@ -23,15 +23,20 @@ Describe "Go" {
"go version" | Should -ReturnZeroExitCode
It "version is correct" {
[version]$Version = $env:VERSION
$versionOutput = Invoke-Expression -Command "go version"
$finalVersion = $Version.ToString(3)
If ($Version.Build -eq "0"){
$finalVersion = $Version.ToString(2)
$versionOutput | Should -Match $finalVersion
It "version is correct" {
[version]$Version = $env:VERSION
$versionOutput = Invoke-Expression -Command "go version"
# Extract only the version number from the go version command output.
$installedVersion = ($versionOutput -split " ")[2] -replace "go", "" -replace "v", ""
$finalVersion = $Version.ToString(3)
If ($Version.Build -eq "0"){
$finalVersion = $Version.ToString(2)
$installedVersion | Should -Match $finalVersion
It "is used from tool-cache" {
$goPath = (Get-Command "go").Path
@ -43,13 +48,20 @@ Describe "Go" {
$goPath.startsWith($expectedPath) | Should -BeTrue -Because "'$goPath' is not started with '$expectedPath'"
It "cached version is used without downloading" {
# Analyze output of previous steps to check if Go was consumed from cache or downloaded
$useGoLogFile = Get-UseGoLogs
$useGoLogFile | Should -Exist
$useGoLogContent = Get-Content $useGoLogFile -Raw
$useGoLogContent | Should -Match "Found in cache"
if ($env:RUNNER_TYPE -eq "GitHub") {
# Analyze output of previous steps to check if Node.js was consumed from cache or downloaded
$useNodeLogFile = Get-UseNodeLogs
$useNodeLogFile | Should -Exist
$useNodeLogContent = Get-Content $useNodeLogFile -Raw
$useNodeLogContent | Should -Match "Found in cache"
} else {
# Get the installed version of Node.js
$nodeVersion = Invoke-Expression "node --version"
# Check if Node.js is installed
$nodeVersion | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
# Check if the installed version of Node.js is the expected version
$nodeVersion | Should -Match $env:VERSION
It "Run simple code" {