forked from gitea/gitea
441 lines
13 KiB
441 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package generator
import (
// GenerateServer generates a server application
func GenerateServer(name string, modelNames, operationIDs []string, opts *GenOpts) error {
generator, err := newAppGenerator(name, modelNames, operationIDs, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
return generator.Generate()
// GenerateSupport generates the supporting files for an API
func GenerateSupport(name string, modelNames, operationIDs []string, opts *GenOpts) error {
generator, err := newAppGenerator(name, modelNames, operationIDs, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
return generator.GenerateSupport(nil)
func newAppGenerator(name string, modelNames, operationIDs []string, opts *GenOpts) (*appGenerator, error) {
if err := opts.CheckOpts(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := opts.setTemplates(); err != nil {
return nil, err
specDoc, analyzed, err := opts.analyzeSpec()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
models, err := gatherModels(specDoc, modelNames)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
operations := gatherOperations(analyzed, operationIDs)
if len(operations) == 0 && !opts.IgnoreOperations {
return nil, errors.New("no operations were selected")
opts.Name = appNameOrDefault(specDoc, name, defaultServerName)
if opts.IncludeMain && opts.MainPackage == "" {
// default target for the generated main
opts.MainPackage = swag.ToCommandName(mainNameOrDefault(specDoc, name, defaultServerName) + "-server")
apiPackage := opts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(opts.APIPackage, defaultOperationsTarget)
return &appGenerator{
Name: opts.Name,
Receiver: "o",
SpecDoc: specDoc,
Analyzed: analyzed,
Models: models,
Operations: operations,
Target: opts.Target,
DumpData: opts.DumpData,
Package: opts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(apiPackage, defaultOperationsTarget),
APIPackage: apiPackage,
ModelsPackage: opts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(opts.ModelPackage, defaultModelsTarget),
ServerPackage: opts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(opts.ServerPackage, defaultServerTarget),
ClientPackage: opts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(opts.ClientPackage, defaultClientTarget),
OperationsPackage: filepath.Join(opts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(opts.ServerPackage, defaultServerTarget), apiPackage),
Principal: opts.PrincipalAlias(),
DefaultScheme: opts.DefaultScheme,
DefaultProduces: opts.DefaultProduces,
DefaultConsumes: opts.DefaultConsumes,
GenOpts: opts,
}, nil
type appGenerator struct {
Name string
Receiver string
SpecDoc *loads.Document
Analyzed *analysis.Spec
Package string
APIPackage string
ModelsPackage string
ServerPackage string
ClientPackage string
OperationsPackage string
MainPackage string
Principal string
Models map[string]spec.Schema
Operations map[string]opRef
Target string
DumpData bool
DefaultScheme string
DefaultProduces string
DefaultConsumes string
GenOpts *GenOpts
func (a *appGenerator) Generate() error {
app, err := a.makeCodegenApp()
if err != nil {
return err
if a.DumpData {
return dumpData(app)
// NOTE: relative to previous implem with chan.
