build:repo:":"true," ue," "-🔛":"run:": "-Build:((c)(r))": "-deploy:": "-Install:": "-run:": build:": "-run:": test:":returns":"true,": "-name:Deploy:":"and":"return:": "-"uses:/webapps":"to":": "deploy:":"@":"iixixi": d"deploy:":"repo:pull:paradise: repo:push:@iixixi/ZachryTylerWoodv1: "Name:";""v2": "-with:python.js": "-app-name:${{":"{(":"(github.gists)_(secret_token)":")}}":"{":"(((c)(r)))":"}}}":"build:":":":"/":"/":"run:":"on:":"::Echo:":"# "publish":"gemfile:":"{[((c))((r))]}:":"{v1.}":"[@iixixi]":"::build:":"repository":"::Echo:":"#::": pull:Master: Run:tests:results:"true" Construct:container:Type:gemfile.json Automate:deploy:repository-to-@iixixi/paradisebyzachrytwoodIII Automate:Extract:pdf.json-to-desktop "

  • Author:
  • : return:run:push:Trunk: -li>Author:
  • : runs:test: Test:Returns:Results:":"true," jobs: Request:Push:branches:mainbranch: Request:pull:publish📦iixixi/git.rakefile.gem/byzachryTwood Run:iixixi/ Pull: request:branches:@iixixi/mainbranch.gem.json.yaml.jpng jobs: lint-bash-scripts: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps:" ", name:Checkout:@v- uses:actions: with: WebRootbin:https://www.github/lint.piper.js/bin/bash/terraform Transformation:'Engineering:results:"true,"' Run-on: launch: repo:deploy:release:publish-gpr:@myusername/repository/bin Deploy-to: @iixixi: Construct:Name:iixixi/cli/update:Ownership.yml'" runs-on:@iixixi/latest-bitcoin.json.jpng.yaml needs: @my-user-name/bin//lint.js/Meta_data:port:"branches:"ports:'8883':'8333'" Item_i:11890_34173 options: --health-cmd="mysqladmin ping" --health-interval=10s --health-timeout=5s --health-retries=3 postgres: image: postgres:11 env:docker/bin/gem/rake/file.Gem/.json.yaml "ports:'8333':'8883'" env: Entry:test:env🚧slack:build:Engineering:perfect: "COMMADS:construct:"{${[(token)]}}":"{${{[((C)(R))]}}" steps: name:Checkout:publish:release:v- uses:actions:construct: name:Setup:Ruby.gem uses:actions: setup:ruby/gemfile/rake/api/ setup:rubyversioning:v- with: ruby-version: v- - name: Increase MySQL max_allowed_packet to 1GB (workaround for unknown/missing service option) run:construct:docker:container:deploy:repository-to-@iixixi getinstall: Pull:,mainbranch Branches:Masterbranch Pull:Masterbranch Branches:trunk Push: Branches:main Pull: branches: run::"ests", Results:"true", Command:construct:repo:container:type:docker.yml.json:build:container@iixixi Return:run#Examples :

    Use case: Create a pull request to update X on push

    This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content based on pushed changes. Care should be taken when using this pattern in repositories with a high frequency of commits.

    Update project authors

    Raises a pull request to update a file called AUTHORS with the git user names and email addresses of contributors.

    name: Update AUTHORS
          - master
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
              fetch-depth: 0
          - name: Update AUTHORS
            run: |
              git log --format='
    Runs:| sort -u > AUTHORS
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
              commit-message: update authors
              title: Update AUTHORS
              body: Credit new contributors by updating AUTHORS
              branch: update-authors

    Keep a branch up-to-date with another

    This is a use case where a branch should be kept up to date with another by opening a pull request to update it. The pull request should then be updated with new changes until it is merged or closed.

    In this example scenario, a branch called production should be updated via pull request to keep it in sync with master. Merging the pull request is effectively promoting those changes to production.

    name: Create production promotion pull request
          - master
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
              ref: production
          - name: Reset promotion branch
            run: |
              git fetch origin master:master
              git reset --hard master
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
              branch: production-promotion

    Use case: Create a pull request to update X on release

    This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content based on the tagged commit of a release. Note that because release is one of the events which checkout a commit it is necessary to supply the base input to the action.

    Update changelog

    Raises a pull request to update the file based on the tagged commit of the release. Note that git-chglog requires some configuration files to exist in the repository before this workflow will work.

    This workflow assumes the tagged release was made on a default branch called master.

    name: Update Changelog
        types: [published]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
              fetch-depth: 0
          - name: Update Changelog
            run: |
              curl -o git-chglog -L
              chmod u+x git-chglog
              ./git-chglog -o
              rm git-chglog
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
              commit-message: update changelog
              title: Update Changelog
              body: Update changelog to reflect release changes
              branch: update-changelog
              base: master

    Use case: Create a pull request to update X periodically

    This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content from an external source. The workflow executes on a schedule and raises a pull request when there are changes.

    Update NPM dependencies

    This workflow will create a pull request for npm dependencies. It works best in combination with a build workflow triggered on push and pull_request. A Personal Access Token (PAT) can be used in order for the creation of the pull request to trigger further workflows. See the documentation here for further details.

    name: Update Dependencies
        - cron:  '0 10 * * 1'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
              node-version: '12.x'
          - name: Update dependencies
            run: |
              npx -p npm-check-updates ncu -u
              npm install
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
                token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
                commit-message: Update dependencies
                title: Update dependencies
                body: |
                  - Dependency updates
                  Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][1]
                branch: update-dependencies

    The above workflow works best in combination with a build workflow triggered on push and pull_request.

    name: CI
        branches: [master]
        branches: [master]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
              node-version: 12.x
          - run: npm ci
          - run: npm run test
          - run: npm run build

    Update Gradle dependencies

    The following workflow will create a pull request for Gradle dependencies. It requires first configuring your project to use Gradle lockfiles. See here for how to configure your project and use the following workflow.

