forked from gitea/gitea
zeripath 58f4a4114e
Simplify split diff view generation and remove JS dependency () ()

Gitea has relied on some slow JS code to match up added and deleted lines on the
diff pages. This can cause a considerable slow down on large diff pages.

This PR makes a small change meaning that the matching up can occur much more simply.

Partial fix 

Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <art27@cantab.net>
2021-08-30 16:43:06 +01:00

159 lines
6.6 KiB

{{if .DiffNotAvailable}}
<div class="diff-detail-box diff-box sticky">
<div class="ui right">
{{template "repo/diff/whitespace_dropdown" .}}
{{template "repo/diff/options_dropdown" .}}
{{if and .PageIsPullFiles $.SignedUserID (not .IsArchived)}}
{{template "repo/diff/new_review" .}}
<h4>{{.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.data_not_available"}}</h4>
<div class="diff-detail-box diff-box sticky df sb ac">
<div class="diff-detail-stats df ac">
{{svg "octicon-diff" 16 "mr-2"}}{{.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.stats_desc" .Diff.NumFiles .Diff.TotalAddition .Diff.TotalDeletion | Str2html}}
<div class="diff-detail-actions df ac">
{{template "repo/diff/whitespace_dropdown" .}}
{{template "repo/diff/options_dropdown" .}}
{{if and .PageIsPullFiles $.SignedUserID (not .IsArchived)}}
{{template "repo/diff/new_review" .}}
<ol class="diff-detail-box diff-stats m-0 hide" id="diff-files">
{{range .Diff.Files}}
<div class="bold df ac pull-right">
{{if .IsBin}}
<span class="ml-1 mr-3">
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.bin"}}
{{template "repo/diff/stats" dict "file" . "root" $}}
<!-- todo finish all file status, now modify, add, delete and rename -->
<span class="status {{DiffTypeToStr .GetType}} poping up" data-content="{{DiffTypeToStr .GetType}}" data-variation="inverted tiny" data-position="right center">&nbsp;</span>
<a class="file mono" href="#diff-{{.Index}}">{{.Name}}</a>
{{range $i, $file := .Diff.Files}}
{{$blobBase := call $.GetBlobByPathForCommit $.BaseCommit $file.OldName}}
{{$blobHead := call $.GetBlobByPathForCommit $.HeadCommit $file.Name}}
{{$isImage := or (call $.IsBlobAnImage $blobBase) (call $.IsBlobAnImage $blobHead)}}
{{$isCsv := (call $.IsCsvFile $file)}}
{{$showFileViewToggle := or $isImage (and (not $file.IsIncomplete) $isCsv)}}
<div class="diff-file-box diff-box file-content {{TabSizeClass $.Editorconfig $file.Name}} mt-3" id="diff-{{.Index}}">
<h4 class="diff-file-header sticky-2nd-row ui top attached normal header df ac sb">
<div class="df ac">
<a role="button" class="fold-file muted mr-2">
{{svg "octicon-chevron-down" 18}}
<div class="bold df ac">
{{if $file.IsBin}}
<span class="ml-1 mr-3">
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.bin"}}
{{template "repo/diff/stats" dict "file" . "root" $}}
<span class="file mono">{{if $file.IsRenamed}}{{$file.OldName}} &rarr; {{end}}{{$file.Name}}{{if .IsLFSFile}} ({{$.i18n.Tr "repo.stored_lfs"}}){{end}}</span>
<div class="diff-file-header-actions df ac">
{{if $showFileViewToggle}}
<div class="ui compact icon buttons">
<span class="ui tiny basic button poping up file-view-toggle" data-toggle-selector="#diff-source-{{$i}}" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.file_view_source"}}" data-position="bottom center" data-variation="tiny inverted">{{svg "octicon-code"}}</span>
<span class="ui tiny basic button poping up file-view-toggle active" data-toggle-selector="#diff-rendered-{{$i}}" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.file_view_rendered"}}" data-position="bottom center" data-variation="tiny inverted">{{svg "octicon-file"}}</span>
{{if $file.IsProtected}}
<span class="ui basic label">{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.protected"}}</span>
{{if and (not $file.IsSubmodule) (not $.PageIsWiki)}}
{{if $file.IsDeleted}}
<a class="ui basic tiny button" rel="nofollow" href="{{EscapePound $.BeforeSourcePath}}/{{EscapePound .Name}}">{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.view_file"}}</a>
<a class="ui basic tiny button" rel="nofollow" href="{{EscapePound $.SourcePath}}/{{EscapePound .Name}}">{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.view_file"}}</a>
<div class="diff-file-body ui attached unstackable table segment">
<div id="diff-source-{{$i}}" class="file-body file-code code-diff{{if $.IsSplitStyle}} code-diff-split{{else}} code-diff-unified{{end}}{{if $showFileViewToggle}} hide{{end}}">
{{if or $file.IsIncomplete $file.IsBin}}
<div class="diff-file-body binary" style="padding: 5px 10px;">
{{if $file.IsIncomplete}}
{{if $file.IsIncompleteLineTooLong}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.file_suppressed_line_too_long"}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.file_suppressed"}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.bin_not_shown"}}
<table class="chroma">
{{if $.IsSplitStyle}}
{{template "repo/diff/section_split" dict "file" . "root" $}}
{{template "repo/diff/section_unified" dict "file" . "root" $}}
{{if $showFileViewToggle}}
<div id="diff-rendered-{{$i}}" class="file-body file-code {{if $.IsSplitStyle}} code-diff-split{{else}} code-diff-unified{{end}}">
<table class="chroma w-100">
{{if $isImage}}
{{template "repo/diff/image_diff" dict "file" . "root" $ "blobBase" $blobBase "blobHead" $blobHead}}
{{template "repo/diff/csv_diff" dict "file" . "root" $}}
{{if .Diff.IsIncomplete}}
<div class="diff-file-box diff-box file-content mt-3">
<h4 class="ui top attached normal header">
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.too_many_files"}}
{{if not $.Repository.IsArchived}}
<div class="hide" id="edit-content-form">
<div class="ui comment form">
<div class="ui top attached tabular menu">
<a class="active write item">{{$.i18n.Tr "write"}}</a>
<a class="preview item" data-url="{{$.Repository.APIURL}}/markdown" data-context="{{$.RepoLink}}">{{$.i18n.Tr "preview"}}</a>
<div class="ui bottom attached active write tab segment">
<textarea class="review-textarea" tabindex="1" name="content"></textarea>
<div class="ui bottom attached tab preview segment markup">
{{$.i18n.Tr "loading"}}
<div class="text right edit buttons">
<div class="ui basic blue cancel button" tabindex="3">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.cancel"}}</div>
<div class="ui green save button" tabindex="2">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.save"}}</div>
{{template "repo/issue/view_content/reference_issue_dialog" .}}