// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Based on github.com/golang/go by The Go Authors
// See THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES for original license terms.

package bsonrw

import "unicode/utf8"

// safeSet holds the value true if the ASCII character with the given array
// position can be represented inside a JSON string without any further
// escaping.
// All values are true except for the ASCII control characters (0-31), the
// double quote ("), and the backslash character ("\").
var safeSet = [utf8.RuneSelf]bool{
	' ':      true,
	'!':      true,
	'"':      false,
	'#':      true,
	'$':      true,
	'%':      true,
	'&':      true,
	'\'':     true,
	'(':      true,
	')':      true,
	'*':      true,
	'+':      true,
	',':      true,
	'-':      true,
	'.':      true,
	'/':      true,
	'0':      true,
	'1':      true,
	'2':      true,
	'3':      true,
	'4':      true,
	'5':      true,
	'6':      true,
	'7':      true,
	'8':      true,
	'9':      true,
	':':      true,
	';':      true,
	'<':      true,
	'=':      true,
	'>':      true,
	'?':      true,
	'@':      true,
	'A':      true,
	'B':      true,
	'C':      true,
	'D':      true,
	'E':      true,
	'F':      true,
	'G':      true,
	'H':      true,
	'I':      true,
	'J':      true,
	'K':      true,
	'L':      true,
	'M':      true,
	'N':      true,
	'O':      true,
	'P':      true,
	'Q':      true,
	'R':      true,
	'S':      true,
	'T':      true,
	'U':      true,
	'V':      true,
	'W':      true,
	'X':      true,
	'Y':      true,
	'Z':      true,
	'[':      true,
	'\\':     false,
	']':      true,
	'^':      true,
	'_':      true,
	'`':      true,
	'a':      true,
	'b':      true,
	'c':      true,
	'd':      true,
	'e':      true,
	'f':      true,
	'g':      true,
	'h':      true,
	'i':      true,
	'j':      true,
	'k':      true,
	'l':      true,
	'm':      true,
	'n':      true,
	'o':      true,
	'p':      true,
	'q':      true,
	'r':      true,
	's':      true,
	't':      true,
	'u':      true,
	'v':      true,
	'w':      true,
	'x':      true,
	'y':      true,
	'z':      true,
	'{':      true,
	'|':      true,
	'}':      true,
	'~':      true,
	'\u007f': true,

// htmlSafeSet holds the value true if the ASCII character with the given
// array position can be safely represented inside a JSON string, embedded
// inside of HTML <script> tags, without any additional escaping.
// All values are true except for the ASCII control characters (0-31), the
// double quote ("), the backslash character ("\"), HTML opening and closing
// tags ("<" and ">"), and the ampersand ("&").
var htmlSafeSet = [utf8.RuneSelf]bool{
	' ':      true,
	'!':      true,
	'"':      false,
	'#':      true,
	'$':      true,
	'%':      true,
	'&':      false,
	'\'':     true,
	'(':      true,
	')':      true,
	'*':      true,
	'+':      true,
	',':      true,
	'-':      true,
	'.':      true,
	'/':      true,
	'0':      true,
	'1':      true,
	'2':      true,
	'3':      true,
	'4':      true,
	'5':      true,
	'6':      true,
	'7':      true,
	'8':      true,
	'9':      true,
	':':      true,
	';':      true,
	'<':      false,
	'=':      true,
	'>':      false,
	'?':      true,
	'@':      true,
	'A':      true,
	'B':      true,
	'C':      true,
	'D':      true,
	'E':      true,
	'F':      true,
	'G':      true,
	'H':      true,
	'I':      true,
	'J':      true,
	'K':      true,
	'L':      true,
	'M':      true,
	'N':      true,
	'O':      true,
	'P':      true,
	'Q':      true,
	'R':      true,
	'S':      true,
	'T':      true,
	'U':      true,
	'V':      true,
	'W':      true,
	'X':      true,
	'Y':      true,
	'Z':      true,
	'[':      true,
	'\\':     false,
	']':      true,
	'^':      true,
	'_':      true,
	'`':      true,
	'a':      true,
	'b':      true,
	'c':      true,
	'd':      true,
	'e':      true,
	'f':      true,
	'g':      true,
	'h':      true,
	'i':      true,
	'j':      true,
	'k':      true,
	'l':      true,
	'm':      true,
	'n':      true,
	'o':      true,
	'p':      true,
	'q':      true,
	'r':      true,
	's':      true,
	't':      true,
	'u':      true,
	'v':      true,
	'w':      true,
	'x':      true,
	'y':      true,
	'z':      true,
	'{':      true,
	'|':      true,
	'}':      true,
	'~':      true,
	'\u007f': true,