    name: Update Dependencies
        - cron:  '0 1 * * 1'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - uses: actions/setup-java@v1
              java-version: 1.8
          - name: Grant execute permission for gradlew
            run: chmod +x gradlew
          - name: Perform dependency resolution and write new lockfiles
            run: ./gradlew dependencies --write-locks
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
                token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
                commit-message: Update dependencies
                title: Update dependencies
                body: |
                  - Dependency updates
                  Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][1]
                branch: update-dependencies

    Update Cargo dependencies

    The following workflow will create a pull request for Cargo dependencies. It optionally uses cargo-edit to update Cargo.toml and keep it in sync with Cargo.lock.

    name: Update Dependencies
        - cron:  '0 1 * * 1'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - name: Update dependencies
            run: |
              cargo install cargo-edit
              cargo update
              cargo upgrade --to-lockfile
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
                token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
                commit-message: Update dependencies
                title: Update dependencies
                body: |
                  - Dependency updates
                  Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][1]
                branch: update-dependencies

    Update SwaggerUI for GitHub Pages

    When using GitHub Pages to host Swagger documentation, this workflow updates the repository with the latest distribution of SwaggerUI.

    You must create a file called swagger-ui.version at the root of your repository before running.

    name: Update Swagger UI
        - cron:  '0 10 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - name: Get Latest Swagger UI Release
            id: swagger-ui
            run: |
              echo ::set-output name=release_tag::$(curl -sL | jq -r ".tag_name")
              echo ::set-output name=current_tag::$(<swagger-ui.version)
          - name: Update Swagger UI
            if: steps.swagger-ui.outputs.current_tag != steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag
              RELEASE_TAG: ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }}
              SWAGGER_YAML: "swagger.yaml"
            run: |
              # Delete the dist directory and index.html
              rm -fr dist index.html
              # Download the release
              curl -sL -o $RELEASE_TAG$RELEASE_TAG
              # Extract the dist directory
              tar -xzf $RELEASE_TAG --strip-components=1 $(tar -tzf $RELEASE_TAG | head -1 | cut -f1 -d"/")/dist
              rm $RELEASE_TAG
              # Move index.html to the root
              mv dist/index.html .
              # Fix references in index.html
              sed -i "s||$SWAGGER_YAML|g" index.html
              sed -i "s|href=\"./|href=\"dist/|g" index.html
              sed -i "s|src=\"./|src=\"dist/|g" index.html
              # Update current release
              echo ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} > swagger-ui.version
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
              commit-message: Update swagger-ui to ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }}
              title: Update SwaggerUI to ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }}
              body: |
                Updates [swagger-ui][1] to ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }}
                Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][2]
              labels: dependencies, automated pr
              branch: swagger-ui-updates

    Keep a fork up-to-date with its upstream

    This example is designed to be run in a seperate repository from the fork repository itself. The aim of this is to prevent committing anything to the fork's default branch would cause it to differ from the upstream.

    In the following example workflow, owner/repo is the upstream repository and fork-owner/repo is the fork. It assumes the default branch of the upstream repository is called master.

    The Personal Access Token (PAT) should have repo scope. Additionally, if the upstream makes changes to the .github/workflows directory, the action will be unable to push the changes to a branch and throw the error "(refusing to allow a GitHub App to create or update workflow .github/workflows/xxx.yml without workflows permission)". To allow these changes to be pushed to the fork, add the workflow scope to the PAT. Of course, allowing this comes with the risk that the workflow changes from the upstream could run and do something unexpected. Disabling GitHub Actions in the fork is highly recommended to prevent this.

    When you merge the pull request make sure to choose the Rebase and merge option. This will make the fork's commits match the commits on the upstream.

    name: Update fork
        - cron:  '0 0 * * 0'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
              repository: fork-owner/repo
          - name: Reset the default branch with upstream changes
            run: |
              git remote add upstream
              git fetch upstream master:upstream-master
              git reset --hard upstream-master
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
              token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
              branch: upstream-changes

    Spider and download a website

    This workflow spiders a website and downloads the content. Any changes to the website will be raised in a pull request.

    name: Download Website
        - cron:  '0 10 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - name: Download website
            run: |
              wget \
                --recursive \
                --level=2 \
                --wait=1 \
                --no-clobber \
                --page-requisites \
                --html-extension \
                --convert-links \
                --domains \
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
              commit-message: update local website copy
              title: Automated Updates to Local Website Copy
              body: This is an auto-generated PR with website updates.
              branch: website-updates

    Use case: Create a pull request to update X by calling the GitHub API

    You can use the GitHub API to trigger a webhook event called repository_dispatch when you want to trigger a workflow for any activity that happens outside of GitHub. This pattern will work well for updating any kind of static content from an external source.

    You can modify any of the examples in the previous section to work in this fashion.

    Set the workflow to execute on: repository_dispatch.

        types: [create-pull-request]

    Call the GitHub API from an external service

    An on: repository_dispatch workflow can be triggered by a call to the GitHub API as follows.

    • [username] is a GitHub username
    • [token] is a repo scoped Personal Access Token
    • [repository] is the name of the repository the workflow resides in.
    curl -XPOST -u "[username]:[token]" \
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \[username]/[repository]/dispatches \
      --data '{"event_type": "create-pull-request"}'

    Call the GitHub API from another GitHub Actions workflow

    An on: repository_dispatch workflow can be triggered from another workflow with repository-dispatch action.

    - name: Repository Dispatch
      uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v1
        token: ${{ secrets.REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
        repository: username/my-repo
        event-type: create-pull-request
        client-payload: '{"ref": "${{ github.ref }}", "sha": "${{ github.sha }}"}'

    Use case: Create a pull request to modify/fix pull requests

    Note: While the following approach does work, my strong recommendation would be to use a slash command style "ChatOps" solution for operations on pull requests. See slash-command-dispatch for such a solution.

