// Copyright (C) 2019 G.J.R. Timmer <gjr.timmer@gmail.com>. // Copyright (C) 2018 segment.com <friends@segment.com> // // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build sqlite_preupdate_hook package sqlite3 /* #cgo CFLAGS: -DSQLITE_ENABLE_PREUPDATE_HOOK #cgo LDFLAGS: -lm #ifndef USE_LIBSQLITE3 #include <sqlite3-binding.h> #else #include <sqlite3.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> void preUpdateHookTrampoline(void*, sqlite3 *, int, char *, char *, sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_int64); */ import "C" import ( "errors" "unsafe" ) // RegisterPreUpdateHook sets the pre-update hook for a connection. // // The callback is passed a SQLitePreUpdateData struct with the data for // the update, as well as methods for fetching copies of impacted data. // // If there is an existing update hook for this connection, it will be // removed. If callback is nil the existing hook (if any) will be removed // without creating a new one. func (c *SQLiteConn) RegisterPreUpdateHook(callback func(SQLitePreUpdateData)) { if callback == nil { C.sqlite3_preupdate_hook(c.db, nil, nil) } else { C.sqlite3_preupdate_hook(c.db, (*[0]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(C.preUpdateHookTrampoline)), unsafe.Pointer(newHandle(c, callback))) } } // Depth returns the source path of the write, see sqlite3_preupdate_depth() func (d *SQLitePreUpdateData) Depth() int { return int(C.sqlite3_preupdate_depth(d.Conn.db)) } // Count returns the number of columns in the row func (d *SQLitePreUpdateData) Count() int { return int(C.sqlite3_preupdate_count(d.Conn.db)) } func (d *SQLitePreUpdateData) row(dest []interface{}, new bool) error { for i := 0; i < d.Count() && i < len(dest); i++ { var val *C.sqlite3_value var src interface{} // Initially I tried making this just a function pointer argument, but // it's absurdly complicated to pass C function pointers. if new { C.sqlite3_preupdate_new(d.Conn.db, C.int(i), &val) } else { C.sqlite3_preupdate_old(d.Conn.db, C.int(i), &val) } switch C.sqlite3_value_type(val) { case C.SQLITE_INTEGER: src = int64(C.sqlite3_value_int64(val)) case C.SQLITE_FLOAT: src = float64(C.sqlite3_value_double(val)) case C.SQLITE_BLOB: len := C.sqlite3_value_bytes(val) blobptr := C.sqlite3_value_blob(val) src = C.GoBytes(blobptr, len) case C.SQLITE_TEXT: len := C.sqlite3_value_bytes(val) cstrptr := unsafe.Pointer(C.sqlite3_value_text(val)) src = C.GoBytes(cstrptr, len) case C.SQLITE_NULL: src = nil } err := convertAssign(&dest[i], src) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } // Old populates dest with the row data to be replaced. This works similar to // database/sql's Rows.Scan() func (d *SQLitePreUpdateData) Old(dest ...interface{}) error { if d.Op == SQLITE_INSERT { return errors.New("There is no old row for INSERT operations") } return d.row(dest, false) } // New populates dest with the replacement row data. This works similar to // database/sql's Rows.Scan() func (d *SQLitePreUpdateData) New(dest ...interface{}) error { if d.Op == SQLITE_DELETE { return errors.New("There is no new row for DELETE operations") } return d.row(dest, true) }