forked from gitea/gitea

GitLab generates "system notes" whenever an event happens within the
platform. Unlike Gitea, those events are stored and retrieved as text
comments with no semantic details. The only way to tell whether a
comment was generated in this manner is the `system` flag on the note
This PR adds detection for two specific kinds of events: Scheduling and
un-scheduling of automatic merges on a PR. When detected, they are
downloaded using Gitea's type for these events, and eventually uploaded
into Gitea in the expected format, i.e. with no text content in the
This PR also updates the template used to render comments to add support
for migrated comments of these two types.
11bd6dc826/app/services/system_notes/merge_requests_service.rb (L6-L17)
Co-authored-by: silverwind <>
Co-authored-by: wxiaoguang <>
135 lines
6.2 KiB
135 lines
6.2 KiB
{{$invalid := (index .comments 0).Invalidated}}
{{$resolved := (index .comments 0).IsResolved}}
{{$resolveDoer := (index .comments 0).ResolveDoer}}
{{$isNotPending := (not (eq (index .comments 0).Review.Type 0))}}
<div class="ui segments conversation-holder">
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<a href="{{(index .comments 0).CodeCommentLink ctx}}" class="file-comment gt-ml-3 gt-word-break">{{(index .comments 0).TreePath}}</a>
{{if $invalid}}
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{{ctx.Locale.Tr ""}}
{{if or $invalid $resolved}}
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{{svg "octicon-unfold" 16 "gt-mr-3"}}
{{if $resolved}}
{{ctx.Locale.Tr ""}}
{{ctx.Locale.Tr ""}}
<button id="hide-outdated-{{(index .comments 0).ID}}" data-comment="{{(index .comments 0).ID}}" class="{{if $resolved}}gt-hidden {{end}}ui compact labeled button hide-outdated gt-df gt-ac">
{{svg "octicon-fold" 16 "gt-mr-3"}}
{{if $resolved}}
{{ctx.Locale.Tr ""}}
{{ctx.Locale.Tr ""}}
{{$diff := (CommentMustAsDiff ctx (index .comments 0))}}
{{if $diff}}
{{$file := (index $diff.Files 0)}}
<div id="code-preview-{{(index .comments 0).ID}}" class="ui table segment{{if $resolved}} gt-hidden{{end}}">
<div class="diff-file-box diff-box file-content {{TabSizeClass $.Editorconfig $file.Name}}">
<div class="file-body file-code code-view code-diff code-diff-unified unicode-escaped">
{{template "repo/diff/section_unified" dict "file" $file "root" $}}
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<div class="ui comments gt-mb-0">
{{range .comments}}
{{$createdSubStr:= TimeSinceUnix .CreatedUnix ctx.Locale}}
<div class="comment code-comment gt-pb-4" id="{{.HashTag}}">
<div class="content">
<div class="header comment-header">
<div class="comment-header-left gt-df gt-ac">
{{if not .OriginalAuthor}}
<a class="avatar">
{{ctx.AvatarUtils.Avatar .Poster 20}}
<span class="text grey muted-links">
{{if .OriginalAuthor}}
<span class="text black">
{{svg (MigrationIcon $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname)}}
{{if $.Repository.OriginalURL}}
<span class="migrate">({{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.migrated_from" $.Repository.OriginalURL $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname}})</span>
{{template "shared/user/authorlink" .Poster}}
{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.issues.commented_at" (.HashTag|Escape) $createdSubStr | Safe}}
<div class="comment-header-right actions gt-df gt-ac">
{{template "repo/issue/view_content/show_role" dict "ShowRole" .ShowRole}}
{{if not $.Repository.IsArchived}}
{{template "repo/issue/view_content/add_reaction" dict "ctxData" $ "ActionURL" (printf "%s/comments/%d/reactions" $.RepoLink .ID)}}
{{template "repo/issue/view_content/context_menu" dict "ctxData" $ "item" . "delete" true "issue" true "diff" true "IsCommentPoster" (and $.IsSigned (eq $.SignedUserID .PosterID))}}
<div class="text comment-content">
<div class="render-content markup" {{if or $.Permission.IsAdmin $.HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission (and $.IsSigned (eq $.SignedUserID .PosterID))}}data-can-edit="true"{{end}}>
{{if .RenderedContent}}
<span class="no-content">{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.issues.no_content"}}</span>
<div id="issuecomment-{{.ID}}-raw" class="raw-content gt-hidden">{{.Content}}</div>
<div class="edit-content-zone gt-hidden" data-update-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/comments/{{.ID}}" data-context="{{$.RepoLink}}" data-attachment-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/comments/{{.ID}}/attachments"></div>
{{$reactions := .Reactions.GroupByType}}
{{if $reactions}}
{{template "repo/issue/view_content/reactions" dict "ctxData" $ "ActionURL" (printf "%s/comments/%d/reactions" $.RepoLink .ID) "Reactions" $reactions}}
<div class="code-comment-buttons gt-df gt-ac gt-fw gt-mt-3 gt-mb-2 gt-mx-3">
<div class="gt-f1">
{{if $resolved}}
<div class="ui grey text">
{{svg "octicon-check" 16 "gt-mr-2"}}
<b>{{$resolveDoer.Name}}</b> {{ctx.Locale.Tr ""}}
<div class="code-comment-buttons-buttons">
{{if and $.CanMarkConversation $isNotPending}}
<button class="ui tiny basic button resolve-conversation" data-origin="timeline" data-action="{{if not $resolved}}Resolve{{else}}UnResolve{{end}}" data-comment-id="{{(index .comments 0).ID}}" data-update-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/issues/resolve_conversation">
{{if $resolved}}
{{ctx.Locale.Tr ""}}
{{ctx.Locale.Tr ""}}
{{if and $.SignedUserID (not $.Repository.IsArchived)}}
<button class="comment-form-reply ui primary tiny labeled icon button gt-ml-2 gt-mr-0">
{{svg "octicon-reply" 16 "reply icon gt-mr-2"}}{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.diff.comment.reply"}}
{{template "repo/diff/comment_form_datahandler" dict "hidden" true "reply" (index .comments 0).ReviewID "root" $ "comment" (index .comments 0)}}