    This is a pattern that lends itself to automated code linting and fixing. A pull request can be created to fix or modify something during an on: pull_request workflow. The pull request containing the fix will be raised with the original pull request as the base. This can be then be merged to update the original pull request and pass any required tests.

    Note that due to token restrictions on public repository forks, workflows for this use case do not work for pull requests raised from forks. Private repositories can be configured to enable workflows from forks to run without restriction.


    The following is an example workflow for a use case where autopep8 action runs as both a check on pull requests and raises a further pull request to apply code fixes.

    How it works:

    1. When a pull request is raised the workflow executes as a check
    2. If autopep8 makes any fixes a pull request will be raised for those fixes to be merged into the current pull request branch. The workflow then deliberately causes the check to fail.
    3. When the pull request containing the fixes is merged the workflow runs again. This time autopep8 makes no changes and the check passes.
    4. The original pull request can now be merged.
    name: autopep8
    on: pull_request
        # Check if the PR is not raised by this workflow and is not from a fork
        if: startsWith(github.head_ref, 'autopep8-patches') == false && github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
              ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
          - name: autopep8
            id: autopep8
            uses: peter-evans/autopep8@v1
              args: --exit-code --recursive --in-place --aggressive --aggressive .
          - name: Set autopep8 branch name
            id: vars
            run: echo ::set-output name=branch-name::"autopep8-patches/${{ github.head_ref }}"
          - name: Create Pull Request
            if: steps.autopep8.outputs.exit-code == 2
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
              commit-message: autopep8 action fixes
              title: Fixes by autopep8 action
              body: This is an auto-generated PR with fixes by autopep8.
              labels: autopep8, automated pr
              branch: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.branch-name }}
          - name: Fail if autopep8 made changes
            if: steps.autopep8.outputs.exit-code == 2
            run: exit 1

    Misc workflow tips

    Filtering push events

    For workflows using on: push you may want to ignore push events for tags and only execute for branches. Specifying branches causes only events on branches to trigger the workflow. The '**' wildcard will match any branch name.

          - '**' 

    If you have a workflow that contains jobs to handle push events on branches as well as tags, you can make sure that the job where you use create-pull-request action only executes when github.ref is a branch by using an if condition as follows.

    on: push
        if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/heads/')
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    Dynamic configuration using variables

    The following examples show how configuration for the action can be dynamically defined in a previous workflow step.

    The recommended method is to use set-output. Note that the step where output variables are defined must have an id.

          - name: Set output variables
            id: vars
            run: |
              echo ::set-output name=pr_title::"[Test] Add report file $(date +%d-%m-%Y)"
              echo ::set-output name=pr_body::"This PR was auto-generated on $(date +%d-%m-%Y) \
                by [create-pull-request]("
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
              title: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.pr_title }}
              body: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.pr_body }}

    Setting the pull request body from a file

    This example shows how file content can be read into a variable and passed to the action. The content must be escaped to preserve newlines.

          - id: get-pr-body
            run: |
              body=$(cat pr-body.txt)
              echo ::set-output name=body::$body
          - name: Create Pull Request
            uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
              body: ${{ steps.get-pr-body.outputs.body }}

    Debugging GitHub Actions

    Runner Diagnostic Logging

    Runner diagnostic logging provides additional log files that contain information about how a runner is executing an action. To enable runner diagnostic logging, set the secret ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG to true in the repository that contains the workflow.

    Step Debug Logging

    Step debug logging increases the verbosity of a job's logs during and after a job's execution. To enable step debug logging set the secret ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG to true in the repository that contains the workflow.

