forked from gitea/gitea

Add support for triggering webhook notifications on wiki changes. This PR contains frontend and backend for webhook notifications on wiki actions (create a new page, rename a page, edit a page and delete a page). The frontend got a new checkbox under the Custom Event -> Repository Events section. There is only one checkbox for create/edit/rename/delete actions, because it makes no sense to separate it and others like releases or packages follow the same schema.  The actions itself are separated, so that different notifications will be executed (with the "action" field). All the webhook receivers implement the new interface method (Wiki) and the corresponding tests. When implementing this, I encounter a little bug on editing a wiki page. Creating and editing a wiki page is technically the same action and will be handled by the ```updateWikiPage``` function. But the function need to know if it is a new wiki page or just a change. This distinction is done by the ```action``` parameter, but this will not be sent by the frontend (on form submit). This PR will fix this by adding the ```action``` parameter with the values ```_new``` or ```_edit```, which will be used by the ```updateWikiPage``` function. I've done integration tests with matrix and gitea (http).  Fix #16457 Signed-off-by: Aaron Fischer <>
931 lines
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931 lines
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// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package webhook
import (
issues_model ""
packages_model ""
access_model ""
repo_model ""
user_model ""
api ""
webhook_services ""
type webhookNotifier struct {
var _ base.Notifier = &webhookNotifier{}
// NewNotifier create a new webhookNotifier notifier
func NewNotifier() base.Notifier {
return &webhookNotifier{}
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyIssueClearLabels(doer *user_model.User, issue *issues_model.Issue) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyIssueClearLabels User: %s[%d] Issue[%d] #%d in [%d]", doer.Name, doer.ID, issue.ID, issue.Index, issue.RepoID))
defer finished()
if err := issue.LoadPoster(); err != nil {
log.Error("loadPoster: %v", err)
if err := issue.LoadRepo(ctx); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadRepo: %v", err)
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(issue.Poster, issue.Repo)
var err error
if issue.IsPull {
if err = issue.LoadPullRequest(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadPullRequest: %v", err)
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequestLabel, &api.PullRequestPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueLabelCleared,
Index: issue.Index,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, issue.PullRequest, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
} else {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssueLabel, &api.IssuePayload{
Action: api.HookIssueLabelCleared,
Index: issue.Index,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(issue),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [is_pull: %v]: %v", issue.IsPull, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyForkRepository(doer *user_model.User, oldRepo, repo *repo_model.Repository) {
oldMode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(doer, oldRepo)
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(doer, repo)
// forked webhook
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(oldRepo, webhook.HookEventFork, &api.ForkPayload{
Forkee: convert.ToRepo(oldRepo, oldMode),
Repo: convert.ToRepo(repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [repo_id: %d]: %v", oldRepo.ID, err)
u := repo.MustOwner()
// Add to hook queue for created repo after session commit.
if u.IsOrganization() {
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventRepository, &api.RepositoryPayload{
Action: api.HookRepoCreated,
Repository: convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeOwner),
Organization: convert.ToUser(u, nil),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [repo_id: %d]: %v", repo.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyCreateRepository(doer, u *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository) {
// Add to hook queue for created repo after session commit.
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventRepository, &api.RepositoryPayload{
Action: api.HookRepoCreated,
Repository: convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeOwner),
Organization: convert.ToUser(u, nil),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [repo_id: %d]: %v", repo.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyDeleteRepository(doer *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository) {
u := repo.MustOwner()
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventRepository, &api.RepositoryPayload{
Action: api.HookRepoDeleted,
Repository: convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeOwner),
Organization: convert.ToUser(u, nil),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [repo_id: %d]: %v", repo.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyMigrateRepository(doer, u *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository) {
// Add to hook queue for created repo after session commit.