// IPC removed concurrent execution because of the FuncMap that is being shared
// templates are now lazy loaded so there is concurrent map access I can't guard
if a.GenOpts.IncludeModel {
log.Printf("rendering %d models", len(app.Models))
for _, mod := range app.Models {
mod.IncludeModel = true
mod.IncludeValidator = a.GenOpts.IncludeValidator
if err := a.GenOpts.renderDefinition(&mod); err != nil {
return err
if a.GenOpts.IncludeHandler {
log.Printf("rendering %d operation groups (tags)", app.OperationGroups.Len())
for _, opg := range app.OperationGroups {
log.Printf("rendering %d operations for %s", opg.Operations.Len(), opg.Name)
for _, op := range opg.Operations {
if err := a.GenOpts.renderOperation(&op); err != nil {
return err
// optional OperationGroups templates generation
if err := a.GenOpts.renderOperationGroup(&opg); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while rendering operation group: %v", err)
if a.GenOpts.IncludeSupport {
log.Printf("rendering support")
if err := a.GenerateSupport(&app); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (a *appGenerator) GenerateSupport(ap *GenApp) error {
app := ap
if ap == nil {
// allows for calling GenerateSupport standalone
ca, err := a.makeCodegenApp()
if err != nil {
return err
app = &ca
baseImport := a.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.baseImport(a.Target)
serverPath := path.Join(baseImport,
a.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(a.ServerPackage, defaultServerTarget))
app.DefaultImports[importAlias(serverPath)] = serverPath
return a.GenOpts.renderApplication(app)
func (a *appGenerator) makeSecuritySchemes() GenSecuritySchemes {
requiredSecuritySchemes := make(map[string]spec.SecurityScheme, len(a.Analyzed.RequiredSecuritySchemes()))
for _, scheme := range a.Analyzed.RequiredSecuritySchemes() {
if req, ok := a.SpecDoc.Spec().SecurityDefinitions[scheme]; ok && req != nil {
requiredSecuritySchemes[scheme] = *req
return gatherSecuritySchemes(requiredSecuritySchemes, a.Name, a.Principal, a.Receiver)
func (a *appGenerator) makeCodegenApp() (GenApp, error) {
log.Println("building a plan for generation")
sw := a.SpecDoc.Spec()
receiver := a.Receiver
consumes, _ := a.makeConsumes()
produces, _ := a.makeProduces()
security := a.makeSecuritySchemes()
log.Println("generation target", a.Target)
baseImport := a.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.baseImport(a.Target)
defaultImports := a.GenOpts.defaultImports()
imports := a.GenOpts.initImports(a.OperationsPackage)
log.Println("planning definitions")
genModels := make(GenDefinitions, 0, len(a.Models))
for mn, m := range a.Models {
model, err := makeGenDefinition(
if err != nil {
return GenApp{}, fmt.Errorf("error in model %s while planning definitions: %v", mn, err)
if model != nil {
if !model.External {
genModels = append(genModels, *model)
// Copy model imports to operation imports
// TODO(fredbi): mangle model pkg aliases
for alias, pkg := range model.Imports {
target := a.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(alias, "")
imports[target] = pkg
log.Println("planning operations")
genOps := make(GenOperations, 0, len(a.Operations))
for operationName, opp := range a.Operations {
o := opp.Op
o.ID = operationName
bldr := codeGenOpBuilder{
ModelsPackage: a.ModelsPackage,
Principal: a.GenOpts.PrincipalAlias(),
Target: a.Target,
DefaultImports: defaultImports,
Imports: imports,
DefaultScheme: a.DefaultScheme,
Doc: a.SpecDoc,
Analyzed: a.Analyzed,
BasePath: a.SpecDoc.BasePath(),
GenOpts: a.GenOpts,
Name: operationName,
Operation: *o,
Method: opp.Method,
Path: opp.Path,
IncludeValidator: a.GenOpts.IncludeValidator,
APIPackage: a.APIPackage, // defaults to main operations package
DefaultProduces: a.DefaultProduces,
DefaultConsumes: a.DefaultConsumes,
tag, tags, ok := bldr.analyzeTags()
if !ok {
continue // operation filtered according to CLI params
bldr.Authed = len(a.Analyzed.SecurityRequirementsFor(o)) > 0
bldr.Security = a.Analyzed.SecurityRequirementsFor(o)