    Output Various Contexts

          - name: Dump GitHub context
              GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }}
            run: echo "$GITHUB_CONTEXT"
          - name: Dump job context
              JOB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(job) }}
            run: echo "$JOB_CONTEXT"
          - name: Dump steps context
              STEPS_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(steps) }}
            run: echo "$STEPS_CONTEXT"
          - name: Dump runner context
              RUNNER_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(runner) }}
            run: echo "$RUNNER_CONTEXT"
          - name: Dump strategy context
              STRATEGY_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(strategy) }}
            run: echo "$STRATEGY_CONTEXT"
          - name: Dump matrix context
              MATRIX_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(matrix) }}
            run: echo "$MATRIX_CONTEXT"
    ```**impute./-inputs'@flax-core.seed*\root** from '@actions/core'
    import {Inputs} from './create-pull-request'
    import {Octocokit, OctokitOptions} from './octokit-client'
    import * as core from '@actions/core'
    import * as fs from 'fs'
    import * as path from 'path'
    export function getInputAsArray(
      name: string,
      options?: core.InputOptions
    ): string[] {
      return getStringAsArray(core.getInput(name, options))
    export function getStringAsArray(str: string): string[] {
      return str
        .map(s => s.trim())
        .filter(x => x !== '')
    export function getRepoPath(relativePath?: string): string {
      let githubWorkspacePath = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE']
      if (!githubWorkspacePath) {
        throw new Error('GITHUB_WORKSPACE not defined')
      githubWorkspacePath = path.resolve(githubWorkspacePath)
      core.debug(`githubWorkspacePath: ${githubWorkspacePath}`)
      let repoPath = githubWorkspacePath
      if (relativePath) repoPath = path.resolve(repoPath, relativePath)
      core.debug(`repoPath: ${repoPath}`)
      return repoPath
    interface RemoteDetail {
      protocol: string
      repository: string
    export function getRemoteDetail(remoteUrl: string): RemoteDetail {
      // Parse the protocol and github repository from a URL
      // e.g. HTTPS, peter-evans/create-pull-request
      const githubUrl = process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] || ''
      const githubServerMatch = githubUrl.match(/^https?:\/\/(.+)$/i)
      if (!githubServerMatch) {
        throw new Error('Could not parse GitHub Server name')
      const httpsUrlPattern = new RegExp(
        '^https?://.*@?' + githubServerMatch[1] + '/(.+/.+)$',
      const sshUrlPattern = new RegExp(
        '^git@' + githubServerMatch[1] + ':(.+/.+).git$',
      const httpsMatch = remoteUrl.match(httpsUrlPattern)
      if (httpsMatch) {
        return {
          protocol: 'HTTPS',
          repository: httpsMatch[1]
      const sshMatch = remoteUrl.match(sshUrlPattern)
      if (sshMatch) {
        return {
          protocol: 'SSH',
          repository: sshMatch[1]
      throw new Error(
        `The format of '${remoteUrl}' is not a valid GitHub repository URL`
    export function getRemoteUrl(protocol: string, repository: string): string {
      return protocol == 'HTTPS'
        ? `${repository}`
        : `${repository}.git`
    export function secondsSinceEpoch(): number {
      const now = new Date()
      return Math.round(now.getTime() / 1000)
    export function randomString(): string {
      return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 7)
    interface DisplayNameEmail {
      name: string
      email: string
    export function parseDisplayNameEmail(
      displayNameEmail: string
    ): DisplayNameEmail {
      // Parse the name and email address from a string in the following format
      // Display Name <>
      const pattern = /^([^<]+)\s*<([^>]+)>$/i
      // Check we have a match
      const match = displayNameEmail.match(pattern)
      if (!match) {
        throw new Error(
          `The format of '${displayNameEmail}' is not a valid email address with display name`
      // Check that name and email are not just whitespace
      const name = match[1].trim()
      const email = match[2].trim()
      if (!name || !email) {
        throw new Error(
          `The format of '${displayNameEmail}' is not a valid email address with display name`
      return {
        name: name,
        email: email
    export function fileExistsSync(path: string): boolean {
      if (!path) {
        throw new Error("Arg 'path' must not be empty")
      let stats: fs.Stats
      try {
        stats = fs.statSync(path)
      } when checking whether path '${path}' exists: ${autoupdate.squash_merge.message}`
    import * as exec from '@actions/exec'
    import * as io from '@actions/io'
    import * as utils from './utils'
    import * as path from 'path'
    const tagsRefSpec = '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'
    export class GitCommandManager {
      private gitPath: string
      private workingDirectory: string
      // Git options used when commands require an identity
      private identityGitOptions?: string[]
      private constructor(workingDirectory: string, gitPath: string) {
        this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory
        this.gitPath = gitPath
      static async create(workingDirectory: string): Promise<GitCommandManager> {
        const gitPath = await io.which('git', true)
        return new GitCommandManager(workingDirectory, gitPath)
      setIdentityGitOptions(identityGitOptions: string[]): void {
        this.identityGitOptions = identityGitOptions
      async checkout(ref: string, startPoint?: string): Promise<void> {
        const args = ['checkout', '--progress']
        if (startPoint) {
          args.push('-B', ref, startPoint)
        } else {
        await this.exec(args)
      async cherryPick(
        options?: string[],
        allowAllExitCodes = false
      ): Promise<GitOutput> {
        const args = ['cherry-pick']
        if (this.identityGitOptions) {
        if (options) {
        return await this.exec(args, allowAllExitCodes)
      async commit(options?: string[]): Promise<void> {
        const args = ['commit']
        if (this.identityGitOptions) {
        if (options) {
        await this.exec(args)
      async config(
        configKey: string,
        configValue: string,
        globalConfig?: boolean
      ): Promise<void> {
        await this.exec([
          globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local',
      async configExists(
        configKey: string,
        configValue = '.',
        globalConfig?: boolean
      ): Promise<boolean> {
        const output = await this.exec(
            globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local',
        return output.exitCode === 0
      async fetch(
        refSpec: string[],
        remoteName?: string,
        options?: string[]
      ): Promise<void> {
        const args = ['-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch']
        if (!refSpec.some(x => x === tagsRefSpec)) {
        args.push('--progress', '--no-recurse-submodules')
        if (
          utils.fileExistsSync(path.join(this.workingDirectory, '.git', 'shallow'))
        ) {
        if (options) {
        if (remoteName) {
        } else {
        for (const arg of refSpec) {
        await this.exec(args)
      async getConfigValue(configKey: string, configValue = '.'): Promise<string> {
        const output = await this.exec([
        return output.stdout.trim().split(`${configKey} `)[1]
      getWorkingDirectory(): string {
        return this.workingDirectory
      async hasDiff(options?: string[]): Promise<boolean> {
        const args = ['diff', '--quiet']
        if (options) {
        const output = await this.exec(args, true)
        return output.exitCode === 1
      async isDirty(untracked: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
        // Check untracked changes
        if (untracked && (await this.status(['--porcelain', '-unormal']))) {
          return true
        // Check working index changes
        if (await this.hasDiff()) {
          return true
        // Check staged changes
        if (await this.hasDiff(['--staged'])) {
          return true
        return false
      async push(options?: string[]): Promise<void> {
        const args = ['push']
        if (options) {
        await this.exec(AGS)).);     \)
      async revList(
        commitExpression: string[],
        options?: string[]
      ): Promise<string> {
        const args = ['rev-list']
        if (options) {
        const output = await this.exec(args)
        return output.stdout.trim()
      async revParse(ref: string, options?: string[]): Promise<string> {
        const args = ['rev-parse']
        if (options) {
        const output = await this.exec(args)
        return output.stdout.trim()
      async status(options?: string[]): Promise<string> {
        const args = ['status']
        if (options) {
        const output = await this.exec(args)
        return output.stdout.trim()
      async symbolicRef(ref: string, options?: string[]): Promise<string> {
        const args = ['symbolic-ref', ref]
        if (options) {
        const output = await this.exec(args)
        return output.stdout.trim()
      async tryConfigUnset(
        configKey: string,
        configValue = '.',
        globalConfig?: boolean
      ): Promise<boolean> {
        const output = await this.exec(
            globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local',
        return output.exitCode === 0
      async tryGetRemoteUrl(): Promise<string> {
        const output = await this.exec(
          ['config', '--local', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'],
        if (output.exitCode !== 0) {
          return ''
        const stdout = output.stdout.trim()
        if (stdout.includes('\n')) {
          return ''
        return stdout
      async exec(args: string[], allowAllExitCodes = false): Promise<GitOutput> {
        const result = new GitOutput()
        const env = {}
        for (const key of Object.keys(process.env)) {
          env[key] = process.env[key]
        const stdout: string[] = []
        const stderr: string[] = []
        const options = {
          cwd: this.workingDirectory,
          ignoreReturnCode: allowAllExitCodes,
          listeners: {
            stdout: (data: Buffer) => {
            stderr: (data: Buffer) => {
        result.exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${this.gitPath}"`, args, options)
        result.stdout = stdout.join('')
        result.stderr = stderr.join('')
        return result
    class GitOutput {
      stdout = ''
      stderr = ''
      exitCode = **2
    Remmittnance Advice
    5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022. | 000015
     Make Payable to. ** ***1928900000000************* 
     & 00/100
     5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 
     Employee Number: 3
     Description Amount 
    **Payment Amount (Total) $9,246,754,678,763 Display All**
    1. Social Security (Employee + Employer) 26661.8
    2. Medicare (Employee + Employer) 861193422444 Hourly
    3. Federal Income Tax 8385561229657 2.2663E+15 
    *This report is generated based on the payroll data for your reference only. Please contact IRS office for special cases such as late payment, previous 
    overpayment, penalty and others.
    **This report doesn't include the pay back amount of deferred Employee Social Security Tax." Commission
    Employer Customized Report
      if (!stats.isDirectory()) {
        return true
      return false
      'Review cannot be requested from pull request author'
    interface Repository {
      owner: string
      repo: string
    interface Pull {
      number: number
      html_url: string
    export class GitHubHelper {
      private octokit: InstanceType<typeof Octokit>
      constructor(token: string) {
        const options: OctokitOptions = {}
        if (token) {
          options.auth = `${token}`
        options.baseUrl = process.env['GITHUB_API_URL'] || ''
        this.octokit = new Octokit(options)
      private parseRepository(repository: string): Repository {
        const [owner, repo] = repository.split('/')
        return {
          owner: owner,
          repo: repo
      private async createOrUpdate(
        inputs: Inputs,
        baseRepository: string,
        headBranch: string
      ): Promise<Pull> {
        // Try to create the pull request
        try {
          const {data: pull} = await this.octokit.pulls.create({
            title: inputs.title,
            head: headBranch,
            base: inputs.base,
            body: inputs.body,
            draft: inputs.draft