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventRepository, &api.RepositoryPayload{
Action: api.HookRepoCreated,
Repository: convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeOwner),
Organization: convert.ToUser(u, nil),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [repo_id: %d]: %v", repo.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyIssueChangeAssignee(doer *user_model.User, issue *issues_model.Issue, assignee *user_model.User, removed bool, comment *issues_model.Comment) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyIssueChangeAssignee User: %s[%d] Issue[%d] #%d in [%d] Assignee %s[%d] removed: %t", doer.Name, doer.ID, issue.ID, issue.Index, issue.RepoID, assignee.Name, assignee.ID, removed))
defer finished()
if issue.IsPull {
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevelUnit(doer, issue.Repo, unit.TypePullRequests)
if err := issue.LoadPullRequest(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadPullRequest failed: %v", err)
issue.PullRequest.Issue = issue
apiPullRequest := &api.PullRequestPayload{
Index: issue.Index,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, issue.PullRequest, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
if removed {
apiPullRequest.Action = api.HookIssueUnassigned
} else {
apiPullRequest.Action = api.HookIssueAssigned
// Assignee comment triggers a webhook
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequestAssign, apiPullRequest); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [is_pull: %v, remove_assignee: %v]: %v", issue.IsPull, removed, err)
} else {
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevelUnit(doer, issue.Repo, unit.TypeIssues)
apiIssue := &api.IssuePayload{
Index: issue.Index,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(issue),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
if removed {
apiIssue.Action = api.HookIssueUnassigned
} else {
apiIssue.Action = api.HookIssueAssigned
// Assignee comment triggers a webhook
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssueAssign, apiIssue); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [is_pull: %v, remove_assignee: %v]: %v", issue.IsPull, removed, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyIssueChangeTitle(doer *user_model.User, issue *issues_model.Issue, oldTitle string) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyIssueChangeTitle User: %s[%d] Issue[%d] #%d in [%d]", doer.Name, doer.ID, issue.ID, issue.Index, issue.RepoID))
defer finished()
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(issue.Poster, issue.Repo)
var err error
if issue.IsPull {
if err = issue.LoadPullRequest(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadPullRequest failed: %v", err)
issue.PullRequest.Issue = issue
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequest, &api.PullRequestPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueEdited,
Index: issue.Index,
Changes: &api.ChangesPayload{
Title: &api.ChangesFromPayload{
From: oldTitle,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, issue.PullRequest, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
} else {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssues, &api.IssuePayload{
Action: api.HookIssueEdited,
Index: issue.Index,
Changes: &api.ChangesPayload{
Title: &api.ChangesFromPayload{
From: oldTitle,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(issue),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [is_pull: %v]: %v", issue.IsPull, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyIssueChangeStatus(doer *user_model.User, issue *issues_model.Issue, actionComment *issues_model.Comment, isClosed bool) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyIssueChangeStatus User: %s[%d] Issue[%d] #%d in [%d]", doer.Name, doer.ID, issue.ID, issue.Index, issue.RepoID))
defer finished()
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(issue.Poster, issue.Repo)
var err error
if issue.IsPull {
if err = issue.LoadPullRequest(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadPullRequest: %v", err)
// Merge pull request calls issue.changeStatus so we need to handle separately.
