forked from gitea/gitea
Fork 0

159 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<div class="issue list">
{{$approvalCounts := .ApprovalCounts}}
{{range .Issues}}
<li class="item gt-df gt-py-3">
<div class="issue-item-left gt-df gt-items-start">
{{if $.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls}}
<input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" class="issue-checkbox gt-mt-2 gt-mr-4" data-issue-id={{.ID}} aria-label="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.action_check"}} &quot;{{.Title}}&quot;">
<div class="issue-item-icon">
{{template "shared/issueicon" .}}
<div class="issue-item-main gt-f1 gt-fc gt-df">
<div class="issue-item-top-row">
<a class="title gt-no-underline issue-title" href="{{if .Link}}{{.Link}}{{else}}{{$.Link}}/{{.Index}}{{end}}">{{RenderEmoji $.Context .Title | RenderCodeBlock}}</a>
{{if .IsPull}}
{{if (index $.CommitStatuses .PullRequest.ID)}}
{{template "repo/commit_statuses" dict "Status" (index $.CommitLastStatus .PullRequest.ID) "Statuses" (index $.CommitStatuses .PullRequest.ID) "root" $}}
<span class="labels-list gt-ml-2">
{{range .Labels}}
<a href="{{$.Link}}?q={{$.Keyword}}&type={{$.ViewType}}&state={{$.State}}&labels={{.ID}}{{if ne $.listType "milestone"}}&milestone={{$.MilestoneID}}{{end}}&assignee={{$.AssigneeID}}&poster={{$.PosterID}}">{{RenderLabel $.Context .}}</a>
<div class="desc issue-item-bottom-row gt-df gt-ac gt-fw gt-my-1">
<a class="index gt-ml-0 gt-mr-2" href="{{if .Link}}{{.Link}}{{else}}{{$.Link}}/{{.Index}}{{end}}">
{{if eq $.listType "dashboard"}}
{{$timeStr := TimeSinceUnix .GetLastEventTimestamp $.locale}}
{{if .OriginalAuthor}}
{{$.locale.Tr .GetLastEventLabelFake $timeStr (.OriginalAuthor|Escape) | Safe}}
{{else if gt .Poster.ID 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr .GetLastEventLabel $timeStr (.Poster.HomeLink|Escape) (.Poster.GetDisplayName | Escape) | Safe}}
{{$.locale.Tr .GetLastEventLabelFake $timeStr (.Poster.GetDisplayName | Escape) | Safe}}
{{if .IsPull}}
<div class="branches gt-df gt-ac">
<div class="branch">
<a href="{{.PullRequest.BaseRepo.Link}}/src/branch/{{PathEscapeSegments .PullRequest.BaseBranch}}">
{{/* inline to remove the spaces between spans */}}
{{if ne .RepoID .PullRequest.BaseRepoID}}<span class="truncated-name">{{.PullRequest.BaseRepo.OwnerName}}</span>:{{end}}<span class="truncated-name">{{.PullRequest.BaseBranch}}</span>
{{svg "gitea-double-chevron-left" 12 "gt-mx-1"}}
{{if .PullRequest.HeadRepo}}
<div class="branch">
<a href="{{.PullRequest.HeadRepo.Link}}/src/branch/{{PathEscapeSegments .PullRequest.HeadBranch}}">
{{/* inline to remove the spaces between spans */}}
{{if ne .RepoID .PullRequest.HeadRepoID}}<span class="truncated-name">{{.PullRequest.HeadRepo.OwnerName}}</span>:{{end}}<span class="truncated-name">{{.PullRequest.HeadBranch}}</span>
{{if and .Milestone (ne $.listType "milestone")}}
<a class="milestone" {{if $.RepoLink}}href="{{$.RepoLink}}/milestone/{{.Milestone.ID}}"{{else}}href="{{.Repo.Link}}/milestone/{{.Milestone.ID}}"{{end}}>
{{svg "octicon-milestone" 14 "gt-mr-2"}}{{.Milestone.Name}}
{{if .Project}}
<a class="project" href="{{.Project.Link}}">
{{svg .Project.IconName 14 "gt-mr-2"}}{{.Project.Title}}
{{if .Ref}}
<a class="ref" {{if $.RepoLink}}href="{{index $.IssueRefURLs .ID}}"{{else}}href="{{.Repo.Link}}{{index $.IssueRefURLs .ID}}"{{end}}>
{{svg "octicon-git-branch" 14 "gt-mr-2"}}{{index $.IssueRefEndNames .ID}}
{{$tasks := .GetTasks}}
{{if gt $tasks 0}}
{{$tasksDone := .GetTasksDone}}
<span class="checklist">
{{svg "octicon-checklist" 14 "gt-mr-2"}}{{$tasksDone}} / {{$tasks}}
<progress value="{{$tasksDone}}" max="{{$tasks}}"></progress>
{{if ne .DeadlineUnix 0}}
<span class="due-date" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.due_date"}}">
<span{{if .IsOverdue}} class="text red"{{end}}>
{{svg "octicon-calendar" 14 "gt-mr-2"}}
{{DateTime "short" .DeadlineUnix}}
{{if .IsPull}}
{{$approveOfficial := call $approvalCounts .ID "approve"}}
{{$rejectOfficial := call $approvalCounts .ID "reject"}}
{{$waitingOfficial := call $approvalCounts .ID "waiting"}}
{{if gt $approveOfficial 0}}
<span class="approvals gt-df gt-ac green">
{{svg "octicon-check" 14 "gt-mr-1"}}
{{$.locale.TrN $approveOfficial "repo.pulls.approve_count_1" "repo.pulls.approve_count_n" $approveOfficial}}
{{if gt $rejectOfficial 0}}
<span class="rejects gt-df gt-ac red">
{{svg "octicon-diff" 14 "gt-mr-2"}}
{{$.locale.TrN $rejectOfficial "repo.pulls.reject_count_1" "repo.pulls.reject_count_n" $rejectOfficial}}
{{if gt $waitingOfficial 0}}
<span class="waiting gt-df gt-ac">
{{svg "octicon-eye" 14 "gt-mr-2"}}
{{$.locale.TrN $waitingOfficial "repo.pulls.waiting_count_1" "repo.pulls.waiting_count_n" $waitingOfficial}}
{{if and (not .PullRequest.HasMerged) (gt (len .PullRequest.ConflictedFiles) 0)}}
<span class="conflicting gt-df gt-ac">
{{svg "octicon-x" 14}}
{{$.locale.TrN (len .PullRequest.ConflictedFiles) "repo.pulls.num_conflicting_files_1" "repo.pulls.num_conflicting_files_n" (len .PullRequest.ConflictedFiles)}}