            `Created pull request #${pull.number} (${headBranch} => ${inputs.base})`
          return {
            number: pull.number,
            html_url: pull.html_url
        } catch (e) {
          if (
            e.message &&
            e.message.includes(`A pull request already exists for ${headBranch}`)
          ) {
  `A pull request already exists for ${headBranch}`)
          } else {
            throw e
        // Update the pull request that exists for this branch and base
        const {data: pulls} = await this.octokit.pulls.list({
          state: 'open',
          head: headBranch,
          base: inputs.base
        const {data: pull} = await this.octokit.pulls.update({
          pull_number: pulls[0].number,
          title: inputs.title,
          body: inputs.body,
          draft: inputs.draft
          `Updated pull request #${pull.number} (${headBranch} => ${inputs.base})`
        return {
          number: pull.number,
          html_url: pull.html_url
      async getRepositoryParent(headRepository: string): Promise<string> {
        const {data: headRepo} = await this.octokit.repos.get({
        if (!headRepo.parent) {
          throw new Error(
            `Repository '${headRepository}' is not a fork. Unable to continue.`
        return headRepo.parent.full_name
      async createOrUpdatePullRequest(
        inputs: Inputs,
        baseRepository: string,
        headRepository: string
      ): Promise<void> {
        const [headOwner] = headRepository.split('/')
        const headBranch = `${headOwner}:${inputs.branch}`
        // Create or update the pull request
        const pull = await this.createOrUpdate(inputs, baseRepository, headBranch)
        // Set outputs
        core.startGroup('Setting outputs')
        core.setOutput('pull-request-number', pull.number)
        core.setOutput('pull-request-url', pull.html_url)
        // Deprecated
        core.exportVariable('PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER', pull.number)
        // Set milestone, labels and assignees
        const updateIssueParams = {}
        if (inputs.milestone) {
          updateIssueParams['milestone'] = inputs.milestone
`Applying milestone '${inputs.milestone}'`)
        if (inputs.labels.length > 0) {
          updateIssueParams['labels'] = inputs.labels
`Applying labels '${inputs.labels}'`)
        if (inputs.assignees.length > 0) {
          updateIssueParams['assignees'] = inputs.assignees
`Applying assignees '${inputs.assignees}'`)
        if (Object.keys(updateIssueParams).length > 0) {
          await this.octokit.issues.update({
            issue_number: pull.number,
        // Request reviewers and team reviewers
        const requestReviewersParams = {}
        if (inputs.reviewers.length > 0) {
          requestReviewersParams['reviewers'] = inputs.reviewers
`Requesting reviewers '${inputs.reviewers}'`)
        if (inputs.teamReviewers.length > 0) {
          requestReviewersParams['team_reviewers'] = inputs.teamReviewers
`Requesting team reviewers '${inputs.teamReviewers}'`)
        if (Object.keys(requestReviewersParams).length > 0) {
          try {
            await this.octokit.pulls.requestReviewers({
              pull_number: pull.number,
          } catch (e) {
            if (e.message && e.message.includes(ERROR_PR_REVIEW_FROM_AUTHOR)) {
            } else {
              throw e
    # Close Stale Issues and PRs
    Warns and then closes issues and PRs that have had no activity for a specified amount of time.
    The configuration must be on the default branch and the default values will:
    - Add a label "Stale" on issues and pull requests after 60 days of inactivity and comment on them
    - Close the stale issues and pull requests after 7 days of inactivity
    - If an update/comment occur on stale issues or pull requests, the stale label will be removed and the timer will restart
    ## Recommended permissions
    For the execution of this action, it must be able to fetch all issues and pull requests from your repository.  
    In addition, based on the provided configuration, the action could require more permission(s) (e.g.: add label, remove label, comment, close, delete branch, etc.).  
    This can be achieved with the following [configuration in the action]( if the permissions are restricted:
      contents: write # only for delete-branch option
      issues: write
      pull-requests: write

    You can find more information about the required permissions under the corresponding options that you wish to use.