apiPullRequest := &api.PullRequestPayload{
Index: issue.Index,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, issue.PullRequest, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
if isClosed {
apiPullRequest.Action = api.HookIssueClosed
} else {
apiPullRequest.Action = api.HookIssueReOpened
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequest, apiPullRequest)
} else {
apiIssue := &api.IssuePayload{
Index: issue.Index,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(issue),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
if isClosed {
apiIssue.Action = api.HookIssueClosed
} else {
apiIssue.Action = api.HookIssueReOpened
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssues, apiIssue)
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [is_pull: %v, is_closed: %v]: %v", issue.IsPull, isClosed, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyNewIssue(issue *issues_model.Issue, mentions []*user_model.User) {
if err := issue.LoadRepo(db.DefaultContext); err != nil {
log.Error("issue.LoadRepo: %v", err)
if err := issue.LoadPoster(); err != nil {
log.Error("issue.LoadPoster: %v", err)
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(issue.Poster, issue.Repo)
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssues, &api.IssuePayload{
Action: api.HookIssueOpened,
Index: issue.Index,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(issue),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(issue.Poster, nil),
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks: %v", err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyNewPullRequest(pull *issues_model.PullRequest, mentions []*user_model.User) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyNewPullRequest Pull[%d] #%d in [%d]", pull.ID, pull.Index, pull.BaseRepoID))
defer finished()
if err := pull.LoadIssue(); err != nil {
log.Error("pull.LoadIssue: %v", err)
if err := pull.Issue.LoadRepo(ctx); err != nil {
log.Error("pull.Issue.LoadRepo: %v", err)
if err := pull.Issue.LoadPoster(); err != nil {
log.Error("pull.Issue.LoadPoster: %v", err)
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(pull.Issue.Poster, pull.Issue.Repo)
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(pull.Issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequest, &api.PullRequestPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueOpened,
Index: pull.Issue.Index,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, pull, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(pull.Issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(pull.Issue.Poster, nil),
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks: %v", err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyIssueChangeContent(doer *user_model.User, issue *issues_model.Issue, oldContent string) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyIssueChangeContent User: %s[%d] Issue[%d] #%d in [%d]", doer.Name, doer.ID, issue.ID, issue.Index, issue.RepoID))
defer finished()
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(issue.Poster, issue.Repo)
var err error
if issue.IsPull {
issue.PullRequest.Issue = issue
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequest, &api.PullRequestPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueEdited,
Index: issue.Index,
Changes: &api.ChangesPayload{
Body: &api.ChangesFromPayload{
From: oldContent,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, issue.PullRequest, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
} else {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssues, &api.IssuePayload{
Action: api.HookIssueEdited,
Index: issue.Index,
Changes: &api.ChangesPayload{
Body: &api.ChangesFromPayload{
From: oldContent,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(issue),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [is_pull: %v]: %v", issue.IsPull, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyUpdateComment(doer *user_model.User, c *issues_model.Comment, oldContent string) {
var err error
if err = c.LoadPoster(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadPoster: %v", err)
if err = c.LoadIssue(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadIssue: %v", err)
if err = c.Issue.LoadAttributes(db.DefaultContext); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadAttributes: %v", err)
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(doer, c.Issue.Repo)
if c.Issue.IsPull {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(c.Issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequestComment, &api.IssueCommentPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueCommentEdited,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(c.Issue),
Comment: convert.ToComment(c),
Changes: &api.ChangesPayload{
Body: &api.ChangesFromPayload{
From: oldContent,
Repository: convert.ToRepo(c.Issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
IsPull: true,
} else {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(c.Issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssueComment, &api.IssueCommentPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueCommentEdited,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(c.Issue),
Comment: convert.ToComment(c),
Changes: &api.ChangesPayload{
Body: &api.ChangesFromPayload{
From: oldContent,
Repository: convert.ToRepo(c.Issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
IsPull: false,
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [comment_id: %d]: %v", c.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyCreateIssueComment(doer *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository,
issue *issues_model.Issue, comment *issues_model.Comment, mentions []*user_model.User,
) {
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(doer, repo)
var err error
if issue.IsPull {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequestComment, &api.IssueCommentPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueCommentCreated,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(issue),
Comment: convert.ToComment(comment),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
IsPull: true,
} else {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssueComment, &api.IssueCommentPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueCommentCreated,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(issue),
Comment: convert.ToComment(comment),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
IsPull: false,
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [comment_id: %d]: %v", comment.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyDeleteComment(doer *user_model.User, comment *issues_model.Comment) {
var err error
if err = comment.LoadPoster(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadPoster: %v", err)
if err = comment.LoadIssue(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadIssue: %v", err)
if err = comment.Issue.LoadAttributes(db.DefaultContext); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadAttributes: %v", err)
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(doer, comment.Issue.Repo)
if comment.Issue.IsPull {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(comment.Issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequestComment, &api.IssueCommentPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueCommentDeleted,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(comment.Issue),
Comment: convert.ToComment(comment),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(comment.Issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
IsPull: true,
} else {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(comment.Issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssueComment, &api.IssueCommentPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueCommentDeleted,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(comment.Issue),
Comment: convert.ToComment(comment),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(comment.Issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
IsPull: false,
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [comment_id: %d]: %v", comment.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyNewWikiPage(doer *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository, page, comment string) {
// Add to hook queue for created wiki page.
