forked from gitea/gitea

* Initial working state of expandable commit bodies * Fix all commits having showing button for multiline commits * Refactor checking multiline messages method * Force newlines with <br> in commit body * Show multiple lines in the list view of repositories * Fixed proper newlines and minor refactor Use <pre> instead of <p>, this is so we can use \n instead of having to manually place <br> into the HTML. Makes it easier to display commit bodies. * Fix commit list messages jumping around * Fix indentation in view_list.tmpl * Use vertical-align: baseline instead of top * Refactor commit button toggle function * Remove RenderCommitBodyLink function * Add comments * Add newline at the end of _repository.less * Fix long commit bodies not properly wrapping inside <pre> * Don't split on double newlines * Show the commit body in commit view * Update stylesheets * Add/fix comments and run make fmt * Fix spaces not being tabs
68 lines
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68 lines
3.0 KiB
{{template "base/head" .}}
<div class="repository diff">
{{template "repo/header" .}}
<div class="ui container {{if .IsSplitStyle}}fluid padded{{end}}">
{{if .IsDiffCompare }}
{{template "repo/commits_table" .}}
<div class="ui top attached info clearing segment {{if .Commit.Signature}} isSigned {{if .Verification.Verified }} isVerified {{end}}{{end}}">
<a class="ui floated right blue tiny button" href="{{EscapePound .SourcePath}}">
{{.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.browse_source"}}
<h3>{{RenderCommitMessage .Commit.Message $.RepoLink $.Repository.ComposeMetas}}{{template "repo/commit_status" .CommitStatus}}</h3>
{{if IsMultilineCommitMessage .Commit.Message}}
<pre class="commit-body">{{RenderCommitBody .Commit.Message $.RepoLink $.Repository.ComposeMetas}}</pre>
<div class="ui attached info segment {{if .Commit.Signature}} isSigned {{if .Verification.Verified }} isVerified {{end}}{{end}}">
{{if .Author}}
<img class="ui avatar image" src="{{.Author.RelAvatarLink}}" />
{{if .Author.FullName}}
<a href="{{.Author.HomeLink}}"><strong>{{.Author.FullName}}</strong></a> {{if .IsSigned}}<{{.Commit.Author.Email}}>{{end}}
<a href="{{.Author.HomeLink}}"><strong>{{.Commit.Author.Name}}</strong></a> {{if .IsSigned}}<{{.Commit.Author.Email}}>{{end}}
<img class="ui avatar image" src="{{AvatarLink .Commit.Author.Email}}" />
<span class="text grey" id="authored-time">{{TimeSince .Commit.Author.When $.Lang}}</span>
<div class="ui right">
<div class="ui horizontal list">
{{if .Parents}}
<div class="item">
{{.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.parent"}}
<div class="item">
{{range .Parents}}
<a class="ui blue sha label" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/commit/{{.}}">{{ShortSha .}}</a>
<div class="item">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.diff.commit"}}</div>
<div class="item"><span class="ui blue sha label">{{ShortSha .CommitID}}</span></div>
{{if .Commit.Signature}}
{{if .Verification.Verified }}
<div class="ui bottom attached positive message" style="text-align: initial;color: black;">
<i class="green lock icon"></i>
<span style="color: #2C662D;">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.commits.signed_by"}}:</span>
<a href="{{.Verification.SigningUser.HomeLink}}"><strong>{{.Commit.Committer.Name}}</strong></a> <{{.Commit.Committer.Email}}>
<span class="pull-right"><span style="color: #2C662D;">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.commits.gpg_key_id"}}:</span> {{.Verification.SigningKey.KeyID}}</span>
<div class="ui bottom attached message" style="text-align: initial;color: black;">
<i class="grey unlock icon"></i>
{{.i18n.Tr .Verification.Reason}}
{{template "repo/diff/box" .}}
{{template "base/footer" .}}