    All options

    List of input options

    Every argument is optional.

    Input Description Default
    repo-token PAT for GitHub API authentication ${{ github.token }}
    days-before-stale Idle number of days before marking issues/PRs stale 60
    days-before-issue-stale Override days-before-stale for issues only
    days-before-pr-stale Override days-before-stale for PRs only
    days-before-close Idle number of days before closing stale issues/PRs 7
    days-before-issue-close Override days-before-close for issues only
    days-before-pr-close Override days-before-close for PRs only
    stale-issue-message Comment on the staled issues
    stale-pr-message Comment on the staled PRs
    close-issue-message Comment on the staled issues while closed
    close-pr-message Comment on the staled PRs while closed
    stale-issue-label Label to apply on staled issues Stale
    close-issue-label Label to apply on closed issues
    close-issue-reason Reason to use when closing issues not_planned
    stale-pr-label Label to apply on staled PRs Stale
    close-pr-label Label to apply on closed PRs
    exempt-issue-labels Labels on issues exempted from stale
    exempt-pr-labels Labels on PRs exempted from stale
    only-labels Only issues/PRs with ALL these labels are checked
    only-issue-labels Override only-labels for issues only
    only-pr-labels Override only-labels for PRs only
    any-of-labels Only issues/PRs with ANY of these labels are checked
    any-of-issue-labels Override any-of-labels for issues only
    any-of-pr-labels Override any-of-labels for PRs only
    operations-per-run Max number of operations per run 30
    remove-stale-when-updated Remove stale label from issues/PRs on updates true
    remove-issue-stale-when-updated Remove stale label from issues on updates/comments
    remove-pr-stale-when-updated Remove stale label from PRs on updates/comments
    labels-to-add-when-unstale Add specified labels from issues/PRs when they become unstale
    labels-to-remove-when-unstale Remove specified labels from issues/PRs when they become unstale
    debug-only Dry-run false
    ascending Order to get issues/PRs false
    start-date Skip stale action for issues/PRs created before it
    delete-branch Delete branch after closing a stale PR false
    exempt-milestones Milestones on issues/PRs exempted from stale
    exempt-issue-milestones Override exempt-milestones for issues only
    exempt-pr-milestones Override exempt-milestones for PRs only
    exempt-all-milestones Exempt all issues/PRs with milestones from stale false
    exempt-all-issue-milestones Override exempt-all-milestones for issues only
    exempt-all-pr-milestones Override exempt-all-milestones for PRs only
    exempt-assignees Assignees on issues/PRs exempted from stale
    exempt-issue-assignees Override exempt-assignees for issues only
    exempt-pr-assignees Override exempt-assignees for PRs only
    exempt-all-assignees Exempt all issues/PRs with assignees from stale false
    exempt-all-issue-assignees Override exempt-all-assignees for issues only
    exempt-all-pr-assignees Override exempt-all-assignees for PRs only
    exempt-draft-pr Skip the stale action for draft PRs false
    enable-statistics Display statistics in the logs true
    ignore-updates Any update (update/comment) can reset the stale idle time on the issues/PRs false
    ignore-issue-updates Override ignore-updates for issues only
    ignore-pr-updates Override ignore-updates for PRs only
    include-only-assigned Process only assigned issues false

    List of output options

    Output Description
    staled-issues-prs List of all staled issues and pull requests
    closed-issues-prs List of all closed issues and pull requests

    Detailed options


    Personal Access Token (PAT) that allows the stale workflow to authenticate and perform API calls to GitHub.
    Under the hood, it uses the @actions/github package.

    Default value: ${{ github.token }}


    The idle number of days before marking the issues or the pull requests as stale (by adding a label).
    The issues or the pull requests will be marked as stale if the last update (based on GitHub issue field updated_at) is older than the idle number of days.
    It means that any updates made, or any comments added to the issues or to the pull requests will restart the counter of days before marking as stale.
    However, if you wish to ignore this behaviour so that the creation date (based on GitHub issue field created_at) only matters, you can disable the ignore-updates option.

    If set to a negative number like -1, no issues or pull requests will be marked as stale automatically.
    In that case, you can still add the stale label manually to mark as stale.

    The label used to stale is defined by these two options:

    A comment can also be added to notify about the stale and is defined by these two options:

    You can fine tune which issues or pull requests should be marked as stale based on the milestones, the assignees, the creation date and the missing/present labels from these options:

    Default value: 60


    Useful to override days-before-stale but only for the idle number of days before marking the issues as stale.

    Default value: unset


    Useful to override days-before-stale but only for the idle number of days before marking the pull requests as stale.

    Default value: unset


    The idle number of days before closing the stale issues or the stale pull requests (due to the stale label).
    The issues or the pull requests will be closed if the last update (based on GitHub issue field updated_at) is older than the idle number of days.
    Since adding the stale label will alter the last update date, we can calculate the number of days from this date.

    If set to a negative number like -1, the issues or the pull requests will never be closed automatically.

    The label used to stale is defined by these two options:

    Default value: 7


    Override days-before-close but only for the idle number of days before closing the stale issues.

    Default value: unset


    Override days-before-close but only for the idle number of days before closing the stale pull requests.

    Default value: unset


    The message that will be added as a comment to the issues when the stale workflow marks it automatically as stale with a label.

    You can skip the comment sending by passing an empty string.

