https://github.com/jsoref/stale-bot-debug/actions/runs/5828506506/job/15806335430#step:2:97 ::group::[#2] Issue #2 [#2] Issue #2 ... [#2] Removing all the labels specified via the labels-to-remove-when-stale (https://github.com/actions/stale#labels-to-remove-when-stale) option. [#2] Removing the label "label-to-add-when-unstale" from this issue... Error: [#2] Error when removing the label: "Label does not exist" The quotes on this last line make it look like the action was trying to remove a label named `Label does not exist`. This change removes the quotes to make it clear that the text is just an error message (which is implied by the `:`) as opposed to the name of a label, which is the reading one gets from the inclusion of additional quotes around the text.