Fix long project name display in issue list and in related dropdown (#23653) This PR is to fix the second problem mentioned in #23625, along with the long texts problem in `issue-item-bottom-row` of `issuelist.tmpl` Main changes are: 1. Add `max-width` to the search dropdowns in issue list and make the possible long texts inside to show ellipsis if texts are long 2. Adjust the conditions in [issuelist.tmpl]( to fix the problem as mentioned by the [comment]( 3. Use `word-break: break-word;` in `issue-item-bottom-row` to break the possible long texts. After the PR issuelist in repo (similar for pr list): <img width="366" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 42 40" src=""> dropdowns with long name (Here take reference from github to deal with the long names cases: show ellipsis with no title, because all these options are clickable, and it might not be necessary to add titles to them ): <img width="370" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 50" src=""> <img width="365" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 56" src=""> issue page (similar for pr page): <img width="374" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 45 37" src=""> on PC: <img width="1412" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 47 20" src=""> <img width="1433" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 46 40" src="">
2023-03-24 15:11:23 +08:00
{{if or .TotalTrackedTime .Assignees .NumComments}}
<div class="issue-item-icons-right gt-df gt-p-2">
Fix long project name display in issue list and in related dropdown (#23653) This PR is to fix the second problem mentioned in #23625, along with the long texts problem in `issue-item-bottom-row` of `issuelist.tmpl` Main changes are: 1. Add `max-width` to the search dropdowns in issue list and make the possible long texts inside to show ellipsis if texts are long 2. Adjust the conditions in [issuelist.tmpl]( to fix the problem as mentioned by the [comment]( 3. Use `word-break: break-word;` in `issue-item-bottom-row` to break the possible long texts. After the PR issuelist in repo (similar for pr list): <img width="366" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 42 40" src=""> dropdowns with long name (Here take reference from github to deal with the long names cases: show ellipsis with no title, because all these options are clickable, and it might not be necessary to add titles to them ): <img width="370" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 50" src=""> <img width="365" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 56" src=""> issue page (similar for pr page): <img width="374" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 45 37" src=""> on PC: <img width="1412" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 47 20" src=""> <img width="1433" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 46 40" src="">
2023-03-24 15:11:23 +08:00
{{if .TotalTrackedTime}}
<div class="issue-item-icon-right text grey">
{{svg "octicon-clock" 16 "gt-mr-2"}}
{{.TotalTrackedTime | Sec2Time}}
Fix long project name display in issue list and in related dropdown (#23653) This PR is to fix the second problem mentioned in #23625, along with the long texts problem in `issue-item-bottom-row` of `issuelist.tmpl` Main changes are: 1. Add `max-width` to the search dropdowns in issue list and make the possible long texts inside to show ellipsis if texts are long 2. Adjust the conditions in [issuelist.tmpl]( to fix the problem as mentioned by the [comment]( 3. Use `word-break: break-word;` in `issue-item-bottom-row` to break the possible long texts. After the PR issuelist in repo (similar for pr list): <img width="366" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 42 40" src=""> dropdowns with long name (Here take reference from github to deal with the long names cases: show ellipsis with no title, because all these options are clickable, and it might not be necessary to add titles to them ): <img width="370" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 50" src=""> <img width="365" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 56" src=""> issue page (similar for pr page): <img width="374" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 45 37" src=""> on PC: <img width="1412" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 47 20" src=""> <img width="1433" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 46 40" src="">
2023-03-24 15:11:23 +08:00
{{if .Assignees}}
<div class="issue-item-icon-right text grey">
{{range .Assignees}}
<a class="ui assignee gt-no-underline" href="{{.HomeLink}}" data-tooltip-content="{{.GetDisplayName}}">
{{avatar $.Context . 20}}
Fix long project name display in issue list and in related dropdown (#23653) This PR is to fix the second problem mentioned in #23625, along with the long texts problem in `issue-item-bottom-row` of `issuelist.tmpl` Main changes are: 1. Add `max-width` to the search dropdowns in issue list and make the possible long texts inside to show ellipsis if texts are long 2. Adjust the conditions in [issuelist.tmpl]( to fix the problem as mentioned by the [comment]( 3. Use `word-break: break-word;` in `issue-item-bottom-row` to break the possible long texts. After the PR issuelist in repo (similar for pr list): <img width="366" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 42 40" src=""> dropdowns with long name (Here take reference from github to deal with the long names cases: show ellipsis with no title, because all these options are clickable, and it might not be necessary to add titles to them ): <img width="370" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 50" src=""> <img width="365" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 56" src=""> issue page (similar for pr page): <img width="374" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 45 37" src=""> on PC: <img width="1412" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 47 20" src=""> <img width="1433" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 46 40" src="">