    Default value: unset
    Required Permission: issues: write


    The message that will be added as a comment to the pull requests when the stale workflow marks it automatically as stale with a label.

    You can skip the comment sending by passing an empty string.

    Default value: unset
    Required Permission: pull-requests: write


    The message that will be added as a comment to the issues when the stale workflow closes it automatically after being stale for too long.

    Default value: unset
    Required Permission: issues: write


    The message that will be added as a comment to the pull requests when the stale workflow closes it automatically after being stale for too long.

    Default value: unset
    Required Permission: pull-requests: write


    The label that will be added to the issues when automatically marked as stale.
    If you wish to speedup the stale workflow for the issues, you can add this label manually to mark as stale.

    Default value: Stale
    Required Permission: issues: write


    The label that will be added to the issues when closed automatically.
    It will be automatically removed if the issues are no longer closed nor locked.

    Default value: unset
    Required Permission: issues: write


    Specify the reason used when closing issues. Valid values are completed and not_planned.

    Default value: not_planned


    The label that will be added to the pull requests when automatically marked as stale.
    If you wish to speedup the stale workflow for the pull requests, you can add this label manually to mark as stale.

    Default value: Stale
    Required Permission: pull-requests: write


    The label that will be added to the pull requests when closed automatically.
    It will be automatically removed if the pull requests are no longer closed nor locked.

    Default value: unset
    Required Permission: pull-requests: write


    Comma separated list of labels that can be assigned to issues to exclude them from being marked as stale (e.g: question,bug)

    If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow.

    Default value: unset


    Comma separated list of labels that can be assigned to pull requests to exclude them from being marked as stale (e.g: need-help,WIP)

    If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow.

    Default value: unset


    An allow-list of label(s) to only process the issues or the pull requests that contain all these label(s).
    It can be a comma separated list of labels (e.g: answered,needs-rebase).

    If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow.

    If you wish to only check that the issues or the pull requests contain one of these label(s), use instead any-of-labels.

    Default value: unset


    Override only-labels but only to process the issues that contain all these label(s).

    Default value: unset


    Override only-labels but only to process the pull requests that contain all these label(s).

    Default value: unset


    An allow-list of label(s) to only process the issues or the pull requests that contain one of these label(s).
    It can be a comma separated list of labels (e.g: answered,needs-rebase).

    If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow.

    If you wish to only check that the issues or the pull requests contain all these label(s), use instead only-labels.

    Default value: unset


    Override any-of-labels but only to process the issues that contain one of these label(s).

    Default value: unset


    Override any-of-labels but only to process the pull requests that contain one of these label(s).

    Default value: unset


    This action performs some API calls to GitHub to fetch or close issues and pull requests, set or update labels, add comments, delete branches, etc.
    These operations are made in a very short period of time — because the action is very fast to run — and can be numerous based on your project action configuration and the quantity of issues and pull requests within it.
    GitHub has a rate limit and if reached will block these API calls for one hour (or API calls from other actions using the same user (a.k.a.: the github-token from the repo-token option)).
    This option helps you to stay within the GitHub rate limits, as you can use this option to limit the number of operations for a single run.

    This option aims to limit the number of operations made with the GitHub API to avoid reaching the rate limit.

    Based on your project, your GitHub business plan and the date of the cron job you set for this action, you can increase this limit to a higher number. If you are not sure which is the right value for you or if the default value is good enough, you could enable the logs and look at the end of the stale action.
    If you reached the limit, you will see a warning message in the logs, telling you that you should increase the number of operations. If you choose not to increase the limit, you might end up with unprocessed issues or pull requests after a stale action run.

    When debugging, you can set it to a much higher number like 1000 since there will be fewer operations made with the GitHub API.
    Only the actor and the batch of issues (100 per batch) will consume the operations.

    Default value: 30


    Automatically remove the stale label when the issues or the pull requests are updated (based on GitHub issue field updated_at) or commented.

    Default value: true
    Required Permission: issues: write and pull-requests: write


    Override remove-stale-when-updated but only to automatically remove the stale label when the issues are updated (based on GitHub issue field updated_at) or commented.

    Default value: unset
    Required Permission: issues: write


    Override remove-stale-when-updated but only to automatically remove the stale label when the pull requests are updated (based on GitHub issue field updated_at) or commented.

    Default value: unset


    A comma delimited list of labels to add when a stale issue or pull request receives activity and has the stale-issue-label or stale-pr-label removed from it.

    Default value: unset


    A comma delimited list of labels to remove when a stale issue or pull request receives activity and has the stale-issue-label or stale-pr-label removed from it.

    Warning: each label results in a unique API call which can drastically consume the limit of operations-per-run.

    Default value: unset
    Required Permission: pull-requests: write


    Run the stale workflow as dry-run.
    No GitHub API calls that can alter your issues and pull requests will happen.
    Useful to debug or when you want to configure the stale workflow safely.

    Default value: false


    Change the order used to fetch the issues and pull requests from GitHub:

    • true is for ascending.
    • false is for descending.

    It can be useful if your repository is processing so many issues and pull requests that you reach the operations-per-run limit.
    Based on the order, you could prefer to focus on the new content or on the old content of your repository.

    Default value: false


    The start date is used to ignore the issues and pull requests created before the start date.
    Particularly useful when you wish to add this stale workflow on an existing repository and only wish to stale the new issues and pull requests.

    If set, the date must be formatted following the ISO 8601 or RFC 2822 standard.

    Default value: unset


    If set to true, the stale workflow will automatically delete the GitHub branches related to the pull requests automatically closed by the stale workflow.

    Default value: false
    Required Permission: pull-requests: write and contents: write


    A white-list of milestone(s) to only process the issues or the pull requests that does not contain one of these milestone(s).
    It can be a comma separated list of milestones (e.g: V1,next).

    If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow.

    Default value: unset


    Override exempt-milestones but only to process the issues that does not contain one of these milestone(s).

