# https://help.github.com/en/articles/metadata-syntax-for-github-actions name: 'Docker Metadata' description: "GitHub Action to extract metadata (tags, labels) for Docker" author: 'crazy-max' branding: color: 'blue' icon: 'layers' inputs: images: description: 'List of Docker images to use as base name for tags' required: true tag-sha: description: 'Add git short SHA as Docker tag' default: 'false' required: false tag-edge: description: 'Branch that will be tagged as edge (default ${{ repo.default_branch }})' required: false sep-tags: description: 'Separator to use for tags output (default \n)' default: '\n' required: false sep-labels: description: 'Separator to use for labels output (default \n)' default: '\n' required: false github-token: description: 'GitHub Token as provided by secrets' default: ${{ github.token }} required: true outputs: tags: description: 'Generated Docker tags' labels: description: 'Generated Docker labels' runs: using: 'node12' main: 'dist/index.js'