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventWiki, &api.WikiPayload{
Action: api.HookWikiCreated,
Repository: convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeOwner),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
Page: page,
Comment: comment,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [repo_id: %d]: %v", repo.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyEditWikiPage(doer *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository, page, comment string) {
// Add to hook queue for edit wiki page.
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventWiki, &api.WikiPayload{
Action: api.HookWikiEdited,
Repository: convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeOwner),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
Page: page,
Comment: comment,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [repo_id: %d]: %v", repo.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyDeleteWikiPage(doer *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository, page string) {
// Add to hook queue for edit wiki page.
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventWiki, &api.WikiPayload{
Action: api.HookWikiDeleted,
Repository: convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeOwner),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
Page: page,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [repo_id: %d]: %v", repo.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyIssueChangeLabels(doer *user_model.User, issue *issues_model.Issue,
addedLabels, removedLabels []*issues_model.Label,
) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyIssueChangeLabels User: %s[%d] Issue[%d] #%d in [%d]", doer.Name, doer.ID, issue.ID, issue.Index, issue.RepoID))
defer finished()
var err error
if err = issue.LoadRepo(ctx); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadRepo: %v", err)
if err = issue.LoadPoster(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadPoster: %v", err)
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(issue.Poster, issue.Repo)
if issue.IsPull {
if err = issue.LoadPullRequest(); err != nil {
log.Error("loadPullRequest: %v", err)
if err = issue.PullRequest.LoadIssue(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadIssue: %v", err)
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequestLabel, &api.PullRequestPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueLabelUpdated,
Index: issue.Index,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, issue.PullRequest, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, perm.AccessModeNone),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
} else {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssueLabel, &api.IssuePayload{
Action: api.HookIssueLabelUpdated,
Index: issue.Index,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(issue),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [is_pull: %v]: %v", issue.IsPull, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyIssueChangeMilestone(doer *user_model.User, issue *issues_model.Issue, oldMilestoneID int64) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyIssueChangeMilestone User: %s[%d] Issue[%d] #%d in [%d]", doer.Name, doer.ID, issue.ID, issue.Index, issue.RepoID))
defer finished()
var hookAction api.HookIssueAction
var err error
if issue.MilestoneID > 0 {
hookAction = api.HookIssueMilestoned
} else {
hookAction = api.HookIssueDemilestoned
if err = issue.LoadAttributes(db.DefaultContext); err != nil {
log.Error("issue.LoadAttributes failed: %v", err)
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(doer, issue.Repo)
if issue.IsPull {
err = issue.PullRequest.LoadIssue()
if err != nil {
log.Error("LoadIssue: %v", err)
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequestMilestone, &api.PullRequestPayload{
Action: hookAction,
Index: issue.Index,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, issue.PullRequest, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
} else {
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventIssueMilestone, &api.IssuePayload{
Action: hookAction,
Index: issue.Index,
Issue: convert.ToAPIIssue(issue),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [is_pull: %v]: %v", issue.IsPull, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyPushCommits(pusher *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository, opts *repository.PushUpdateOptions, commits *repository.PushCommits) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyPushCommits User: %s[%d] in %s[%d]", pusher.Name, pusher.ID, repo.FullName(), repo.ID))
defer finished()
apiPusher := convert.ToUser(pusher, nil)
apiCommits, apiHeadCommit, err := commits.ToAPIPayloadCommits(ctx, repo.RepoPath(), repo.HTMLURL())
if err != nil {
log.Error("commits.ToAPIPayloadCommits failed: %v", err)
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventPush, &api.PushPayload{
Ref: opts.RefFullName,
Before: opts.OldCommitID,
After: opts.NewCommitID,
CompareURL: setting.AppURL + commits.CompareURL,
Commits: apiCommits,
HeadCommit: apiHeadCommit,
Repo: convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeOwner),
Pusher: apiPusher,
Sender: apiPusher,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks: %v", err)
func (*webhookNotifier) NotifyMergePullRequest(pr *issues_model.PullRequest, doer *user_model.User) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyMergePullRequest Pull[%d] #%d in [%d]", pr.ID, pr.Index, pr.BaseRepoID))
defer finished()
// Reload pull request information.