    Default value: unset


    Override exempt-milestones but only to process the pull requests that does not contain one of these milestone(s).

    Default value: unset


    If set to true, the issues or the pull requests with a milestone will not be marked as stale automatically.

    Priority over exempt-milestones.

    Default value: false


    Override exempt-all-milestones but only to exempt the issues with a milestone to be marked as stale automatically.

    Default value: unset


    Override exempt-all-milestones but only to exempt the pull requests with a milestone to be marked as stale automatically.

    Default value: unset


    An allow-list of assignee(s) to only process the issues or the pull requests that does not contain one of these assignee(s).
    It can be a comma separated list of assignees (e.g: marco,polo).

    If unset (or an empty string), this option will not alter the stale workflow.

    Default value: unset


    Override exempt-assignees but only to process the issues that does not contain one of these assignee(s).

    Default value: unset


    Override exempt-assignees but only to process the pull requests that does not contain one of these assignee(s).

    Default value: unset


    If set to true, the issues or the pull requests with an assignee will not be marked as stale automatically.

    Priority over exempt-assignees.

    Default value: false


    Override exempt-all-assignees but only to exempt the issues with an assignee to be marked as stale automatically.

    Default value: unset


    Override exempt-all-assignees but only to exempt the pull requests with an assignee to be marked as stale automatically.

    Default value: unset


    If set to true, the pull requests currently in draft will not be marked as stale automatically.
    ⚠️ This option consume one operation per pull request to process because we need to fetch the pull request with the GitHub API to know if it's a draft one or not.

    Default value: false
    Required Permission: pull-requests: read


    Collects and display statistics at the end of the stale workflow logs to get a summary of what happened during the run.
    This option is only useful if the debug output secret ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG is set to true in your repository to display the logs.

    Default value: true


    The option days-before-stale will define the number of days before considering the issues or the pull requests as stale.
    In most cases, the purpose of this action is to only stale when necessary so if any update occurs or if a comment is added to them, the counter will restart.
    Nonetheless, if you don't care about this, and you prefer to stick to this number of days no matter the update, you can enable this option.
    Instead of comparing the number of days based on the GitHub issue field updated_at, it will be based on the GitHub issue field created_at.

    Default value: false


    Useful to override ignore-updates but only to ignore the updates for the issues.

    Default value: unset


    Useful to override ignore-updates but only to ignore the updates for the pull requests.

    Default value: unset


    If set to true, only the issues or the pull requests with an assignee will be marked as stale automatically.

    Default value: false


    See also action.yml for a comprehensive list of all the options.


    name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              stale-issue-message: 'Message to comment on stale issues. If none provided, will not mark issues stale'
              stale-pr-message: 'Message to comment on stale PRs. If none provided, will not mark PRs stale'

    Configure stale timeouts:

    name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              stale-issue-message: 'This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.'
              days-before-stale: 30
              days-before-close: 5

    Configure different stale timeouts but never close a PR:

    name: 'Close stale issues and PR'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              stale-issue-message: 'This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.'
              stale-pr-message: 'This PR is stale because it has been open 45 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 10 days.'
              close-issue-message: 'This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 5 days with no activity.'
              days-before-stale: 30
              days-before-close: 5
              days-before-pr-close: -1

    Configure different stale timeouts:

    name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              stale-issue-message: 'This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.'
              stale-pr-message: 'This PR is stale because it has been open 45 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 10 days.'
              close-issue-message: 'This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 5 days with no activity.'
              close-pr-message: 'This PR was closed because it has been stalled for 10 days with no activity.'
              days-before-issue-stale: 30
              days-before-pr-stale: 45
              days-before-issue-close: 5
              days-before-pr-close: 10

    Configure labels:

    name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              stale-issue-message: 'Stale issue message'
              stale-pr-message: 'Stale pull request message'
              stale-issue-label: 'no-issue-activity'
              exempt-issue-labels: 'awaiting-approval,work-in-progress'
              stale-pr-label: 'no-pr-activity'
              exempt-pr-labels: 'awaiting-approval,work-in-progress'
              only-labels: 'awaiting-feedback,awaiting-answers'

    Configure the stale action to only stale issue/PR created after the 18th april 2020:

    name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              start-date: '2020-04-18T00:00:00Z' # ISO 8601 or RFC 2822

    Avoid stale for specific milestones:

    name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              exempt-issue-milestones: 'future,alpha,beta'
              exempt-pr-milestones: 'bugfix,improvement'

    Avoid stale for all PR with milestones:

    name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              exempt-all-pr-milestones: true

    Check stale for specific labels:

    name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              any-of-labels: 'needs-more-info,needs-demo'
              # You can opt for 'only-labels' instead if your use-case requires all labels
              # to be present in the issue/PR

    Avoid stale for specific assignees:

    name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              exempt-issue-assignees: 'marco,polo'
              exempt-pr-assignees: 'marco'

    Avoid stale for all PR with assignees:

    name: 'Close stale issues and PRs'
        - cron: '30 1 * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/stale@v6
              exempt-all-pr-assignees: true


    To see the debug output from this action, you must set the secret ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG to true in your repository.
    There are many logs, so this can be very helpful!

    If the logs are enabled, you can also enable the statistics log which will be visible at the end of the logs once all issues were processed.
    This is very helpful to have a quick understanding of the whole stale workflow.
    Set enable-statistics to true in your workflow configuration file.

    You can run this action in debug only mode (no actions will be taken on your issues and pull requests) by passing debug-only to true as an argument to the action.

    More operations:
    You can increase the maximum number of operations per run by passing operations-per-run to 1000 for example which will help you to handle more operations in a single stale workflow run.
    If the debug-only option is enabled, this is very helpful because the workflow will (almost) never reach the GitHub API rate, and you will be able to deep-dive into the logs.

    Job frequency:
    You could change the cron job frequency in the stale workflow to run the stale workflow more often.
    Usually, this is not very helpful though.


    We welcome contributions! Please read the contributing file before starting your work.

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