Backport #25581 by @wolfogre Resolve #24789 ## ⚠️ BREAKING ⚠️ Before this, `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` cound be set to any custom URLs like `https://gitea.com` or `http://your-git-server,https://gitea.com`, and the default value was `https://gitea.com`. But now, `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` supports only `github`(`https://github.com`) or `self`(the root url of current Gitea instance), and the default value is `github`. If it has configured with a URL, an error log will be displayed and it will fallback to `github`. Actually, what we really want to do is always make it `https://github.com`, however, this may not be acceptable for some instances of internal use, so there's extra support for `self`, but no more, even `https://gitea.com`. Please note that `uses: https://xxx/yyy/zzz` always works and it does exactly what it is supposed to do. Although it's breaking, I belive it should be backported to `v1.20` due to some security issues. Follow-up on the runner side: - https://gitea.com/gitea/act_runner/pulls/262 - https://gitea.com/gitea/act/pulls/70 Co-authored-by: Jason Song <i@wolfogre.com>
Gitea: Docs
These pages are hosted using netlifycms and get
automatically updated on every push to the master
These pages use the Hugo static site generator. If you are planning to contribute you'll want to download and install Hugo on your local machine.
The installation of Hugo is out of the scope of this document, so please take the official install instructions to get Hugo up and running.
To generate the website and serve it on localhost:1313
just execute this command and stop it with Ctrl+C
make server
When you are done with your changes just create a pull request, after merging the pull request the website will be updated automatically.
Fork -> Patch -> Push -> Pull Request
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Copyright (c) 2016 The Gitea Authors <https://gitea.io>