if err := pr.LoadAttributes(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadAttributes: %v", err)
if err := pr.LoadIssue(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadAttributes: %v", err)
if err := pr.Issue.LoadRepo(ctx); err != nil {
log.Error("pr.Issue.LoadRepo: %v", err)
mode, err := access_model.AccessLevel(doer, pr.Issue.Repo)
if err != nil {
log.Error("models.AccessLevel: %v", err)
// Merge pull request calls issue.changeStatus so we need to handle separately.
apiPullRequest := &api.PullRequestPayload{
Index: pr.Issue.Index,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, pr, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(pr.Issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
Action: api.HookIssueClosed,
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(pr.Issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequest, apiPullRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks: %v", err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyPullRequestChangeTargetBranch(doer *user_model.User, pr *issues_model.PullRequest, oldBranch string) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyPullRequestChangeTargetBranch Pull[%d] #%d in [%d]", pr.ID, pr.Index, pr.BaseRepoID))
defer finished()
issue := pr.Issue
if !issue.IsPull {
var err error
if err = issue.LoadPullRequest(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadPullRequest failed: %v", err)
issue.PullRequest.Issue = issue
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(issue.Poster, issue.Repo)
err = webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequest, &api.PullRequestPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueEdited,
Index: issue.Index,
Changes: &api.ChangesPayload{
Ref: &api.ChangesFromPayload{
From: oldBranch,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, issue.PullRequest, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
if err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [is_pull: %v]: %v", issue.IsPull, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyPullRequestReview(pr *issues_model.PullRequest, review *issues_model.Review, comment *issues_model.Comment, mentions []*user_model.User) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyPullRequestReview Pull[%d] #%d in [%d]", pr.ID, pr.Index, pr.BaseRepoID))
defer finished()
var reviewHookType webhook.HookEventType
switch review.Type {
case issues_model.ReviewTypeApprove:
reviewHookType = webhook.HookEventPullRequestReviewApproved
case issues_model.ReviewTypeComment:
reviewHookType = webhook.HookEventPullRequestComment
case issues_model.ReviewTypeReject:
reviewHookType = webhook.HookEventPullRequestReviewRejected
// unsupported review webhook type here
log.Error("Unsupported review webhook type")
if err := pr.LoadIssue(); err != nil {
log.Error("pr.LoadIssue: %v", err)
mode, err := access_model.AccessLevel(review.Issue.Poster, review.Issue.Repo)
if err != nil {
log.Error("models.AccessLevel: %v", err)
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(review.Issue.Repo, reviewHookType, &api.PullRequestPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueReviewed,
Index: review.Issue.Index,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, pr, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(review.Issue.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(review.Reviewer, nil),
Review: &api.ReviewPayload{
Type: string(reviewHookType),
Content: review.Content,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks: %v", err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyCreateRef(pusher *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository, refType, refFullName, refID string) {
apiPusher := convert.ToUser(pusher, nil)
apiRepo := convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeNone)
refName := git.RefEndName(refFullName)
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventCreate, &api.CreatePayload{
Ref: refName,
Sha: refID,
RefType: refType,
Repo: apiRepo,
Sender: apiPusher,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks: %v", err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyPullRequestSynchronized(doer *user_model.User, pr *issues_model.PullRequest) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifyPullRequestSynchronized Pull[%d] #%d in [%d]", pr.ID, pr.Index, pr.BaseRepoID))
defer finished()
if err := pr.LoadIssue(); err != nil {
log.Error("pr.LoadIssue: %v", err)
if err := pr.Issue.LoadAttributes(db.DefaultContext); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadAttributes: %v", err)