2023-03-24 15:11:23 +08:00
{{if .NumComments}}
<div class="issue-item-icon-right text grey">
<a class="gt-no-underline muted" href="{{if .Link}}{{.Link}}{{else}}{{$.Link}}/{{.Index}}{{end}}">
Fix long project name display in issue list and in related dropdown (#23653) This PR is to fix the second problem mentioned in #23625, along with the long texts problem in `issue-item-bottom-row` of `issuelist.tmpl` Main changes are: 1. Add `max-width` to the search dropdowns in issue list and make the possible long texts inside to show ellipsis if texts are long 2. Adjust the conditions in [issuelist.tmpl]( to fix the problem as mentioned by the [comment]( 3. Use `word-break: break-word;` in `issue-item-bottom-row` to break the possible long texts. After the PR issuelist in repo (similar for pr list): <img width="366" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 42 40" src=""> dropdowns with long name (Here take reference from github to deal with the long names cases: show ellipsis with no title, because all these options are clickable, and it might not be necessary to add titles to them ): <img width="370" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 50" src=""> <img width="365" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 56" src=""> issue page (similar for pr page): <img width="374" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 45 37" src=""> on PC: <img width="1412" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 47 20" src=""> <img width="1433" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 46 40" src="">
2023-03-24 15:11:23 +08:00
{{svg "octicon-comment" 16 "gt-mr-2"}}{{.NumComments}}
Fix long project name display in issue list and in related dropdown (#23653) This PR is to fix the second problem mentioned in #23625, along with the long texts problem in `issue-item-bottom-row` of `issuelist.tmpl` Main changes are: 1. Add `max-width` to the search dropdowns in issue list and make the possible long texts inside to show ellipsis if texts are long 2. Adjust the conditions in [issuelist.tmpl]( to fix the problem as mentioned by the [comment]( 3. Use `word-break: break-word;` in `issue-item-bottom-row` to break the possible long texts. After the PR issuelist in repo (similar for pr list): <img width="366" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 42 40" src=""> dropdowns with long name (Here take reference from github to deal with the long names cases: show ellipsis with no title, because all these options are clickable, and it might not be necessary to add titles to them ): <img width="370" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 50" src=""> <img width="365" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 56" src=""> issue page (similar for pr page): <img width="374" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 45 37" src=""> on PC: <img width="1412" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 47 20" src=""> <img width="1433" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 46 40" src="">
2023-03-24 15:11:23 +08:00
Fix long project name display in issue list and in related dropdown (#23653) This PR is to fix the second problem mentioned in #23625, along with the long texts problem in `issue-item-bottom-row` of `issuelist.tmpl` Main changes are: 1. Add `max-width` to the search dropdowns in issue list and make the possible long texts inside to show ellipsis if texts are long 2. Adjust the conditions in [issuelist.tmpl]( to fix the problem as mentioned by the [comment]( 3. Use `word-break: break-word;` in `issue-item-bottom-row` to break the possible long texts. After the PR issuelist in repo (similar for pr list): <img width="366" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 42 40" src=""> dropdowns with long name (Here take reference from github to deal with the long names cases: show ellipsis with no title, because all these options are clickable, and it might not be necessary to add titles to them ): <img width="370" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 50" src=""> <img width="365" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 43 56" src=""> issue page (similar for pr page): <img width="374" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 45 37" src=""> on PC: <img width="1412" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 47 20" src=""> <img width="1433" alt="截屏2023-03-23 17 46 40" src="">
2023-03-24 15:11:23 +08:00
{{if .IssueIndexerUnavailable}}
<div class="ui error message">
<p>{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.keyword_search_unavailable"}}</p>
{{template "base/paginate" .}}