bldr.SecurityDefinitions = a.Analyzed.SecurityDefinitionsFor(o)
bldr.RootAPIPackage = a.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(a.ServerPackage, defaultServerTarget)
st := o.Tags
if a.GenOpts != nil {
st = a.GenOpts.Tags
intersected := intersectTags(o.Tags, st)
if len(st) > 0 && len(intersected) == 0 {
op, err := bldr.MakeOperation()
if err != nil {
return GenApp{}, err
op.ReceiverName = receiver
op.Tags = tags // ordered tags for this operation, possibly filtered by CLI params
genOps = append(genOps, op)
if !a.GenOpts.SkipTagPackages && tag != "" {
importPath := filepath.ToSlash(
a.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(a.OperationsPackage, defaultOperationsTarget),
a.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(bldr.APIPackage, defaultOperationsTarget),
defaultImports[bldr.APIPackageAlias] = importPath
log.Println("grouping operations into packages")
opsGroupedByPackage := make(map[string]GenOperations, len(genOps))
for _, operation := range genOps {
opsGroupedByPackage[operation.PackageAlias] = append(opsGroupedByPackage[operation.PackageAlias], operation)
opGroups := make(GenOperationGroups, 0, len(opsGroupedByPackage))
for k, v := range opsGroupedByPackage {
// trim duplicate extra schemas within the same package
vv := make(GenOperations, 0, len(v))
seenExtraSchema := make(map[string]bool)
for _, op := range v {
uniqueExtraSchemas := make(GenSchemaList, 0, len(op.ExtraSchemas))
for _, xs := range op.ExtraSchemas {
if _, alreadyThere := seenExtraSchema[xs.Name]; !alreadyThere {
seenExtraSchema[xs.Name] = true
uniqueExtraSchemas = append(uniqueExtraSchemas, xs)
op.ExtraSchemas = uniqueExtraSchemas
vv = append(vv, op)
var pkg string
if len(vv) > 0 {
pkg = vv[0].Package
} else {
pkg = k
opGroup := GenOperationGroup{
GenCommon: GenCommon{
Copyright: a.GenOpts.Copyright,
TargetImportPath: baseImport,
Name: pkg,
PackageAlias: k,
Operations: vv,
DefaultImports: defaultImports,
Imports: imports,
RootPackage: a.APIPackage,
GenOpts: a.GenOpts,
opGroups = append(opGroups, opGroup)
log.Println("planning meta data and facades")
var collectedSchemes []string
var extraSchemes []string
for _, op := range genOps {
collectedSchemes = concatUnique(collectedSchemes, op.Schemes)
extraSchemes = concatUnique(extraSchemes, op.ExtraSchemes)
host := "localhost"
if sw.Host != "" {
host = sw.Host
basePath := "/"
if sw.BasePath != "" {
basePath = sw.BasePath
jsonb, _ := json.MarshalIndent(a.SpecDoc.OrigSpec(), "", " ")
flatjsonb, _ := json.MarshalIndent(a.SpecDoc.Spec(), "", " ")
return GenApp{
GenCommon: GenCommon{
Copyright: a.GenOpts.Copyright,
TargetImportPath: baseImport,
APIPackage: a.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(a.ServerPackage, defaultServerTarget),
Package: a.Package,
ReceiverName: receiver,
Name: a.Name,
Host: host,
BasePath: basePath,
Schemes: schemeOrDefault(collectedSchemes, a.DefaultScheme),
ExtraSchemes: extraSchemes,
ExternalDocs: sw.ExternalDocs,
Info: sw.Info,
Consumes: consumes,
Produces: produces,
DefaultConsumes: a.DefaultConsumes,
DefaultProduces: a.DefaultProduces,
DefaultImports: defaultImports,
Imports: imports,
SecurityDefinitions: security,
Models: genModels,
Operations: genOps,
OperationGroups: opGroups,
Principal: a.GenOpts.PrincipalAlias(),
SwaggerJSON: generateReadableSpec(jsonb),
FlatSwaggerJSON: generateReadableSpec(flatjsonb),
ExcludeSpec: a.GenOpts.ExcludeSpec,
GenOpts: a.GenOpts,
}, nil
// generateReadableSpec makes swagger json spec as a string instead of bytes
// the only character that needs to be escaped is '`' symbol, since it cannot be escaped in the GO string
// that is quoted as `string data`. The function doesn't care about the beginning or the ending of the
// string it escapes since all data that needs to be escaped is always in the middle of the swagger spec.
func generateReadableSpec(spec []byte) string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, b := range string(spec) {
if b == '`' {
} else {
return buf.String()