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(pr.Issue.Repo, webhook.HookEventPullRequestSync, &api.PullRequestPayload{
Action: api.HookIssueSynchronized,
Index: pr.Issue.Index,
PullRequest: convert.ToAPIPullRequest(ctx, pr, nil),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(pr.Issue.Repo, perm.AccessModeNone),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks [pull_id: %v]: %v", pr.ID, err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyDeleteRef(pusher *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository, refType, refFullName string) {
apiPusher := convert.ToUser(pusher, nil)
apiRepo := convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeNone)
refName := git.RefEndName(refFullName)
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventDelete, &api.DeletePayload{
Ref: refName,
RefType: refType,
PusherType: api.PusherTypeUser,
Repo: apiRepo,
Sender: apiPusher,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks.(delete %s): %v", refType, err)
func sendReleaseHook(doer *user_model.User, rel *repo_model.Release, action api.HookReleaseAction) {
if err := rel.LoadAttributes(); err != nil {
log.Error("LoadAttributes: %v", err)
mode, _ := access_model.AccessLevel(doer, rel.Repo)
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(rel.Repo, webhook.HookEventRelease, &api.ReleasePayload{
Action: action,
Release: convert.ToRelease(rel),
Repository: convert.ToRepo(rel.Repo, mode),
Sender: convert.ToUser(doer, nil),
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks: %v", err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyNewRelease(rel *repo_model.Release) {
sendReleaseHook(rel.Publisher, rel, api.HookReleasePublished)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyUpdateRelease(doer *user_model.User, rel *repo_model.Release) {
sendReleaseHook(doer, rel, api.HookReleaseUpdated)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyDeleteRelease(doer *user_model.User, rel *repo_model.Release) {
sendReleaseHook(doer, rel, api.HookReleaseDeleted)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifySyncPushCommits(pusher *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository, opts *repository.PushUpdateOptions, commits *repository.PushCommits) {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.NotifySyncPushCommits User: %s[%d] in %s[%d]", pusher.Name, pusher.ID, repo.FullName(), repo.ID))
defer finished()
apiPusher := convert.ToUser(pusher, nil)
apiCommits, apiHeadCommit, err := commits.ToAPIPayloadCommits(ctx, repo.RepoPath(), repo.HTMLURL())
if err != nil {
log.Error("commits.ToAPIPayloadCommits failed: %v", err)
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(repo, webhook.HookEventPush, &api.PushPayload{
Ref: opts.RefFullName,
Before: opts.OldCommitID,
After: opts.NewCommitID,
CompareURL: setting.AppURL + commits.CompareURL,
Commits: apiCommits,
HeadCommit: apiHeadCommit,
Repo: convert.ToRepo(repo, perm.AccessModeOwner),
Pusher: apiPusher,
Sender: apiPusher,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks: %v", err)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifySyncCreateRef(pusher *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository, refType, refFullName, refID string) {
m.NotifyCreateRef(pusher, repo, refType, refFullName, refID)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifySyncDeleteRef(pusher *user_model.User, repo *repo_model.Repository, refType, refFullName string) {
m.NotifyDeleteRef(pusher, repo, refType, refFullName)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyPackageCreate(doer *user_model.User, pd *packages_model.PackageDescriptor) {
notifyPackage(doer, pd, api.HookPackageCreated)
func (m *webhookNotifier) NotifyPackageDelete(doer *user_model.User, pd *packages_model.PackageDescriptor) {
notifyPackage(doer, pd, api.HookPackageDeleted)
func notifyPackage(sender *user_model.User, pd *packages_model.PackageDescriptor, action api.HookPackageAction) {
if pd.Repository == nil {
ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddContext(graceful.GetManager().HammerContext(), fmt.Sprintf("webhook.notifyPackage Package: %s[%d]", pd.Package.Name, pd.Package.ID))
defer finished()
apiPackage, err := convert.ToPackage(ctx, pd, sender)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error converting package: %v", err)
if err := webhook_services.PrepareWebhooks(pd.Repository, webhook.HookEventPackage, &api.PackagePayload{
Action: action,
Package: apiPackage,
Sender: convert.ToUser(sender, nil),
}); err != nil {
log.Error("PrepareWebhooks: %v", err)