The issue that the stale action finds in this log excerpt *is* stale, it just isn't marked that way yet. Saying that the issue isn't stale is misleading and contradictory. https://github.com/jsoref/stale-bot-debug/actions/runs/5828506506/job/15806335430#step:2:97 ::group::[#2] Issue #2 [#2] Issue #2 [#2] Found this issue last updated at: 2023-08-09T14:33:12Z ... [#2] This issue is not stale ... [#2] This issue should be stale based on the last update date the 09-08-2023 (2023-08-09T14:33:12Z) [#2] This issue should be marked as stale based on the option days-before-issue-stale (https://github.com/actions/stale#days-before-issue-stale) (1) [#2] Marking this issue as stale